"Romance at First Glance" A woman has a bunch of pink and red balloons above her head. She says her husband is the sweetest and got her all the balloons to ask her to be his Valentine. Then she lowers the camera and says she is just kidding and is at the dollar tree.
A man in the kitchen puts a funnel in his pants a drops a crumbled piece of paper into it. When a woman tries to do the same, the boyfriend pours a cup of water into the girlfriend's pants.
A woman tells a man in the kitchen that something went into his sink. When the boyfriend investigates, the girlfriend uses a string to pull a fake snake out of it.
A man and woman tell their teen girl to be careful when she walks down the house stairs dressed for prom, and the girl falls in front of her date then says she's fine.
A senior man and woman dance together in the living room. Suddenly, a small dog runs and jumps in between them. The senior woman falls backwards into the television.
DOG. Funny-looking black dog licks window. Date on screen 1992. Funny face.
A group of young men hoist a young man toward the ceiling and the man's head breaks through the ceiling.
A man rides a rollercoaster and a bug flies into his mouth and he coughs.
A teen girl records herself in her home explaining her girl scout fundraiser project. A dog walks in front of her and licks her face. She pushes the dog away, but then it climbs on her back and sits next to her. The dog then knocks over the camera and the rest of the video is filmed upside down.
A woman opens a pregnancy test and pretends to laugh and says "it's a thermometer, right?" She learns it is a pregnancy test and screams with excitement.
A woman gets her nose waxed, and another woman tries to pull it out but it stays inside.
"Can't Wait for a Play Date" A young boy rings his neighbor's doorbell and asks "do you guys have any kids yet?" on a front porch. Security camera footage.
A man and woman use Borrowed Hands from their children and pretend to prepare for a date and eat dinner. The woman's arms spill milk all over her, and then the man's arms spill on him.
A woman with the camera asks a young boy in a car "Is that your girlfriend?" and he says yes and the camera pans to a young girl and she makes a funny face.
A tot girl says she is old enough to go on a date to the zoo, but her mom doesn't want her to because she is still her baby. She says she will be back in six months and comforts her mom.
A woman does a dog with human hands challenge with her poodle dog and pretends to prepare for a date.
A woman does a dog with human hands challenge with her poodle dog and pretends to prepare for a date.
Senior woman riding on a mini bike crashes into a tree. Date on screen 2004.
LEAK. Back hoe used to fix leak in ground, makes it worse, spray. date on screen 1991. No audio.
Man pushes girl in tire swing, it hits little boy in the head and knocks him over very hard. Really rough hit, no tails or recovery.
A woman lies in a hospital bed indoors and tries to stick a straw into her mouth, but she keeps missing. A men off camera asks her basic questions, and the woman answers slowly. She doesn't know the date, and she doesn't remember having a colonoscopy. She complains "my mouth doesn't work!" She burps three times in a row and says she doesn't know where she is.
Woman gets stuck in dishwasher (Runner). Date on screen 1986.
Man in mask hides in closet, scares man when he opens the door. Man who is scared falls backwards over bed. Practical joke, hidden camera, Halloween. Date on screen 2003.
Military rollerblader crashes into camera. Date on screen 1994.
Baby blows many raspberries animatedly close to camera. date on screen 1999 partially covers her face..
"Drowsy Date Night" A woman struggles to stay awake while her husband talks romantically indoors. She falls asleep
2 girls pour water on the kitchen floor & call mom in. She runs & falls backwards onto her butt on the slippery floor. Girls are mad because mom went on a date & wouldn't let them skate.
Woman who can't park car gets out and trips in snow. She's angry. Date on screen 1997.
Woman bakes bread, it comes out hard as a rock. She drops it on floor to demonstrate. Date on screen 2003.
Skunk has box stuck on head - woman pulls it off (Date on screen)
Ice Skating man falls over fence and keeps sliding across the ice for a while. Cold Tease. Date on screen 1991
Turtle gets on hind legs, reaches for food, falls backward Has 1993 date os
Boxer dog works hard to stay on treadmill. 1994 date on screen
Sleep: Sleeping man snores, wakes up startled Date on screen 1986.
golf - backyard golfer chips shot up and into his hat. Date on screen 1992.
DOG. Funny-looking black dog licks window. Date on screen 1992. Funny face.
Dock collapses on men trying to throw guy in lake Date on screen.
Line of snow skiers all fall. Date on screen 1994.
A girl cries and worries that her older sister caught cooties from her boyfriend indoors. Her sister touches her and she jumps and runs away screaming.
Man flying a kite is dragged across the ground. Date on screen 2003.
Angry little dog bites and chews on windows as it rolls up and down. Date on screen
Young girl takes diaper off baby doll and finds a piece of poop (tootsie roll) then a young boy takes the poop and eats it. The girl takes it back and puts it in her mouth. Date on screen 2003.
THE AMAZING LONG PUTT Man makes an amazing long shot while putting in his driveway GOLF. Date is onscreen
Man shoves off boat / canoe causing it to tip over with other man in it. Lake. DATE ON SCREEN 1993.
Weight lifter: Too much to lift for bonehead without a spotter. Date on screen 1992
Man on bike attempts to jump off small ramp. Ramp breaks and man goes flying. Date on screen 2002
Man's first time motorcycle ride - he does a wheelie and smashes taillight on street Date on screen 1995.
Man gets off boat holding fish, wood board pops up, he trips off dock, falls into boat, drops fish into water. . Date on screen 2001. Fishing.
Man paints grapefruit to look like a softball, it explodes when hit (LOW AUDIO). date on screen.
Cat runs through golf guy's legs as he's about to swing. Date on screen 1996