A cat climbs along the edge of a bathtub when it slips and falls in the water. Covered in soap suds and bubbles it climbs out and runs away.
A cat does not want to get out of the bath in bathroom and meows the word "NO".
A cat licks a Chihuahua dog as they cuddle in the living room, but then they start to fight.
Cat drinks water from a bird bath while standing on its two hind legs.
A man gives a cat a bath in a bathtub. The cat meows and the man thinks he says "I love you". The cat scratches him and jumps out of the tub, and the man screams.
A woman tries to give a kitten cat a bath in a sink but the kitten cat jumps out and attacks a dog.
A hairless cat makes a mad face as a woman washes him in the sink.
Woman tries to give a cat a bath, sounds like the cat is saying "no." Cat fights woman to get out of the water & yells.
"Clinging Kitty" Cat gets a bath in the kitchen sink & holds on to window blinds because it doesn't want to go back in the water. Cat won't let go. Clip is edited heavily & has many dissolves.
A woman tries to bathe a cat in a kitchen sink indoors amusing the woman behind the camera. The cat uses his front paw to turn off the sink water. Cute.
Cat doesn't want a bath and howls, meows strangely. Cat bites man's nose.
Cat with long whiskers is wet from a bath and keeps saying "no" when asked if it's happy. Pets talking.
A cat falls into a bubble bath tub playing with a woman's foot.
CAT SAYS "NO" Bath time cat repeatedly shouts "No!" )
Cat kneads golden retrievers dog's chest. Look like he is hypnotizing him. Animal love.
Cat meows as he gets a bath. He grasps the kitchen sink faucet.
Lab puppy dog barks at a cat in the bath tub & they play fight. Cat attacks & paws at the dog and then hides in the tub.
Lab puppy dog barks at a cat in the bath tub & they play fight. Cat attacks & paws at the dog and then hides in the tub.
cat playing with itself while bathing. Licks itself while grooming and scratches butt hole
A wet cat swats at a hair drier while man tries to dry it off after a bath. Blow dryer
Lab puppy dog barks at a cat in the bath tub & they play fight. Cat attacks & paws at the dog and then hides in the tub.
A cat yowls and cries when a woman gives it a bath. It sounds like the cat is saying, "No!"
2 girls in bath. One pulls cat (kitten) into the bath tub.
Kitten walks along the edge of the tub where boy is taking a bath. Cat falls in & freaks out, starts moving quickly to escape.
A man and a woman give a cat a bath in a bathtub. When the man says 'Hello' to the cat, the cat meows back something that sounds like 'Hello.'
AA Pet Bath. Cat grabs & holds shower door with paws as it's carried into tub by its neck. Cat is afraid / scared. Bathroom.
Fat black and white cat sits upright against wall with legs up in air, licks / wets paw to clean butt. Gross.
Tot boy takes bath while kitten watches. Boy grabs kitty by paws, drags it into the water. Cat freaks out, jumps back out of tub.
Cat meowing while getting a bath in the sink. It sounds like the cat is talking, owner thinks it's "I love you." Funny sound. Silly pet tricks.
Woman holds large frog that makes high-pitched crying noises, sounds like a screeching cat. When she rubs its head, frog makes low growls. Woman laughs.