A woman falls on her back while she uses a chainsaw to cut down a pine tree.
A woman has just shoveled her driveway when a snowplow drives down the road and pushes snow from the street back onto the driveway. The woman screams in frustration and then throws her shovel to the ground. Security footage.
A teen girl mows the lawn with headphones in not realizing that the lawnmower isn't even on. A woman tells her to take her Airpods out.
A young girl loads a dishwasher while a dog closely watches her in the kitchen. Then the dog's collar gets stuck in the bottom rack of dishes, and she runs with them and breaks them. The young girl screams. Security footage.
A man drives a lawnmower onto a driveway then stops the mower and gets off to move a potted plant and with the man's back turned the mower moves by itself, traveling in a circle leaving a trail of dirt. Security footage.
A young boy in a garage uses a wrench on a tire. The boy says to the man behind the camera, "How about you do this and I take a picture?"
A dog runs full speed into a woman in the yard as she takes out the trash. Security Footage
A man lowers himself from a roof trying to step on a ladder a woman is holding for him and completely misses it and falls to the concrete. Home improvement. Security footage.
A bat flies around a man in a basement, but it takes several seconds for him to notice it, then he screams and falls down. Security footage.
Three deer run up the driveway, then break a window in the garage while a man watches. Security footage.
A woman shovels snow in a driveway. Snow falls off the roof and on to her head and she yells "are you kidding me?" Security footage.
"Garbage Can Klutz" A senior man starts to wheel a garbage can down his driveway, then it falls on him, and he calls to his wife for help. Security footage.
A man carries a bag of trash down the sidewalk in the yard. He steps in a puddle and slips and falls. Security footage.
A man drives a tractor and uses it to clear a field and the tractor crashes and falls into a sink hole.
Nine golden retriever puppy dogs pounce on a vacuum cleaner.
A man tries to put a garden hose into a backyard swimming pool, but four French bulldogs pull the hose away from him.
A teen girl points the garden hose at her face while she figures out how to use it and she sprays herself in the face.
A man makes the bed in a bedroom, and a standard poodle dog repeatedly jumps on it and moves the blankets.
A man uses a ride-on lawn mower up a steep hill in a front yard, and it flips over. Security footage.
A young boy rides on a hover board as he vacuums the kitchen. Then the vacuum runs into the door and hits him in the groin.
A young girl and her young brother do laundry and the boy closes the washing machine door on the girl's head.
An Australian shepherd puppy dog lies in a trench and paws at the dirt as a man digs with a shovel next to him.
A young man dances and sings as he mops a floor, then he falls out of a door while he works at a dog groomer. Security footage.
A young girl holds a pressure washer hose in a driveway. A man turns on the washer. The girl spins as water sprays all around and she falls. Security footage.
A man rides a lawn mower around a yard, then he runs it into a swing set and breaks it. Security camera footage.
A man in a yard tries to put a cover over a swimming pool and he slips and falls into the pool. Security footage.
A young boy lays facedown in a large snow shovel to create a larger plow while the person behind the camera shovels the driveway.
A man pushes a large box over to recycle bins on a driveway, then takes part of it off to put in the bin. He climbs all the way into the large box, then falls and says "I'm okay." Security footage.
A man pulls a garbage can full of yard waste out onto the yard, but the lid hits him in the face when there is a gust of wind. Security footage.
A woman tries to drag a trash can into her garage, but the wind flips the lid up in her face. Security footage.
A young man puts boxes into a recycle bin in a yard, then he stands on a chair and pushes the recycle down with one leg, but he falls down when the chair breaks. Security footage.
A woman uses a Swiffer mop and a robot vacuum while she pretends to play the sport curling in a living room, and a baby boy sits on the vacuum.
In a kitchen, a young girl starts to do dishes but doesn't realize the nozzle is pointed at her. It splashes all over her face.
A woman cleans a bedroom, then a man walks up behind her and snorts, and she screams and swears.
A tot boy falls backwards into an orange bucket of soap water while his dad washes a car in the driveway. Security Camera Footage.
A young boy tries to take out the trash in the driveway, but the bag breaks and spills. Security footage.
A man slides on ice to take out the trash on a driveway, but he slides past the trash can. Security footage.
A woman moves the trash can in the windy yard, and the lid hits her in the face repeatedly. Security footage.
A senior man drops a bottle of soda on a porch step, then it bounces and the carbonation pops the cap off and spills it on the ground. Security camera footage.
A snow blower hits a cord, flies out of a man's hands on a driveway, and crashes into the house. Security footage.
A kitten cat jumps and falls off of a window sill at home when a man power washes the glass from the other side.
A pit bull dog gets stuck on the bottom rack of the dishwasher, then drags the rack across the kitchen floor. Security footage.
A man tries to pull a mop out of a bucket and it hits him hard in the groin in an office.
A man struggles to start up a weed-eater in the yard and he gets mad and starts to bang it on the ground. Parts of it start to break off and then he throws it and goes back inside. Security camera footage with no audio
A man with the camera shows a dog in a yard that is stuck behind a wire fence. He explains that he put the fence up to protect a newly planted tree and the dog has buried underneath the fence and ripped up the tree and is now stuck behind the fence.
A young boy drags a bag of trash to a garbage bin in his yard, it breaks and spills everywhere as he lifts it, then he leaves the mess and walks back inside. Security footage.
A young boy drags out a trash bag then swings it around and it spills all over the driveway. Home security footage.
A young girl holds a bucket under a dog in the yard. The woman with the camera asks what she is doing and the girl says "milk a cow." The dog walks away and the girl follows it with the bucket. The dog lays down and the girl reaches to grab its penis.
A man falls down in the yard when he tries to push trash down in the trash can with his foot. Security footage.
A man puts a bag of trash in a trashcan in the driveway. He picks up a second bag and it rips and all the trash falls on the ground. Home security camera
A woman films a school lesson in the backyard and she sighs and gets annoyed when her husband walks behind her as he pulls a loud wagon.
A man talks on a phone as he pushes a recycling bin in a yard and slips and falls and lands face first on the bin. Security camera.
A man mows the lawn in a yard and pushes the lawnmower across a driveway. The lawnmower runs over a newspaper and rips it to pieces and sends shreds of paper across the driveway. Security camera.
A man and senior man replace a door on a house. The man get his fingers caught in the door and the senior man turns around to check on him and the door tips and falls on the senior man. Security camera.
A teen girl carries a bag of trash to a trashcan at the end of the driveway and throws the bag in the can. She looks at her phone while she walks back to the house and hits her face on a metal pole/rebar that hangs out of the bed of a parked truck. Home security camera
A shovel flies out of a young boy's hands and over his shoulder as he uses it to clear snow off the patio.
A young girl tries to vacuum the inside of a car in the driveway while the hose is detached from the rest of the vacuum.
A ferret bites onto a mop and drags along the floor as a woman pushes the mop back and forth on the floor.
A man sleeps on his motorcycle in a garage when a young woman quietly turns the bike on and the man wakes up, jumps off, and grabs a broom.