A raccoon sticks its head and one paw through an open window in a bedroom, then it pulls a bowl of cat food over to the window, and a man and woman wake up to stare at it. No audio. Security footage.
A black cat get gets into the pantry and steals a bag of food.
A cat eats dry cat food out of a bowl on a patio, and a mole jumps in and out and steals cat food from a second bowl right next to him. The cat looks at the mole but then goes back to his food.
When a cat tries to eat from a dog's food bowl, the dog picks up dish and carries it to another spot in the kitchen.
A young woman stands outside and says that she left her truck unlocked with the keys inside, but it was locked when she got back, then she shows that a cat locked the truck from the inside.
"Squirrel Swipes Sandwich" A squirrel eats a hamburger on a porch while a woman and a cat watch, and the woman says that she had ordered food delivery and the squirrel got there first.
A cat drinks from a bowl in a kitchen and a squirrel enters the house and steals food from a bowl next to the cat and runs away.
A young girl holds her cat and uses her paws to pick up a mess of cat food as she scolds her for the mess.
A raccoon in a garage stands on a box next to 4 cats. The raccoon grabs a cat bowl and steals it and runs away with it and the woman with the camera tells it to come back.
A cat jumps onto a table and eats macaroni and cheese off a crying tot boy's plate while the rest of their family laughs.
A gray kitten cat eats chunks of watermelon. A black cat's paw reaches in from off camera and steals a piece. food
A beagle dog looks away from a man on the couch whenever he turns to look at her while he eats a cookie.
A cat watches a man eat. The cat takes chicken off the man's fork and runs away.
On a table, A cat puts its head in a purse to search for food. He then climbs inside the purse and the purse falls off the table.
Three kitten cats are scared of a cat when the cat suddenly moves and they stand frozen, with their eyes wide and backs arched.
A black cat knocks a bit of food out of the air and into a dog's mouth at home.
A raccoon sticks his hand out of a hole in the porch to grab pieces of cat food as three cats eat.
A dog repeatedly takes a bowl of food away from a cat.
Home security footage of a Labrador dog who drags a table out of the patio when he runs away after his collar gets caught on it as he grabs cat food off of it.
Home security footage of a Labrador dog who drags a table out of the patio when he runs away after his collar gets caught on it as he grabs cat food off of it.
A cat has trouble walking in his new harness and falls over while trying to get his food and water indoors.
A black cat pees in a dog's food bowl indoors while a woman asks him why.
Cat eating food has a purple protective cone around its head. Cat gets metal food can stuck on its head and in the cone. Man takes it off.
A cat tries to eat food out of a bowl that has a Halloween trick hand and is scared, but a dog doesn't notice the hand and tries to eat around it indoors.
A kitten cat eats food out of a bowl in the kitchen and then another kitten approaches it to eat out of the bowl. The first kitten pushes the other kitten's head away and doesn't let it come near the food.
A cat struggles to walk in a pink shirt in a kitchen and falls face first into a bowl of food. Action starts at :50.
Sneaky dog tries to steal cat's food dish while he's not looking.
Cat eats food on one side of a door, another cat's paw reaches under the door frame to steal it. They play tug of war for the bowl.
Double jointed boy has cat eat food out of his armpits.
Cat sits upright in a chair, licks lollipop with plate of food in front of it, too.
Dog licks food off baby's face while cat licks food out of baby food jar when mom isn't looking.
Cat sits on washing machine & drops single pieces of its own food down to dog waiting on the floor. Long for edit. Silly pets.
Black cat hides behind wall, tries to attack brown dog. The cat then jumps onto a counter and eats cake.
Kitten makes funny noises when eating cat food out of a bowl.
A kitten cat eats food from a bowl in the living room and whenever a man reaches forward to get some food, the cat quickly covers the food to keep it from the man.
A chihuahua dog and a cat both want the same food dish indoors. The cat uses his paw to move the dish closer to him. When the dog tries, she makes a huge mess of pet food.
Rodentia/cat: Mole in cat's food dish is very surprised to see cat.
Two cats eat from dishes on kitchen counter, one bites the other's neck when it tries to eat from its bowl, cat flies off counter. Fighting.
Woman gives cat a bowl of oatmeal, cat screeches/gags at it. (Cough up a hair ball)
A cat takes a dog treat out of a jar on a kitchen shelf. It jumps down to the floor, drops the dog treat, and a mix breed dog runs in and steals the treat away.
A black and white cat sneaks onto the dinner table to steal a large sausage.