A woman wears a horse mask at a stable and neighs at real horses. One horse stares at her then she snorts and it runs away.
A teen girl opens the trunk of a car parked in a road. A teen boy jumps out of the car dressed in a clown costume. The teen girl screams and runs away into a house.
Children wear inflatable dinosaur costumes and race young boys down a street. Several of the children trip and fall down.
A man at work shows a woman a giant teddy bear and she thinks it's cute. The teddy bear stands up, as there is someone inside of it, and the woman screams and runs away.
A young boy in a Spiderman costume stands behind a wall. A man enters the room. The boy tries to scare the man but the man turns around and moves the other way before he can scare him.
In a department store a young boy holds up a bra over his face like a mask and says he's a "ninja."
"Why Dad Werewolf?" A man in a werewolf mask greets a teen boy when he gets into the car after school, and the adolescent groans and asks if his teachers saw him.
A person in an Olaf costume falls while they twirl around with a young girl at Disneyland.
A woman tries to run through a ribbon finish line but it doesn't break and she snaps back and falls to the ground.
A woman dresses a cat in a Batman costume. When he tries to stand up on the table, he falls over.
A dog runs away in a hallway and hides when he sees an inflatable dinosaur.
A person in a life-sized bear suit waits for a young boy to get off of a school bus, then they chase the boy down a road and crash into a pole. Social media video.
A woman dressed in an inflatable Tyrannosaurus Rex dinosaur costume falls when an office chair slides out from under her when she tries to sit in it in the slippery costume.
A woman wears a "Maleficent" Halloween costume, and walks down the staircase of her home. Her young son stands at the top of the stairs, and says goodbye to her. She walks down, but trips and falls on her face at the bottom of the stairs.
A young boy walks through a doorway with a cardboard box over his body, then he trips and falls forward.
A girl in a witch hat snaps her fingers before a large roll stack of hay falls and breaks a pumpkin.
A young boy tries to get into the car as he wears a dinosaur costume.
A senior woman sits and poses for a photo with a giant teddy bear, and someone inside the bear moves and scares her.
A bulldog dances to Arabic music in a living room.
Two young girls in costumes ask Alfonso for more Halloween videos, and then they dump our buckets of candy. Hey Alfonso.
A tot girl pushes a homemade walker down the street while she's dressed as a senior woman.
Small white dog wears a golf outfit & hits a golf ball into a specially made hole built into the platform the dog is standing on. He also drives a little golf cart and wears a golf outfit.
A young boy and a young girl unwrap a blue teddy bear for a gender reveal in a living room, then a man and woman ask them what it is, and they yell "a bear." Then they ask the young boy and young girl what that means their baby sibling will be, and they say "blue." When they tell the young boy and young girl that their new sibling is a boy, the young boy says that he won.
A tot boy in a dinosaur costume runs in a kitchen, then a man in a dinosaur costume yells and scares him. The boy starts to cry and the man asks the tot boy if he wants to go scare his brother. The boy says "yeah."
A tot girl and boy search for eggs in the backyard. Their grandfather watches the kids but doesn't watch where he steps. He falls into the pool.
A man shows a young girl how to hit a ball off a tee in a garage with a bat and she swings right away and hits the ball into his groin. He reacts to the hit.
A tot boy plays with a fishing rod in a yard. A woman tells him to "throw out the fishing line," and he throws the whole rod into the yard.
A teen girl plays basketball in a garage, wearing high heels. She throws the ball and it hits the light fixture but she catches it before it hits the ground.
A young girl and a woman help a tot girl open a birthday gift. When it is revealed to be a stuffed animal, the woman asks if the tot girl likes it. The tot girl says "no" and tosses the gift on the floor of the living room.
A tot girl tells a woman that a tree trunk is shaped like a "butt crack...mama's butt crack." kids say.
A tot girl dressed as an angel in a Christmas play yells "Finally, it's over!" after the chorus finishes their last note. The audience laughs. Kids say.
A man dressed in a Spider-Man costume walks along the top of a concrete wall. He jumps onto a table, and falls down in a yard while adults and kids laugh.
A woman says, "Lets see a spin" to a tot girl in the living room. The girl spins to show off her dress. A dog next to her also spins.
A group of three women in costumes pose for a Halloween photo outside while a man in a Michael Myers costume creeps behinds them. When one of the women notices him, she screams and runs inside the house.
Two young girls perform a cheerleader routine in a living room, as a tot girl attempts to follow along. When the young girls perform a cartwheel, the tot girl throws down her pom-poms in anger.
A tot girl wears a granny costume and says her back hurts.The woman with the camera asks how old she is and the girl says "thirty three."
A young girl wearing an inflatable chicken costume tries to go down a slide in a park. The head of the costume gets stuck at the top of a slide. Halloween.
A woman crouches down as she plays a virtual reality game in a living room. Then she loses her balance and falls into a lamp.
A Chihuahua dog walks into the living room wearing a Chucky Doll costume. Halloween.
A woman dances to "Ice Ice Baby" with two unopened drink cans in her hands in a living room, then she slips and falls.
A young boy and girl bite into chocolate Easter bunnies that are filled with mustard. The children spit it out and dash the prank Easter bunnies on the ground. They break and mustard covers the back-porch. Adults laugh and a woman says "April Fools day!"
A young girl calls herself "super hotdog" while she wears a hotdog costume in a living room. She then jumps on the floor and an Australian shepherd dog climbs on her and knocks her over.
A teen boy records himself as he practices with a Light Saber. On one of his follow throughs, the blade detaches from the hilt, and flies behind a television.
A tot boy in a superhero costume holds his arm out in a living room, then he cries. A woman asks if he is upset because he cannot fly, and he says "yeah."
A man runs in the living room wearing an inflatable dinosaur costume. Two dogs run into the living room but then the dogs run away quickly when they see the dinosaur. One dog frantically tries to run up a wall to get away from the man. Scare.
A teen boy opens a closet in the hallway and a young boy dressed in a bloody clown costume jumps out and scares him. The teen jumps back and yells.
A dog in a superman costume sniffs and looks at a decoration skeleton dog in a driveway. The skeleton dog howls and the real dog barks at it. Halloween
A young girl in a store speaks to the camera and says she broke up with her husband. She says she got another husband and shows a shirt. She also says to never call her husband.
A tot girl cries as she tells a woman how she got her hair twisted into a curtain in a bedroom.
A man throws a ball and a tot girl chase after it and picks it up with her mouth in a park.
A young boy is in an inflatable sumo wrestling fairy costume in the living room. He falls backwards and struggles to get back up. Then he finally gets up. Halloween
A young boy in an inflatable dinosaur costume stands in the living room and stares at a dog. The dog barks, the young boy takes a step forward and the dog jumps back. The young boy runs at the dog and the dog skittishly retreats.
A teen boy puts on an old man mask in a bathroom. He walks then into the living room. He scares a senior woman who sees the boy. She screams and throws the drink in her hand.
A man in a gorilla Halloween costume mask runs onto a driveway to scare two young girls. One young girl hits him in the groin with her trick-or-treat bag. She laughs. Halloween
A man dressed in inflatable dinosaur costume stands like a statue and scares a tot girl and boy in front yard. Halloween
A man with the camera shows that his young boy nephew has worn a Michael Myers Halloween outfit to Thanksgiving.
A baby boy with a sheep suit on sits on the ground being pecked by chickens.
A young girl puts a cookie on her face in a kitchen and tries to do the cookie face race, but a young boy wears a mask and yells behind her, then she screams and the cookie falls off of her face.