A woman in the driveway drives a golf cart but loses control and jumps out. The golf cart knocks down the pillars on the front porch. The fiancée apologizes to a man. Security Footage.
A young boy loses control of his hoverboard in a yard, as he sits and spins in circles. Security footage.
A woman sits in a chair wearing a virtual reality headset and leans forward with the controllers, falling to the floor.
A man pilots a remote control toy helicopter in the living room and falls when he flies it into his own face.
A teen girl and boy ride a Tote Gote motorcycle in the yard and they crash it into a fence.
A man plays a virtual reality video game in the living room and runs into a window and falls back.
A man drives a remote control car up a ramp where it jumps into the air and hits a young boy.
A young boy rides down a zip line in a yard, then loses his grip and flips onto the ground.
A dog jumps in slow motion to catch a snowball that a person threw from off camera. The dog does not catch it and comes back down and falls in the winter snow.
A man flies a kite on the beach. He loses control of it in the wind and the kite hits the man next to him.
A young boy rides a sled in the winter snow down a hill and goes off a steep drop and falls on the ground.
A man tries to wheel a stack of boulders down a ramp with a dolly, but he loses control and falls.
A dad tries to control his laughter, as his two boys race across a yard on their balance bicycles but the younger one topples forward and face-plants.
A woman plays a VR game and waves a game controller in front of her, then she punches her son as he walks by her in a living room.
A young girl rides her bicycle around the edge of the pool but then loses control and falls in.
A teen boy rides a bike from a parking lot and down some stairs into a building. He goes too fast and crashes into a wall at the bottom of the stairs.
A teen boy loses control of a snowmobile as it drives out of the garage. It flips over and he falls in the yard. Security camera
A boy rides in a Power-Wheels vehicle pulled behind a car and spins out of control and flies off the road and crashes.
A man snowboards in the winter snow down a hill and goes off a ramp and then crashes and falls when he hits the ground.
A young girl accidentally hits another girl in the face with a Nintendo Wii controller. Security footage.
A man drives a motorcycle in a yard and drives up a ramp and drives over a kiddie pool and loses control and drives into the street and crashes into a car. Featured talent (man on bike) cleared only.
A tot girl talks into a remote control and asks it to play "funniest home videos." The television puts the billboard for AFV on the screen and the tot girl screams and jumps up and down in excitement.
A tot boy drives a remote control car at a park. The woman behind the camera yells when the car drives into her feet and knocks her over. First person POV.
A man loses control of a golf cart and rolls backwards down a hill at a golf course. Then he jumps out and the cart crashes into trees.
A woman tries a hoverboard in a kitchen and loses control and falls onto her back.
A woman rides a Ferris wheel with a young girl and another woman. The woman behind the camera asks what would happen if she farted in the enclosed ride car. Then she farts, and the woman and young girl hold their noses and gag.
A tot girl uses a remote control to drive a toy car in reverse in a yard while she sits on the hood. Then she turns around and drives the car forward while she faces backwards. She crashes into a wall in the yard and falls off the hood.
A boy controls a remote control car that tows a guinea pig on a trailer around a living room.
A man drives a dirt-bike up the driveway and loses control and hits the gas and flies into a tarp and drags it and crashes off-camera. Security footage.
A woman teaches a teen girl how to do a ballet dance move in a living room while a Chihuahua dog sits in a dog bed and watches, but the woman loses control of her pirouette and she stumbles towards and falls into the dog's bed. The dog barely escapes.
A man places a remote control on a man's head after he wakes up from a nap in a recliner. He then asks the man where it is as the man pats around the chair to find it.
A man pretends to be on the phone with pest control and says they have squirrels. Hearing the word "squirrel," his two Jack Russel Terriers pop up on a recliner and bark in the living-room.
A cat jumps backwards when a remote control car runs into it.
A teen girl says "7 + 6 is 12." She tells a man you would not say "7 + 6 are 12. She says that would be dumb". They go back and forth and the girl is insistant that you would say "is 12" and not "are 12." The man says, it is 13. The girl is embarrassed.
A young girl rides a scooter in a driveway and loses control and crashes.
A senior woman pretends she is magic, and she tells a light to turn on to trick a young girl and it does. The girl freaks out and then she does it herself and it works for her too. After several more times, another young girl comes out from behind the couch to reveal she had control of the light switch.
A young girl sits on a hoverboard and spins in circles and then bumps into her older brother and knocks him down.
A man ties off a remote control toy car to his young son's loose tooth then he drives the car forward which pulls out the boy's tooth but then the car crashes into the Christmas tree and knocks it over.
A woman plays a virtual reality video game in the living room. A man sneaks up behind her and taps her on the back and she gets scared and falls.
A man stands behind a girl as he helps her fly a drone with a remote control. The drone then flies into a girls hair and gets tangled.
A dog lowers a car window in the middle of a car wash and two women scream.
A man hides under a car and scares a woman with a remote controlled snake at :37 in a driveway. She runs away and loses a sandal.
A frog rides a remote control toy jet ski around on a pond.
Two dogs carry a stick together and run in the driveway. They run past a woman and trip her with the stick and she falls. Security camera
A young boy turns on a remote controlled airplane and it blows a tremendous gust at a man in the driveway.
A pug dog goes crazy for a piece of cake on the table and she crawls onto the table to eat it.
A teen girl rides a skateboard down a hill and loses balance and runs off and then trips and falls.
A woman runs beside a dirt bike when she loses control of it. She falls down beside the bike and a man runs over to check on the dirt bike.
A man rides a scooter down a street but loses control and gets off and falls onto his face on the ground. No audio.
A young boy drives a remote control car up to a curb and runs over his younger brother's legs with it, and the boy falls.
A man revs up the engine on an ATV and loses control of it, and then he chases it as it drives into a house across the street. Security footage.
A ferret chases a drone through a living room, then it jumps in the air and tries to grab it with its paws.
A tot boy drives a golf cart on a golf course, and a man screams for him to step on the breaks as a young boy chases after him.
An alligator swims around in a man's pool underwater in a yard.
A young girl sits backwards on a toy car at the top of a ramp in the yard. Her older sister pushes her too hard down the ramp and she flips over and falls backwards when she gets to the bottom of the ramp.
A young girl spins on a hoverboard and crashes into a table and falls down and a flower pot breaks in a backyard.
A man falls off a dirt-bike and holds onto the handlebars as it spins in circles around him as he lays on the ground in a front yard. Short head. Home security camera video, no audio.