A young girl in her house eats a jellybean that's either strawberry or dead fish. The girl chews on it for some time and then says, "Definitely dead fish. It's pretty good but not good."
A young girl makes a video message for her grandpa and says "I really love you, and I hope you're not dead."
A woman with the camera pretends to shoot a dog with her finger and the dog rolls over on a living room cushion and slips and falls off.
A woman screams when a large fish jumps out of the water and grabs a dead fish out of her hand while she lies on a dock.
A teen girl sits on a swing attached to a dead tree branch, then it collapses and she falls down in the backyard.
A woman climbs a tree but grabs a dead branch and falls to the ground.
A snake slithers by the door way of a house and starts to crawl inside the house before a man grabs it and pulls it out, tossing it into the street, where it slithers a bit longer and dies.
A tot girl cries because she lost her "wormy friend" and says he was "so adorable". Then she sees him on the ground and says "oh there he is" in the yard.
A woman screams and curls up on a recliner chair after her cat brings a dead rat into the living room.
A woman opens a Mother's Day card her young boy wrote for her in the house. She finds a dead fly inside of it, and the boy says he killed the fly with the card.
"Shaking Those Hips for the Apocalypse" A teen boy on anesthesia thinks he is in a zombie apocalypse and yells at his mom to get off the floor and that he is safe on the couch. He then gets up and dances, but his mom says "the zombies are coming" and he screams and jumps back on the couch.
A man sits on a horse in a field, then a woman shows hers as it lays down.
A woman says "bang" and one of her French Bulldog dogs rolls onto its back in the house, then pushes the other dog with its nose to roll over.
A woman lays face-down on the floor in a bedroom. At :26, a Boxer dog enters the room and whines. It repeatedly walks in and out of the room, then it sniffs her and scratches her face with its paw. She gets up suddenly and laughs.
A young girl dumps a tadpole into a toilet for its funeral and it starts to swim, then she and her mother realize it's not dead.
A man pets a squirrel and the squirrel jumps up and bites him in the groin. Video cuts out mid-bite. Snapchat video with "I'm dead!!!!!! hahahaah" written over it.
A young boy tells his mom that he's excited to see his girlfriend this weekend. She asks him if he plans to marry her and he says that he will, and that they'll move into this house that he lives in now. His mom asks him where she will will live if he plans to move into this house with his wife, and the boy tells her "nowhere, because you'll be dead."
A man lifts weights in the gym and then flexes after he sets them down. He steps backwards and trips and falls over a bench.
A man looks into a brown paper bag in an office and screams and falls over when he sees a snake inside. Scare. Practical joke.
A tot girl tells her mom that she wants to be a "wombie" for Halloween in the living room. Her mom asks her what that is and the girl says it's from the "Walking Dead." Her mom asks her when and why she watched that show and the girl says that she doesn't watch it and that she watches Mickey Mouse.
A woman hits a dead tree with an ATV. The tree breaks and falls on the woman's head.
A group of boys record a video greeting for their grandma in the living room and say they hope she feels better. They say they'll see her in a couple months and one of them says "if you're still living."
A tot boy plays with a toy dog, but the batteries are dead. A woman leaves twice to fix the batteries, but it still doesn't work. She leaves a third time and comes back with a real puppy dog and the boy is scared of it, but also excited.
A teen girl gets stuck upside down in front of the passengers seat in a car. Her mom finds her and they laugh hysterically. The girl says her foot is purple and dead and she laughs and cries.
Two young girls pretend to fight in the kitchen, one of them falls on purpose to play dead and their dog copies her while he watches.
A woman does a trick with her dog where it plays dead and lies on its back at the beach. When the dog is on its back, a waves hits the shore and covers the dog.
A man flushes his dead fish down a toilet and when he asks his young son if he has any last words, the boy says "Find Nemo."
A large family poses for a picture for thanksgiving when their dog runs in with a dead rat from outside. The family screams and yells. Security Camera Footage.
