A woman in the dining room eats macaroni and cheese. A dog in her lap stares as the fork moves from the bowl to her mouth.
A raccoon sits at a dining room table and eats out of a bowl and gets chips out of a bag.
A woman puts a piece of cheese on her head at a zoo. The camel almost eats her whole head.
A young boy in the house explains to a man that he put all of his mom's makeup in the toilet. The dad asks his son "What do you say?" The boy says, "Cheese!"
A man tells a bear to "say cheese," and the bear appears to smile.
Two teen boys, three teen girls and a young girl stand on a mountain and pose for a picture and one of them falls down.
A woman holds a piece of cheese and a cat licks and bites it and she asks if they should share with the dogs and it makes an odd sound in the kitchen.
A young girl tries cheese cake for the first time. She shakes and crosses her eyes in a living room.
A tot boy repeatedly tries to toss a cheese ball into his mouth at a kitchen table. He moves his hand back and forth then tosses it over his shoulder.
A woman puts her camera on a mount in her car as she eats string cheese. Then a bird flies in the window as the woman shrieks and runs away from the car.
A young man takes a pot of hot cheese off of a stove in a restaurant kitchen and spills it. Then he slips and falls in the cheese. Security footage. Screen recording. No audio.
A tot boy sleeps with a grilled cheese sandwich in his mouth while in the backseat of a car.
A young boy in the kitchen pours parmesan cheese into his mouth from the container. It spills and sticks to his face while a woman laughs.
A tot girl says she will make pieces of her sandwich disappear and turns away from the camera and eats them and says "Tada" at the kitchen table.
A Pitbull dog and another dog eat string cheese with human hands in the living room.
A man and a woman do the dog treat whack a mole game with their two Golden Retriever dogs in the yard, and the woman laughs as the dogs bite at the different holes then push over the box.
A tot girl jumps on a pile of cheese balls on a trampoline, and her mom says "that's not what I meant when I said you could have a snack on the trampoline."
A Boston Terrier dog on a bed holds money in its mouth while growling and vibrating its body. The dog won't let it go until a woman offers it cheese.
A tot girl eats a cheese wheel with the wax paper still on. The camera pans to a baby girl who shakes her head.
A man sticks a slice of cheese against a glass door, and a dog eats it while the man brushes his fur.
A man puts cheese on the floor to lure a mouse out and catch it, but it takes the cheese and goes back into its hiding spot.
The woman behind the camera says "what did you do" to her tot son while he holds out a large block of cheese with some bites taken out of it in the kitchen. The boy says "I'm sorry, mom, I'm your best friend."
A tot girl holds a small fish and says Cheese, then she puts it in her mouth and her mother screams off screen on a dock and tells her husband to get it out of her mouth.
A tot boy has cheese on his face and he babbles that he doesn't want his mother to check the kitchen. His mother walks into the kitchen and finds their dachshund dog covered in parmesan cheese and he babbles that it needs a bath, then wipes it with a napkin.
A cat jumps onto a table and eats macaroni and cheese off a crying tot boy's plate while the rest of their family laughs.
A tot boy stands next to a snowman in the yard to pose for a picture. Right as he says "cheese," the snowman tips over and falls on the ground.
A tot girl hides behind a large entertainment center and eats a large block of cheese.
A tot boy falls asleep on a couch with his head in a bowl of cheese puffs. His mom wakes him up and he sits up and has cheese puffs stuck to his forehead and she laughs.
A baby girl lays in a bed with a Green Bay Packers cheese toy. Her dad takes it away and says they are not a Packers fan family, and she cries repeatedly.
A tot girl helps a man put cheese on an uncooked pizza in the kitchen, but she misses and throws it on the counter instead.
A dog with human hands eats a slice of cheese in the living room.
A tot boy stands motionless in a ticket tunnel while children outside the machine yell for the boy to grab the tickets that are blowing around.
A tot girl pulls plastic-wrapped cheese slices out of a refrigerator door at home, licks them individually, and then drops them on the floor.
A dog with human hands wears a mask of cheese on his face. He patiently ignores the mask of cheese until his owner says "get it!"
A young girl rides a merry go round and says cheese, then a young boy circles through, then another boy who has his head down on his horse.
A young boy tries to make soup for his father but just puts cheese and ketchup in a bowl.
A Golden Retriever dog coughs a cheese puff on to a couch when a man holds another one in front of their face in the living room.
A dog walks around a living room with its head stuck in a half full plastic bucket of cheese balls. He eats the cheese balls while swinging his head around, trying to get the bucket off. Adults and another dog watch. Finally, a man pulls the bucket off his head. Sound cuts out after all of the action. Caucasian.
Woman talks to dog about cheese and dog tilts its head from side to side.
A teen girl make macaroni and cheese in the microwave in a kitchen and dances for the camera when the microwave pops and starts smoking before the girl realizes she forgot to put water in and the macaroni is on fire.
Tot girl stands on stairs and says "cheese" to the camera. Her brother is in a box behind her getting ready to slide down the stairs. She moves into his path and is catapulted down the stairs. Siblings.
A little girl sits in a booth at a restaurant indoors and lifts a Parmesan dispenser above her face and the top falls off and all the cheese goes on her face. very short clip
"Pregnancy Pass Out" Two women and a man pose for a picture at home. Instead of saying "cheese" one of the women says, "I'm pregnant!" and the other one passes out, faints. Mother, mother-in-law.
A dog eats cheddar cheese off of a refrigerator.
"Cheese Puff Pooch" Bulldog is asleep on the couch snoring. Cheese puff is placed on dog's nose. He wakes up and goes cross eyed looking at it. Then he eats it and chokes and it pops out of his mouth intact..snore
A tot boy in a high chair is feeding a dog macaroni. Dropping it onto the dog.
"Who Flung Lunch?" baby with cheese and lunch meats all over his body thrown from his parents. meat lands on his nose
Sleeping man with crackers on his eyes and cheese on his mouth.
A dog eats cheese from a can in slow motion outdoors.
A dog reacts only when a woman talks about cheese.
Man tosses tot girl into large leaf pile & she disappears into the leaves. Only girl's face sticks out & she says "cheese!"
A boy tot sits in a shopping cart at a grocery store while the man behind the camera has the boy smell a stinky cheese. The boy makes a yuck face and says it smells like his mom's feet. klids say.
A cat in a sweater doesn't play with toys and a woman screams because of scalding hot nacho cheese on her legs.
Twin tot girls say "cheese" simultaneously when they see dad filming.
Teen girl uses electric mixer on bowl of cheese balls, bends down to look into camera & gets her hair caught in the beaters. With recovery.
A tot boy smells cheese that the camera man puts in front of his face in a grocery store. The boy says the cheese is gross and smells like 'Mommy's Feet.' kids say