A man pranks his wife and hides a scary witch Halloween statue in her closet. The woman walks in her room, opens the closet door, and screams, cursing out her husband.
A girl jumps out of a closet to scare her father and he has a crazy reaction.
A cat climbs on a drawer in a closet in the bedroom and then climbs on the shirts that hang in the closet. It slips and falls to the floor.
A tot boy is awakened from his room as his parents sing Happy Birthday and throw balloons off-camera, before he slams the door shut, unamused.
A compilation of clips where two women scare another woman repeatedly throughout the house.
A young boy wears an ultrasound photo on his head in a headband from the game Hedbanz in a living room, and a woman gives him clues about what is on his head. He guesses incorrectly several times, then she tells him to take it off, and he cries and hugs her when he sees that it is a baby announcement.
A man and two young boys dance the "YMCA" in a bathroom, but the man falls backward and breaks the shower curtain rod.
A cat takes a dog treat from the box in the kitchen. The cat drops the treat for the dog and the dog carries it away.
A young boy yells that there is a surfboard in a hotel room closet. Then he leads his mom into the bedroom and shows her the ironing board.
A man and a woman do the computer-mouse-in-the-house prank on a man and he climbs up on a stool and lifts the bucket and walks out of the room and comes back and laughs in the kitchen.
A teen boy walks into a piece of tape across a doorway at home. His hat falls off while his glasses get stuck in the tape.
A woman walks into a house where a teen boy has laid out every single pair of shoes in her closet while he asks her how many pair of shoes she has. She is shocked to see that he has snaked them all throughout the house...all 166 pairs.
A young boy disappears behind a blanket; then a cat walks out from a doorway. Mind Blowing Magic
A teen boy opens a closet in the hallway and a young boy dressed in a bloody clown costume jumps out and scares him. The teen jumps back and yells.
A tot girl hides on a counter behind a cabinet door in a kitchen. A man opens the door and reveals the girl is eating Oreo cookies.
A young woman says "snake" at home, and a young man throws his hat and runs away. She walks into the room, opens a bathroom door, and films him on top of the bathroom counter.
A tot girl tells her mom not to look as she and another tot girl play with toilet paper, and then the woman walks into the room and sees dozens of rolls of toilet paper. She gasps and asks what happened, and the two girls hide in a closet.
A woman makes a sales video about a makeup spray in a closet, then she falls backwards out of her chair, and she holds up the chair to show that it broke.
A young boy and a woman tell a man there's "something" in the closet. Then the man opens the closet door and sees a sign that says "something".
A cat lays on a stack of towels, and she leans over the side and the stack falls.
Two young girls dance with scarves in the bedroom as another girl spins in a chair, and the closet door breaks and falls onto a laptop.
A bulldog dog lies in a closet with his tongue out as a cat paws at his head through a crack in the door.
A tot boy takes rolls of toilet paper out of a closet and throws them over a baby gate and down a flight of stairs.
A boy does pull-ups on a pull-up bar in the doorway for his closet in the bedroom while he stretches an elastic band with his foot. The band slips off his foot and hits him in the groin and he cries. His older sister walks in and laughs when she sees him.
A teen girl pops out of a closet and scares a senior woman, who screams and says she will have a heart attack.
A teen girl walks into a closet and is scared of a witch halloween prop.
A man counts to ten while he stands in front of a closet his tot daughter hides inside. He says, "Ready or not, here I come" and his daughter replies, "I'm in the closet, daddy. Come and find me". He opens the door and his daughter yells, "You found me!"
A cat walks on a closet shelf until they fall out when a stack of clothes tip over.
A teen boy in a room pretends to be saying a prayer and a pregnant woman walks in and a tot boy in a closet scares her from behind and she screams and throws a bag across the room.
Two teen girls dance to pop music in a bedroom. At :39, one of the girls falls into a closet and the closet doors crash down onto the other girl.
"Leaps and Hounds" - A dog watching dogs on AFV leaps from a bed and into another room over and over again. Looks like he is trying to jump into the picture on the television.
"Shirt-Ripping Wrestler" - A young boy walks out of a closet to Hulk Hogan's theme song and rips his shirt off pretending to be a wrestler. However, he can't rip it all of the way and falls when he tries to step on the fabric to finish the rip and falls in the closet.
Two tot boys cry because their Dad wants them to try a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. They try to hide in a closet.
A teen girl dances indoors while a woman pops in and out of a closet door behind her, then comes out to join her. They take turns running into the closet when a senior woman dances across the floor as well. At 2:03:00 the senior woman dances across again and sits down in a chair just as the teen girl pulls the chair away and the senior woman falls backwards and hits her head.
A tot girl screams in fright when her mom opens the door to the closet that she is playing in.
A girl jumps out of a closet and scares her grandpa as he walks past her and he screams as he jumps back and knocks a picture off the wall.
A senior man hides in a closet and scares a young girl.
A tot girl plays with her reflection in the mirror of a closet door in the bedroom. She slides the door open and then her twin sister is inside the closet.
A woman opens a closet/pantry door in the kitchen and gets scared and falls when a boy in a mask jumps out at her.
A teen girl tosses a pair of shorts at a ceiling fan and the fan hits the shorts into a closet and they hang perfectly on a door knob.
A woman films her bedroom and shows a door hanging shoe rack. She says that she built it herself and it then collapses.
A woman films her bedroom and shows a door hanging shoe rack. She says that she built it herself and it then collapses.
Two women scream in a bedroom when a mouse runs out of a closet after a cat corners it.
A teen girl sticks her legs through the sleeves of her sweatshirt and walks through the bedroom and loses balance and falls into a closet door and the door breaks and falls on her.
A woman kneels on the floor in the bedroom and a man climbs on her knee to change a light bulb in the closet. The woman's knee gives out and she falls over and the man falls on the floor too.
Teen boy dressed as Michael Myers comes out of the closet to scare teen girl, girl screams. Practical joke, Halloween.
Every time young boy closes one closet door, the other one opens. Long for edit.
Man hiding in a closet scares students at police academy. Man screams like a girl.
A teen girl sits on a hoverboard and rides it into her closet door, breaking the door in a house. Vine/Instagram video.
A teen girl holds onto a closet door/ mirror while standing on top of a yoga ball. She falls and the mirror shakes.
A man opens a closet door and finds his tot son with a bag of Goldfish crackers and his mouth full if them.
Teen girl holds a yoga exercise ball in a bedroom. A boy bounces off another exercise ball and bounces into her ball, knocking her into a closet.
A young boy's head is stuck between a shelf and a closet door frame. A dog pulls off the boy's shorts and the boy's brother pees his pants from laughing.
A young girl and boy dance to "Gangnam Style" in a kitchen. The girl does a handstand on a closet door, it opens, and she falls on her back. The family laughs.
A man screams and falls over backwards at home when he opens his closet to find a Freddy Kruger doll hanging there. Scare. Halloween. Practical joke.
A woman laughs as she's trapped in a closet because after she went in, her dog knocked a gate over beside the door, keeping it shut.
"Joxygen Mask" Young girl playing in her brother's closet puts a jock strap over her mouth thinking it's a face mask. Other girl tells her it's to cover private parts & young girl says she's going to wash her face.
Man in mask hides in closet, scares man when he opens the door. Man who is scared falls backwards over bed. Practical joke, hidden camera, Halloween. Date on screen 2003.
A young woman dances with a tissue box full of ping pong balls to shake them out before she falls backwards and knocks a closet door down.