A man on the phone carries a turkey up to the front door and trips on a step and slams into the house, but manages not to drop the turkey. Security footage.
A young boy in a highchair tried to hand a pile of broccoli with his hands. His father tells him to eat his vegetables or no dessert. Then the boy eats the food.
A grandmother sits at a dinner table and a teen boy and his mom sing her "happy birthday". The older woman blows out the candle on her cake but a dog jumps up next to her and starts to eat it but she laughs and pushes him away.
A teen girl in the kitchen signs the brand name of a bottle of seasoning. She then accidentally pours too much of it on her food.
A man dances in a dining room and falls down. Music rights not cleared.
Someone let a turkey inside the house. It jumps up onto the kitchen counter just as a family is sitting down for Thanksgiving dinner causing chaos.
A senior woman eats Halloween candy in defiance of her adult daughter who says it's going to ruin her dinner.
A young boy eats asparagus and tells his parents that he eats grass in a kitchen.
A woman rubs pie in her teen daughter's face after she blows out her birthday candles.
A young girl falls asleep during dinner in a house, and then her head drops onto her bowl.
A piece of a pumpkin hits a teen boy in the face when he pushes it out of an eyehole he carved in it at the dinner table.
A man stirs mashed potatoes with a cordless drill in the kitchen.
A senior man gets his face wet when his son and young grandson do the coin in the water bottle "Magic Trick" on him at the dinner table.
A woman takes two dinner plates out of a cabinet in the kitchen before she jumps and screams when she sees a fake snake in front of her.
Dog has a whole slice of pizza on its head. Man says "Stay..." and when he commands the dog to "get it," dog flips pizza up and eats it. Silly pet tricks.
A dog sits in a living room with a dinner roll in his mouth when three more fall out to the floor.
A man carves turkey for Thanksgiving dinner in a dining room, then he pretends to find a baby turkey inside of it, but it is a chicken. Ayoung woman believes it until a woman says that turkeys lay eggs.
A man carves turkey for Thanksgiving dinner in a dining room, then he pretends to find a baby turkey inside of it, but it is a chicken. Ayoung woman believes it until a woman says that turkeys lay eggs.
A woman asks a young girl in a kitchen if she likes her dinner, and she says that she does not like the "butt peas." She holds up a chickpea and explains that it looks like a butt.
A woman says "dinner is served," then two dogs with human hands eat pasta off of plates in a dining room and they drink water out of cups.
A young girl, a young boy, and a tot boy eat cupcakes in a kitchen, and a woman tells them that they should have waited until after dinner. The tot boy says "This is delicious. Mommy, there's one more to go, maybe you can have it."
A young boy argues that he should only consume, "five," bites of steak. A woman says, "no, you're doing ten." The young boy says, "no that's all of it." The woman repeats, "you need to do ten bites." The young boy suggests, "eleven?" The woman says, "okay, you can do eleven." The young boy begins to eat.
"A Spell-Balanced Dinner" A man spells out the word pizza to reveal to his son what they will have for dinner, but when the man asks what that spells, the young boy says, "Tacos!" in the bathroom.
A man and woman use Borrowed Hands from their children and pretend to prepare for a date and eat dinner. The woman's arms spill milk all over her, and then the man's arms spill on him.
A tot girl, woman and young boy sit at the dinner table while their pet dog grits its teeth outside the door.
A cat bites a pack of raw chicken on the kitchen counter and snarls as it is taken away from him.
A tot girl cries while she holds spaghetti at a dining room table, and says "these pastas are too long, I don't like these pastas because they're too big" before she runs away from the table.
Action from 37 seconds to 50 seconds. A group of people eat at a table in the backyard, then a woman gets up but she trips and falls head first into the hot tub. Security footage.
A baby girl picks up spaghetti with a fork, flicks her wrist, the noodles land on her head and the dinner table, then she looks around for them before she touches her head.
"Fast Food Pharmacy" A man and woman go to a drive through pharmacy after the woman has had tooth surgery, and she tells the pharmacist her McDonald's drive through order.
A tot boy hides broccoli behind his head while he sits in a high chair in the kitchen.
A man prepares to use the grill on the deck, but he finds a live opossum there when he opens the lid.
A hamster holds and eats a Cheeto on the couch and a dog bites the Cheeto and steals it away from the hamster.
A tot boy dressed in a suit brings a plate of food to his mom in the kitchen. He tells her these are her appetizers and when he reaches up to put the plate on the table, all the food slides off the plate and falls on the floor.
A woman does the whipped cream challenge in the kitchen. She catches the whipped cream, but slips and falls in the process.
A goat with human hands and eyeglasses builds a gingerbread house but eats it and it collapses at a dinner table. Music added over video.
A dad pretends to have his young girl's arms as he eats cereal with his hands and makes breakfast and talks to the camera at a dinner table.
A dog with borrowed hands sits at the kitchen table and makes a sandwich. The man whose arms are being used narrates how to make the sandwich, but the dog eats the food while the man puts the sandwich together, so he cannot finish it.
An English Labrador dog eats food with human hands in the house. It gags on a piece of celery, but continues to eat and lick food off of its hands.
A man stands on a dinner table and it wobbles, he falls as he tries to sit down and the table breaks.
Two young boys sit on a hoverboard and spin around a kitchen until they crash into a garbage can and a dinner chair and fall off.
A young girl talks to the camera while she dyes Easter eggs at a dinner table, she accidentally drops her egg, it knocks a cup of dye over and spills in her lap, then she screams.
Twin tot boys laugh hysterically as their dad burps and one boy asks him for more at a dinner table.
A dog uses human hands to eat celery and potato chips at a dinner table.
A young girl tells her mother what she want for her adult birthday. They will drink wine an beer, eat pizza for dinner and ice cream for dessert. Her mother asks how old the girl will be when this happens. The girl says 5. Her mother tells her she has to be 21.
A tot girl falls asleep at the dinner table when her head falls forward into her soup, getting soup all over her face before she cries.
A pitbull dog howls in a man's arms at the dinner table while he and a woman sing happy birthday to him.
A pitbull dog howls in a man's arms at the dinner table while he and a woman sing happy birthday to him.
A tot boy sits at the dinner table with crumbs from a birthday cake in front of him while the partially eaten cake sits in the center of the table as he covers his mouth and says "I dunno" when his father asks him what he's up to, and says "uh uh" and shakes his head No when his father asks him if he touches the cake, if he knows he's not supposed to touch the cake, and if he tells the truth about cake.
A tot boy turns away from his family at the dinner table and recites the alphabet when his young brother tells him to sing it backwards.
A tot girl babbles, "Okay, I don't have it more" when her mother, father, and young sister get to her while they sing, "Who Stole the Cookie from the Cookie Jar" at the dinner table.
A baby boy eats a corn on the cob at a dinner table. He takes a bite, then shares with his mom. His dad asks for a bite and the baby stares at him and does not let him eat it.
A tot boy sits at a dinner table and falls asleep, nodding his head forward until he hits it on his plate and wakes up.
A tot boy blows air rapidly to blow out his birthday candles at the dinner table after he says Happy Birthday for Jesus.
A dog sneaks in to steal a burger off of the counter.
A family of men and women wear oven mitts and try to unwrap plastic wrap from a ball on a dinner table. One man hits and breaks a chandelier. The glass falls from the ceiling and the family stands shocked.
A young boy dances after he eats some food and then slips and falls out of his chair.
A woman tells a young boy to eat his dinner because he needs muscles. He then asks her if she wants to see muscles and takes off his shirt so she can see his ribs.
A woman says "dinner" to a puppy dog and he jumps up and stares at her excitedly.