A young boy enters a house and follows green footprints. A girl runs past him and pretends to be a leprechaun. The boy turns and walks away, telling a woman "I was hoping it'd be a real leprechaun."
A young boy walks on a fallen tree in the woods and slips.
A man in his living room opens a card and a bunch of paper scraps fly out. The man yells and the scraps get in his mouth. He spits them out.
A young boy opens a screen door on a windy day, and he hangs from the doorknob as it swings open. Security footage.
A woman rushes to get his trash can out on trash day, when she yanks at the bin and it falls on top of her and pours rain water all over her while she sits in a yard. Security footage.
A young boy tells his mother he is going to have a good first day at school. His younger sister says "And you need to be listening to the teachers. If you don't then the teachers will call us. And then we gonna come pick you up and then Momma's gonna whoop you". He looks upset.
Woman tries to kitesurf on beach on a windy day and is yanked and dragged through the sand.
A boy's parents and grandparents hold up a paper banner for him to run through on his first day of kindergarten but on the first try, he runs too low and doesn't rip it, and on the second try, he crashes into it and falls down. Featured talent cleared only (the four adults holding the sign and the child).
A young girl slips and falls down front porch steps on a rainy day as she waits at a front door. Security footage.
A woman has a baby on her lap outside. The baby cries when she sees fireworks on the fourth of July.
A teen boy holds a firework in his hand in a yard and screams while sparks fly everywhere. The explosion gets bigger, then he drops it and runs.
A woman tries to drag a trash can into her garage, but the wind flips the lid up in her face. Security footage.
A teen girl falls in the yard when she jumps and kicks a hole in a wooden fence. Snapchat banner: Fence coming down day!!!
A school bus pulls up and drops off a young girl as a woman dressed as a unicorn pops confetti to celebrate the last day of school. The girl gets off of the bus and ignores her so she chases the girl as she runs down the street.
A young boy and a tot girl sit on the deck outside and attempt to say "Happy Father's Day" but the tot girl continues to say "Happy Mother's Day" much to the protest of a man holding the camera.
A man jumps out of a trash can in a backyard and scares a woman. She falls down and laughs. He says "Happy Mother's Day" .
A man says "it is hard to find good mechanic help these days." Then he shows a peacock reaching into a tool bag when the man asks for a certain socket. The man tells the peacock he has the wrong one and corrects him until the bird selects the right tool.
A young boy and girl bite into chocolate Easter bunnies that are filled with mustard. The children spit it out and dash the prank Easter bunnies on the ground. They break and mustard covers the back-porch. Adults laugh and a woman says "April Fools day!"
A tot boy solves simple math in a school parking lot. His mom asks him what he will be one day and he says "a math potato". She corrects him and says "mathematician".
A man falls as he walks down the steps and says, "Happy Mother's Day" and people laugh in the church.
In two clips back to back a man first carries a trash bag outside on a rainy day, then he slips on the wet porch step and falls hard on his back. In the next clip, he carries two cases of beer outside and then slips again on the same wet steps. Security camera footage.
A woman opens a Mother's Day card her young boy wrote for her in the house. She finds a dead fly inside of it, and the boy says he killed the fly with the card.
A woman tells her little girl to wish her grandpa a Happy Father's Day on the porch outdoors and she refuses to because she says that he's not her dad. She tells her mom that she should wish her dad happy father's day since he's her dad, and that she's being ugly if she won't do it herself.
On Valentine's Day morning, a woman walks out the front door of a house and slips on winter snow and ice on the sidewalk. Her husband walks after her and he slips and falls too. His coffee tumbler bounces off the ground and hits him on the head. Ring home security camera
A young girl asks a man why he cuts a tree down in the yard on Earth Day, and tells him that he's evil.
A woman helps a man read off a fake lottery ticket in the kitchen, and she falls on the floor then swears at him when he tells her it's April fools day.
A woman opens a Mother's Day package and screams when a cockroach crawls out of it in the bedroom. She laughs then smashes the cockroach with her shoe while the woman behind the camera screams.
