Two deer stand on their back legs and have a slap fight in the middle of a field, as shot through the window of a parked car.
A cat hiding in a cabinet opens the door and pulls on the tail of a second cat, startling it and causing it to be wedged between the cabinet door and the floor.
Two cats play on a tiered structure and one of them falls on the ground in a living room.
A cat plays with a ball of wool on a bed in a bedroom and it rolls and slips and falls off the bed.
A cat walks on a piano keyboard inadvertently playing music then falls down.
A teen boy pretends to sneeze behind a man, then he sprays him with a squirt bottle in a living room, and the man yells.
A man throws a tiny ball towards a door. A cat paw from under the door hits the ball back. They continue to play with the ball back and forth several times before the cat grabs the ball with both paws from under the door and takes it under the door away from the man.
One cat plays inside the cup holder holes in a couch and pops out to play with a second cat.
Two cats play on top of a laundry hamper in the bedroom but the lid gives way and they fall in.
A Sphynx kitten cat watches an adult Sphynx cat's tail while they are on a cat tree in a living room, then she climbs on him and plays with his tail. They fall off of the cat tree together.
A cat and dog play and wrestle in a kitchen. Then the dog sits on the cat's head.
A dog and a cat play and the dog sits on the cat in the living-room.
A cat climbs upside down on a flight of carpeted stairs at home and briefly stops to hang from the stairs as music plays over the clip. TikTok video.
A cat plays with a drawstring that hangs from a man's shorts in a living room, then she jumps up high and grabs his butt, and he screams.
A cat paws at a man's hand as he plays a marble game in a living room. The cat then bites the man's hand.
A young boy and a woman play a board game on a coffee table in a living room, and a man says that it took a while to set up the game. A cat walks across the table. The boy tries to push the cat away, but he knocks over the table and spills the game.
A small dog and a grey kitten cat play dug of war over a toy indoors. The dog drags the kitten around.
A kitten cat jumps around while a woman bounces a ball indoors repeatedly.
A hairless Sphynx kitten cat sits on a man's back in a bathroom while the man leans over the sink and brushes his teeth, then he stands up, and the cat continues to hold onto him when he walks out of the room.
A cat stands on the top of a fish tank in a living room. She slips and falls in the water, then climbs out of the tank and slips as she grasps on to a play house toy.
A cat and a dog play fight on an ottoman, and the dog pushes the cat off.
A cat sits in the living room and holds up a miniature fishing rod with its paws.
A cat plays with a fish toy that flops, and it hits his face in the living room.
A kitten cat jumps to play with a dog's tail and she turns around scares the cat who runs away in a living room.
A cat plays with a paper bag on the floor of the living room, then she runs into it and slides under the couch and loses the bag.
A cat sleeps on its back on a bed in a bedroom and a young girl plays a trombone and the cat doesn't wake up.
A cat lays on the living room floor and swats at a toy that its owner holds above it. Another cat off screen jumps and attacks the first cat and the first cat gets scared and runs away.
A young girl and cat play indoors until the cat pounces on the girl's head knocking her over.
A woman on horseback drops her hat at a stable, and two dogs run away with it.
A cat hides in a box and jumps out and scares another cat when it walks into the room. Then they fight and play and roll around. Home security footage.
A teen girl pretends to play chess with her cat and when it paws a game piece off the board she says it cheats.
Two young boys play Twister in the house, and a kitten cat hits the spinner to select their positions.
A black cat stands on its back legs in the kitchen and shakes its body from side to side.
A puppy dog and a kitten cat play with each other through a cardboard box with holes in a living room. They both try to go through a hole at the same time and get stuck.
A cat swats at a flap that covers a vacuum system in a wall. She gets the flap to stay open and a vacuum sound is made, then she punches is closed.
A dog plays with a kitten cat that hides in a cardboard box.
A cat plays in a cat tower in the bedroom and the platform that it lays on breaks, and it falls down.
A man and a young boy play ping pong and a cat stand on the table and chases the ball back and forth.
A dog runs towards a cat in slow motion while it chases a ball in the yard and the cat gets scared and jumps up and away.
A cat plays and hits a flying toy helicopter onto the floor of the living room.
A kitten cat paws at a fidget spinner on the television while a video plays of a cat that hits the fidget spinner.
A saint bernard dog pushes a cat off the back of a couch while they play together.
An orange kitten cat plays with a napkin and then falls off of the coffee table it is on indoors.
A girl stands in front of a box in the living room and a cat jumps out of it and swats at her. It goes back in the box and they do the same thing again.
A dog lays on the ground indoors next to a table and a cat approaches it. The dog sits up and the cat reaches out to paw/hug the dog and play with it, but the dog keeps shaking the cat off. At 1:12 the cat manages to jump up and give the dog a hug but the dog runs away and the cat follows.
A cat crawls on the side of a round pillow and it spins in the living room.
Two dogs growl while they play tug of war. A cat pounces on the brown dog and it runs away as it whines.
A kitten cat lays on a couch cushion and rolls around and then falls off the edge.
A man jiggles a toy bone as a dog bites down on it and the dog's jowls and cheeks flap in slo-mo.
A dog teases a cat, so the cat chases the dog around the yard and then tackles it.
A dog eats noodles with human hands and chopsticks in the living room.
A cat swats a lizard while a woman holds it. The lizard jumps off the woman's hand on to the cat's face.
A kitten cat steals a baby's sock and plays with it behind the baby.
A young girl at a petting zoo holds out some food for some horses. When the horses open their mouths the girl's dad sings so it makes it look like the horses are singing.
A boy tot shows his food to a dog in the kitchen and the dog takes it from him. The boy cries.
A dog drags an empty child's swimming pool across the backyard and then she tries to take it inside but can't fit it through the door until she figures out to turn it sideways.
A man lies face down on a bed in a bedroom and a woman points a laser pointer on his underpants. A dog bites the man's underpants and pulls them and gives the man a wedgie.
A man and a dog play tug of war over a toy ball in the swimming pool and then the man puts it in his mouth and blows it out and the dog catches it.
A horse plays with a ball on a rope in a barn and lets the rope go and the ball lands in a bucket.