A young girl stands in the living room with her arms held out. A man yells "catch" from off camera and throws a ball. The ball hits the girl and she falls.
A man helps a young boy carry a plate of cookies to a table next to a Christmas tree for Santa. Then the man gives the boy a bottle of milk to put next to the cookies. The boy takes the lid off the bottle and pours the milk on the cookies.
A dog with a cone on his head bites a Christmas tree and pulls it over in a living room. Security footage.
A man rides a hoverboard in the living room and falls over, knocking down the Christmas tree.
Two men try to move a large pine tree when one of them gets pinned under the trunk..
A dog in the living room pulls on the lights on the Christmas tree and the whole tree falls. Security Footage.
A man cuts a string at the bottom of a fresh Christmas tree in the living room and the branches fall to the floor. The man insists he did "nothing."
A group of young kids ride on a porch swing in the yard while another boy pushes them. They sing a Christmas carol together and the chain for the swing breaks and they fall on the ground.
A dog gets tangled up in the lights on a Christmas tree in the living room and plays with another dog. The two dogs pull on the lights so hard that they knock ornaments off the tree and eventually knock the tree down as well.
A teen girl falls off of a chair in a living room and a Christmas tree falls on top of her.
A lizard lays on a toy train and rides it in circles on a track under a Christmas tree in the living room.
A young girl throws a snowball at her dad, but it slips and goes behind her. She is then hit by a falling Christmas tree that her dad cut down.
A teen girl sits on another teen girl's shoulders and tries to stand up on a chair to take down a Christmas tree in a living room. She slips and falls and lands on the chair and breaks it.
Two young girls ask for more Christmas videos in the living room.
Two young girls stand in front of their Christmas tree in the living room while they ask Alfonso for more Christmas videos.
A man walks around a front yard and plugs in some of his Christmas yard ornaments before he walks up onto the porch and trips then falls into an inflatable snowman. He struggles to get back on his feet. No audio. Security footage.
A hamster struggles as he tugs and pulls at a candy cane ornament on a Christmas tree.
A young boy throws a paper airplane in front of a Christmas tree and it lands in a young girls pants in the living-room.
Unable to reach the top of a massive Christmas tree from a ladder in a living room, a man tosses an angel to the tree's top and it lands in perfect position.
A girl demonstrates how to use a hover board with the driving attachment in the house. She falls backwards and rolls into the backdoor. The hover board then rolls away by itself and crashes into a Christmas tree off camera. An ornament rolls across the floor. A woman yells at her. TikTok
A young girl rides an electric scooter into a Christmas tree in a living room.
A Chihuahua dog sniffs at Chistmas ornaments on the tree as a woman tells him not to do it. The dog then grabs one of the ornaments and runs away with it.
A woman films her cat that sits inside an ornament box in front of the Christmas tree in the living room.
A man ties off a remote control toy car to his young son's loose tooth then he drives the car forward which pulls out the boy's tooth but then the car crashes into the Christmas tree and knocks it over.
A woman advertises products for a Cyber Monday sale in her living room, and her Christmas tree falls over on her.
A young boy walks into the kitchen with holes all over his pajamas and sees an Elf on the Shelf on the floor with the cut up pieces of his pajamas. He asks if the elf cut up his sweater and goes to his room to bring back a sweater, but it is not cut up. He picks up a piece of the clothes on the floor and says "whoa" when he realizes the piece was cut out of his pajamas. He says "that's why I felt something at night."
A woman stands on a stool on top of a chair to decorate a Christmas tree in the living room. A young girl and a senior woman stand on the floor to support her. The stool slips off the chair and the woman falls down. She pulls the tree down with her. Her daughter cries because she is scared for her mom but the woman says she is okay.
A produced video with music and graphics of a man who does a magic trick in the living room with a young girl as his assistant. He puts out seven rolls of toilet paper and draws on a white board that "1 = 4." He and the girl cover the rolls with a blanket and then when they move the blanket, there is a stack of 28 rolls.
A man falls into a Christmas tree then knocks it over when he walks onto the front porch. Security footage.
A man opens the bag for a Christmas tree in the house, and a woman hides inside to scare him. The man screams when he sees the woman and falls over.
A young girl, young boy, and a tot girl open themed T-shirts on Christmas morning to reveal that they will get a fourth sibling soon, and the tot girl cries.
A young boy shakes a Christmas present in the living room to guess what's inside it. Then he turns and makes a strange face at the camera while he continues to shake the present.
A dog creeps towards a cardboard box under a Christmas tree, and a cat pops out and scares him.
A man cuts open his Christmas tree in the living room, and the bottom row of branches breaks off and falls on the floor.
A man stands on a stepladder and holds a tot boy up to put a topper on a Christmas tree. They lose their balance and fall onto the tree as the man knocks another tot boy over behind him and the tree falls on them.
A cat climbs to the top of a Christmas tree in a living room and ornaments fall onto the ground and a woman films and laughs.
A dad tries to ride a hover board in a living room, but falls backwards. He lands on a pile of presents under a Christmas tree and breaks and shatters ornaments.
A guinea pig rides around a Christmas tree on a toy train in a living room and a young boy and two girls and man with the camera laugh.
A cat jumps onto a Christmas tree and knocks it over in the living room. No audio.
A woman tries to assemble a Christmas tree in a living room by herself without instructions. She points to the tree after she finishes the install, then the tree collapses.
A baby boy in a living room sits in a swinging seat and reaches out and grabs a Christmas tree and pulls it down on top of him and his mom runs forward to catch it and lift it off him.
A young girl and boy start to open a Christmas present in the living room, but get distracted by their elf on the shelf on the Christmas tree. While they're distracted a puppy dog crawls out of the box they were in the middle of opening and then they get excited when they see their new dog.
A tot boy drives a toy monster truck into his mom in the living room and then he backs it up into the Christmas tree and knocks it over.
A woman holds her young son while they put a star on top of their Christmas tree. The chair she stands on breaks and the two of them knock over the tree as they fall in the living room.
A woman holds a baby boy and hands him a glass ornament in the living room, and it shatters on the floor when he drops it as she walks over to a Christmas tree.
A man slips down a flight of stairs as he carries a Christmas tree and lands on the tree.
A girl changes the colors of the lights on the Christmas tree in the living room when she claps her hands. Then the man who records the video shows her that he has a remote that changes the lights and it wasn't her hands.
A cat paws at ornaments in a small Christmas tree indoors and knocks them off before she knocks the Christmas tree off the table.
A cat sits at the top of the stairs and sticks its head and paw under the railing and knocks Christmas stockings off the edge of the stairs onto the living room floor below.
A tot girl repeatedly says, "Oh my gosh" while she looks at the Christmas tree her father decorated in the living room.
A tot boy repeatedly asks where his toys are after he pushes a Christmas tree over at a tree farm.
A hamster runs in a ball around a train track under a Christmas tree.
A tot boy laughs when he drops a Christmas ornament and it bounces off the floor onto a Christmas tree.
A boy opens a Christmas present in the living room and gets excited because he got tickets to a hockey game. His younger brother gets upset and tears his ticket in half and runs away. He hates the other team his team will be playing.
A family poses in front of the tree for a Christmas photo then one of the women says "I'm pregnant" and her mom screams "are you really" and flails her arms with excitement
A woman slips while she walks down the stairs. She falls on her butt and then slides down the stairs. Security camera
A teen girl tries to dance down a flight of stairs to the song Rockin Around the Christmas Tree and she slips and falls down the steps.
A young boy walks as he uses a virtual reality headset and falls into a Christmas tree.
A teen girl rides a hoverboard and runs into the Christmas tree which falls on top of her.