A man hits at a pi̱ata in the backyard, and punches the man who helps him in the face.
A teen girl gets scared of thunder as she says it is a beautiful day outside in a backyard.
A family does a Zoom call and sing The Twelve Days of Christmas and they struggle to line up all of the singing and remember when it's their turn to sing.
Two teen girls pull the sink sprayer prank on their father for April fools day and he screams when he gets wet.
A woman asks her tot son if he got her flowers for Valentine's day. He says he wanted to get her roses but his dad told him they were too expensive.
A man tells the camera that his wife lost his wedding ring at the beach on their wedding day. The woman then realizes that the ring is in the butt of her bikini.
A man falls off of a boat as other men and women dance.
A young girl says "yes" as her parents ask if she likes different family members in the bathroom and when they ask if she likes her mom, the girl says "some days."
Two men feed llamas from their car in a safari park. One of the llamas stands in front of their car so they can't keep driving. Another llama spits on the men. Emu
A man jumps up and down on a pogo stick in the backyard until the stick lands on a small bike ramp and the man falls off and hits his head
My husband loves to play tricks on people including using sticks or grass to make people think there are bugs on them. He was doing this to my dad one day so we got out the camera because he wasnt catching on he really thought a bug kept landing on him. He was smacking himself so hard. If you listen he actually says there is ringing in my ears afterwards! I told my husband you beat my dad up without laying a hand on him!
A woman poses with a cow in a field and wishes a happy Valentine's day to people and the cow jumps up and knocks her down.
A young boy gives a young girl a Valentine's Day card and flowers. They hug each other and then fall over a single step that leads to the sunken dining room. They fall hard on the dining room floor and cry.
A young girl jumps for joy when she sees the school bus on her first day, but it drives right past her and she watches it in disbelief.
A young boy sits on the couch and watches a show on a tablet as a loud fireworks display goes off outside the window behind him at night.
A mom sits in a living room with a birthday cake and waits to surprise her young girl. The girl walks into the house and screams that she had the worst day of her life and storms into a bedroom.
A woman asks her young son why he cries and he says, "Because nobody is gonna say Happy Mother's Day to me".
A mom and dad prank their two young girls and tell them that a limo will take them to school because they have good grades. They stand in a front yard and wait and look excited but their mom tells them it is April Fools Day. The girls look disappointed and one girl throws her backpack on the ground.
A young boy opens the screen door on the front porch on a windy day and he flies into a planter and falls.
A tot girl tells her mom that the best part of her day at preschool was leaving.
A young boy picks up a present from under the Christmas tree then his pants fall down.
Funny sign: A sign outside of a fire department says "Same Day Service Guaranteed."
A man and woman talk to the camera about his day and animals that he saw. He says that they walked across a river because it was too deep to drive across and the camera pans to the river, where his truck is stuck, in the water.
A tot girl opens a front door on a windy day and the door flies open and she goes flying around the side of the house, while still holding on to the door.
A young boy tells his father "How dare you, you're the worst Dad ever" when he finds out his father froze his cereal with the spoon in the bowl on April Fools Day.
A young girl says she might be in love with a boy she doesn't know after her first day of Kindergarten.
Woman in mesh bikini bottom bounces her butt around on her beach towel.
A woman and her two young daughters talk about what they're most excited about on their first day of junior high school as their school bus drives by without them while they talk in the front yard.
Dad and son play in backyard. Dad breaks boy's stick. He picks up son and puts him in the sprinkler. Son then hits dad in crotch with broken stick. Summer day
A dog wears a Saint Patrick's day Leprechaun costume made to look like he's carrying a pot of gold at home indoors.
Soldier hides in a box, surprises mom; military; mother's day.
A man asks his tot son if he dressed himself that day in the kitchen indoors. The boy says yes and he has his shirt on backwards, so his dad asks him where the buttons are since it's a button-up polo and the boy looks around but can't find them. He tells his dad there are no buttons and the man asks if he put the shirt on backwards and the boy says no.