A cup of dog ice cream sits on the edge of an open freezer drawer in a kitchen. A dog pushes the drawer shut and catches the cup in his mouth before it hits the ground.
A teen boy sleeps on the couch and an off-camera woman squirts shaving cream on his forehead and he tastes it thinking it is whipped cream and makes a grossed out face.
A baby boy shivers and shakes with excitement as his dad feeds him a bite of ice cream in his highchair.
Someone in the dining room sprays whipped cream onto the back of a woman's hand. She slaps it and catches it in her mouth, then falls forward.
A man in the living room slaps whipped cream off his hand but accidentally slips on a mat. The whipped cream hits him in the face. Everyone laughs.
A teen girl does the whipped cream challenge in the kitchen, and the whipped cream gets stuck on the ceiling.
A teen boy attempts the whipped cream challenge, but the cream explodes, and gets in the clothing and hair of all the assembled family members nearby.
A man blows out the candles on his birthday cake and then another man and a woman throw pies in his face.
A mother plays a prank on her two young sons, giving one of the boys frozen mashed potatoes and the other refried beans that have been frozen in the shape of ice cream.
A woman rubs pie in her teen daughter's face after she blows out her birthday candles.
A man and a young boy go to cut a birthday cake on the patio and it the cake pops because it is a balloon covered in whipped cream as a prank.
A man holds a miniature Pinscher dog while a woman turns the crank of the game "Pie Face" in a dining room, then the dog gets a small amount of whipped cream, and the rest of it lands on the man's forehead.
A man tries to take a bite of his ice cream but a Labrador dog takes it out of his hands.
A woman and a young girl play the Pie Face! game at the dining room table. The woman takes her turn, spins the mechanism and avoids the pie slap. The young girl takes her turn, spins the mechanism and the pie is propelled into her face. She immediately starts to cry. Suddenly her younger brother. off-camera, starts to cry as a reaction. Both cry uncontrollably as the woman laughs.
A woman smashes a plate of whip cream into a young girl's face as she blows out her birthday candles.
A woman gives a baby girl a taste of an ice cream sandwich and she smiles and laughs and makes an excited face in a stroller.
A senior man outside struggles to take the wrapper off his ice cream cone. The cone breaks and the ice cream falls on the table.
A young girl shares an ice cream bar with a pony and a dog in a barn.
A tot girl claws at some chocolate cake on a kitchen table, as she stands below it inconspicuously.
A baby girl in a high chair is completely covered in purple colored food. Her mother asks if it was tasty and the baby girl smiles.
A young kid tells a tot girl to do a belly flop into a kiddie pool in a yard. She does it with an ice cream cone still in her hand. The tot girl stands up in the pool and continues to eat the ice cream. The young boy yells "oh my God!"
A tot boy holds a popsicle and man says that it's a nice popsicle and asks him to give his baby brother a lick. The boy then licks the younger boy's head.
A woman walks into a room to find a tot boy in a crib covered in diaper rash cream. When he sees himself in the mirror he cries.
A young boy is startled/scared when he comes in through the front door. He falls to ground then ends up throwing his water bottle at his dad.
A young girl tries cheese cake for the first time. She shakes and crosses her eyes in a living room.
A woman in the park laughs as a squirrel crawls on another woman to beg for her ice cream and then it eats the sugar cone.
A senior man plays "Perfection" at a dining table. He jumps and throws his hat off when the game pops as he loses.
A man and woman play "extreme rock paper scissors" in a yard, and whoever wins gets to dip the other's face in flour, syrup, ketchup, mustard, and barbecue sauce. The man gags repeatedly. At the end they kiss, with food all over their faces.
A tot girl at a restaurant repeatedly takes condiment mayonnaise and mustard packets and sticks them down her hoodie sweater jacket.
A young boy holds a box for a gingerbread house and a woman says she can't wait to see what he did. He says "this is pretty good for a child" and he slowly lifts the box to reveal the pieces of the house lying on a plate unassembled in the dining-room. Then says "Nailed it!"
"Sno-Cone Distancing" A tot girl runs out of the house when she hears an ice cream truck, then she yells "Hi! We can't get it. We have Covid." Security footage.
