A young girl sits in a height chair and sips from a bottle and an off-camera woman says "I think you're getting too old for you baba," and the girl says "Aw, cmon."
A boy stands beside his snowman outdoors and starts to say that he's going to Karate chop it when his dog stands against the snowman and knocks it over first.
A woman holds onto her young daughter as she wake surfs. Her daughter holds onto her legs and surfs with her. Music rights not cleared.
While a tot girl tries to play tug-of-war with a dog she gets jerked and pulled around which causes her to trip and fall in a yard.
A baby boy puts an electric toothbrush in his mouth and winces, shakes and giggles at the vibration.
A young boy walks carefully down a flight of stairs outdoors when he reaches the last step, cheers, and falls on his face on the floor.
Boy and girl hold same slice of pizza in their mouths and spin around, giggling - at birthday party.
A parrot bird outdoors at the zoo flies onto a young girl's head and eats fruit a friend.
A tot girl holds a dog's leash and pulls on a West Highland terrier dog indoors but the dog doesn't move. She sits on the floor and pulls at the dog but the dog won't move.
An otter follows a young boy as he walks back and forth at a zoo.
A tot girl sits on a car shaped cart at home while her father pushes her. The girl cries when a large dog chases her and bites her arm. Dashboard camera.
A beaver paws against a display glass as a girl on the other side follows his paws down and back up.
A penguin follows a young girls stuffed penguin when she moves it.
A cute snow tiger licks the glass while reaching for a pink backpack on the other side at a zoo. A man and his tot girl taunt it. No audio.
A tot girl puts makeup all over a young girl's face while she sleeps in a bed.
A tot girl wearing adult tennis shoes stumbles and falls on her butt in the kitchen and says "I'm okay!"
A young girl tastes sour candy spray and gives a big reaction.
A man mimics and lip syncs his daughter's whining as she whines in the back seat of a car that she wants to go to a jump place.
A young girl tells her mother what she want for her adult birthday. They will drink wine an beer, eat pizza for dinner and ice cream for dessert. Her mother asks how old the girl will be when this happens. The girl says 5. Her mother tells her she has to be 21.
A young boy rolls a snowball down a hill. Another young boy stands in front of the boulder of snow, falls when it hits him, and his shoes flies off.
A tot girl lies in the snow outdoors and her mom tells her to make a snow angel by moving her arms and feet back and forth and she moves them in the air. Her mom tells her to move them against the ground and she doesn't understand.
A tot girl walks around her cat indoors before the cat jumps up and pushes the girl over.
A tot boy eats blueberries and laughs in a funny way.
A woman tells a tot boy to get a dog to shake and the tot boy walks in front of the dog and shakes his whole body. The woman then says that she meant for the tot boy to get the dog to shake his hand.
Two young girls try to get a spider decoration to move but it won't. Their tot sister steps near the spider and it jumps towards her. The tot girl screams and shakes.
A young girl snow sleds into a dog and the dog ends up on the sled with the girl down as they slide downhill.
Two boys jump on a sled in the snow accidentally kicking off a little girl.
A young boy opens the front door to his house and gets scared and runs away after a giant fake spider surprises him. Halloween
Three kids are dancing indoors. A boy pushed a girl and she falls to the ground. She gets revenge by pushing him and he falls down.
A man surprises his family in an Easter bunny costume outdoors and a tot girl runs away screaming and crying. The kids freak out. A baby girl screams and cries.
A teen girl walks down stairs indoors at her birthday party, slips, and falls. Two other teen girls are visible.
A baby girl tot in a red hoodie feeds chickens outdoors and falls over.
A dog with human hands is dressed up as a doctor and pretends to give a tot boy an exam.
A tot boy opens drawers in a kitchen but a Border Collie dog closes the drawers with her nose repeatedly and the boy laughs.
A tot boy walks down a hallway when his grandpa jumps out and scares him and he turns around and walks away.
A tot boy laughs as a man kicks an exercise ball at him repeatedly and knocks him over outdoors.
A tot boy tries to jump into a kiddie pool, but slips and falls in. He quickly gets up and says "nope".
A family plays the Pie Face game and a tot boy laughs when he gets whipped cream in his face indoors.
A boy and two girls open a gender reveal present for their future sibling. When they see that its a girl, the two girls celebrate while the boy cries and pouts indoors.
A Rottweiler dog plays the pie face game and gets pied indoors.
A teen boy shows a tot boy a magic trick and makes a ball appear in the tot boy's ear, hand, shirt and nose.
A young boy stands in front of a dog to block its view as the dog stares at food a woman is holding. The dog rocks back and forth so he can see around the boy at continue to look at the food.
A young girl and her tot sister open the box for a gender reveal of their new sibling, but are more excited that the box contains cupcakes.
"Chocolate Confection Confession" - A tot girl says that she washed her face with chocolate after she ate Ramen noodles.
A tot girl throws a temper tantrum. Her mom asks her if she is done and she says yes.
A woman says, "the floor is lava," and a young boy and a dog jump on a couch.
"Ice Bucket Breakdown" - A girl stands in a shower indoors for the Ice bucket challenge and nominates friends to take it before her sister tells her to dump her bowl of ice over herself and the girl suddenly pouts and cries that she changed her mind. Her sister urges her until the girl dumps the water on herself and cries louder.
A boy walks carefully up to a pelican bird to take a picture next to it when the pelican turns around and bites him.
A teen boy cuts a cream-covered balloon birthday cake indoors after his family sings Happy Birthday. Practical joke.
A man and woman kiss in their wedding ceremony indoors before their son walks in front of them and makes a funny face as he points at them and walks through the frame.
A man turns off a vacuum cleaner with his foot and his tot son uses his foot to turn it back on.
A woman tells her young son and tot son that there is a baby in her belly and the tot boy asks her if she ate it.
A tot boy tries to eat cereal with the wrong side of the spoon.
In this Snapchat clip, a man has an oversized mouth. His tot girl daughter kisses him and she has the oversized mouth. They pass it back and forth.
A tot girl counts into a microphone and when her tells her to go higher, she raises the pitch of her voice, instead of counting higher.
A tot boy is dressed up along with his dog. He shouts "Superheroes!" and puts down his makeshift shield which bonks his dog on the head.
A young girl races her sister and falls face forward and her shoe flies off
A young girl throws a piece of food into the air and tries to catch it in her mouth. A dog jumps in front of her face and takes catches the food.
A tot boy runs to jump into a hammock but instead does a flip over it.