"Snake It Off" - A man opening boxes in a garage screams when he finds a dead snake that his wife put there. Practical joke.
A young boy explains to his dad that they should put batteries in a dead bird so that it can fly again.
A woman and a man walk outside along a pathway and there is a dead snake or fake snake on the ground. When the man sees the snake he jumps back and says "Son of a fucking bitch!" Who did that?" in a funny voice.
A person records a video of a street sign that says "SHEDD CEMETERY DR," with a sign above it that says "DEAD END."
A teen boy does a back flip in slow motion at the Grand Canyon and slips on winter snow when he lands and falls forward and almost falls off the cliff.
Woman films a man with a football, says "throw it at me, I dare ya." Man throws the football and hits the woman / camera dead on
A dead dried-up frog hangs from a piece of rope. In a kitchen, a woman opens up a cupboard and the dead frog swings into her face.
Ant pulls a larger dead bug across the dirt. Very strong insect. Long for edit.
A tot boy shows his dad that he put band aids on dead crickets in the garage to help them with their "boo boos."
A little boy tells his mom that "hammerhead Lincoln" is on the penny in the kitchen and that "hammerhead Lincoln" is made of rocks now because he's dead.
"Bike Yikes" Young boy hits crotch on dirt bike. He falls off into grass and plays dead.
Two men push down a dead tree outdoors in the woods. The tree falls over and the bottom of it comes up and smack one of the men between the legs.
A young man rides an All terrain vehicle in a forest and runs into a dead tree that snaps and falls directly on the man's head/helmet.
A woman at a piano is scared when her son holds up a dead snake. "This is not going on America's Funniest Home Videos." AFV at :31.
A tot boy puts a fish in a toilet because he and his mom think it's dead. It swims down the toilet and his mom realizes it's still alive.
"Not Dead Ahead" Young man pranks 2 young women at work while they take an X-Ray of a man they think is dead. Man sits up & starts moving, scares women. Practical joke, Halloween, corpse.
A young boy cries in the back seat of a car, sad that George Washington is dead. He says he misses him and doesn't want him to be dead. Caucasian.
A young man picks up a dead spider in a container and throws it at his brother, who screams and jumps up from his table.
A man has a light saber fight with toy light up lightsaber Star Wars swords with a boy and a young girl in a living room. The boy gently falls, pretending to be dead. The girl smacks the man hard in the face with her light saber. He falls and she laughs. Dark room.
"Lazy Lemur" A sleeping lemur at zoo looks up at woman with wide surprised eyes when she says "Hey lemur, are you dead?"
"Lazy Lemur" A sleeping lemur at zoo looks up at woman with wide surprised eyes when she says "Hey lemur, are you dead?"
Dad & boy play with Nerf guns in the house. Boy shoots man & gets a Nerf arrow stuck in his glasses. Man plays dead in the hallway.
A man pushes his dead Christmas tree out the window of his apartment on the fourth story and the Christmas tree gets stuck in a live tree's branches.
"Fish Funeral Fiasco" A group of kids are flushing a dead fish down the toilet. A boy flushes the toilet and one of the girls gets upset because she wanted to flush it. She hits him in the head with a plastic bowl and they both start crying. Sibling rivalry . Brother. Sister
"Rodent Rascal" Brown & white cat tries to get mouse, mouse lays on its back & plays dead and escapes. Shaky camera.
Kitten rolls over when man points to him and makes a gun shot noise. Cat plays dead.
A tot makes animals noises, then growls when asked what the Walking Dead says.
A few different times, a man tells people there's a dead rat in a bucket. People go up to look and a fake rat catapults / flies at them, surprising them. Practical joke
Young boy & girl show off a dead snake they've attached to the handle of the patio door. When woman comes home & sees the snake she screams & runs back to her car. Practical joke. Scare.
Duck gets attacked / chased by dog - so the duck drops and "plays dead"