A family, dressed in holiday outfits, goes through a drive-through safari and giggle as they feed the animals. But chaos and tears ensue, when a llama spits the food back at them.
A woman holds a chip out on the outside of a sliding glass door. A dog inside tries to bite it.
A dad falls asleep on "baby duty" so the baby girl gets Oreos and applesauce all over herself and the man.
A tot boy makes a wish and says, "I want a new family" then blows out a candle in the dining room.
A tot girl at a kitchen counter in a home has shaving cream all over her face and she smiles at her mom with the camera.
A tot boy repeatedly tries to toss a cheese ball into his mouth at a kitchen table. He moves his hand back and forth then tosses it over his shoulder.
A woman sips a soda while she holds a tot girl at a booth in a restaurant. The tot girl takes a napkin, wipes down the table and places the napkin into the woman's cup. The woman makes a face to the camera, then takes a sip.
Two teen girls sit in the backseat of the car with a mountain of drink trays with water cups in them and the driver turns sharply and they all spill and one of the girls screams and the others laugh.
A man carves turkey for Thanksgiving dinner in a dining room, then he pretends to find a baby turkey inside of it, but it is a chicken. Ayoung woman believes it until a woman says that turkeys lay eggs.
A man carves turkey for Thanksgiving dinner in a dining room, then he pretends to find a baby turkey inside of it, but it is a chicken. Ayoung woman believes it until a woman says that turkeys lay eggs.
A young girl does a vlog tutorial on how to make banana bread in the kitchen. She starts to smash the bananas in a pot and stops to say she was supposed to take the peels off the bananas. The girl calls her dad down to help her.
A group of young girls sing "Happy Birthday" at a birthday party while a woman struggles to light the birthday candles, and they hold a note at the end of the song while they wait for the woman to finish.
A young boy tells his mom to look into his water bottle because there is something in it. She looks and he squirts the water into her face. She screams and chases him. Tiktok video.
"Magic Trick Tot" A woman tells a tot boy to put a piece of paper in her fist in a kitchen. She shakes her hand and throws the paper over her shoulder, then laughs with the tot boy and shows him that it is gone. After a few rounds of this trick, the tot boy yells "oh my gosh."
A young boy does the Borrowed Hands Challenge and eats yogurt in the dining room.
A tot girl sings "Happy Birthday to a senior man in a dining room. Then she holds his face away and blows out his birthday candles.
A baby boy poses in front of a birthday cake, then the backdrop falls on top of him in a living room.
A tot girl puts her hand on a drawing pad and traces around it in a kitchen. A woman tells the girl to draw her face and hands the girl a second drawing pad. The girl then she puts her face on the pad and traces around it.
A tot boy sleeps with a grilled cheese sandwich in his mouth while in the backseat of a car.
A man and a woman do the tortilla slap challenge in the dining room. The woman slaps the glasses off the man.
A woman talks to the camera in the kitchen and says she is going to do the hatching egg prank on her kids. She holds a fake cracked egg and calls her kids to the kitchen. She shows them the egg and they believe that it is a baby chick bird. She secretly hatches the egg with her finger and scares her kids. They say "what the heck" and she laughs.
A woman says that her tot boy figured out how to open diaper cream, then she shows that he put it on a dog's butt in a living room.
A woman teaches a man to play, rock, paper scissors extreme in the kitchen. When the woman loses the man pushes her head into flour. She loses again and he pushes her head into ranch dressing. She loses a third time and has to put her head in ketchup.
A loopy young girl who had dental surgery eats ice cream and says "this is chocolate cake?" Her mom says she made a mistake and the girl says "oh well, mistakes happen." She also says she is on a roller coaster and cries in the living-room.
A man plays the Borrowed Hands Challenge. A young girl pretends to be the man's hands and feeds him cereal. Cereal spills all over the table. Then she feeds him waffles. Then a young boy sprays whipped cream on the man's head.
A young boy and a young girl do the borrowed hands challenge and make an ice cream sundae on a trashcan and fall over in the backyard.
A dog runs up to an ice cream truck, puts its paws on the window and retrieves an ice cream bar from a woman in the truck.
A young boy does the whipped cream challenge with a tot girl, and his whipped cream lands on the girl's head in the kitchen.