Two young brothers kick a large rubber ball around in the garage and the older boy kicks it too hard and it hits a light fixture and knocks a fluorescent bulb out and it shatters on the floor. The boys back away in shock and the ball bounces and pops loudly and the older boy says "whose fault was that?" Security footage
A group of young boys perform a trick shot by the side of the pool in which several people pass the ball back and forth between each other and then one lobs it across the pool and a young boy catches the ball and dunks it into the hoop as he jumps into the pool.
A tot boy tells a woman that "Bad Cooper" threw rocks in the grass yard and calls himself "Good Cooper." Then she asks if he should go to time out and he says "yeah, where is Bad Cooper" and the woman says "I'm looking at him." The boy turns and looks at her and says "me!?"