A crab eats pizza inside of an inflatable pool a the beach.
Young boy cleaning crabs. One crab grabs his foot.
"Crab Race Catastrophe" A boy tries racing crabs on a beach when a seagull bird flies in and picks up the winning crab.
A dog is checking out a crab outside. He ends up flinging it into a pot that is sitting on a dock. Called submitter to see if clip is any longer.
Pitbull wants a treat but someone put 4 live lobsters around the dog. Dog doesn't want to pass the lobsters to get its food but finally does. NO AUDIO. Submitter forgot to turn camera audio on.
Man is trying to cook a live lobster. It doesn't fit in the pot. He puts it in tail first, it moves and he throws it.
A teen girl sleeps on a living room couch. A teen boy puts a live lobster on her chest. She wakes up, sees the lobster, and screams 'Get it off! Get it off!' The teen boy, camera woman, and other people laugh at her.