A man in his living room opens a card and a bunch of paper scraps fly out. The man yells and the scraps get in his mouth. He spits them out.
A man and woman flip over playing cards at the same time, and the woman cheers but falls off of her chair.
"Tot Can't Find Mail Slot" A woman tries to direct her young daughter to put card in her grandmother's mail slot. The little girl wanders back and forth in the driveway but can't find it. .
A dog with borrowed hands plays cards with a young boy. When the dog wins it's fed a treat.
A woman reads a card that says she's pregnant with a baby girl at a gender reveal party, then she lies on the ground and another woman trips over her.
A man says that his dog played the games "Uno" and "Candyland" and shows game pieces and ripped cards all over the floor in his home. Then he turns the camera to show the dog with his head stuck in the box from one of the games.
A young boy tells a senior woman in a kitchen that he made her a card that sings. He opens the card to show that there is a hole cut out of it, then he puts his face in the hole and sings "Happy Birthday" and then "We Wish You A Merry Christmas."
A family is in a car at a drive-through safari. A tot boy in the backseat holds up animal flash cards and says the names of each animal. Meanwhile, a man and woman tell him to look at a giraffe standing right outside the window. The boy ignores them and only cares about his flash cards.
A teen girl asks the camera, "I have my mom's credit card, should I get a-" before she can complete her sentence, a puppy dog bites her hair and begins to harass her.
A man does the credit card drop trick to his young boy in the house, and the boy bangs his head on the wall before he drops the card.
A woman opens a Mother's Day card her young boy wrote for her in the house. She finds a dead fly inside of it, and the boy says he killed the fly with the card.
A man scratches a card and says "you're gonna have a baby?" and a woman stands up with a tot boy in her lap and throws him on the floor in the living-room.
A young boy and a young girl sit at a table. Through a series of cards, a man and a woman reveal that the "we are having a baby," but not before the young girl complains, "what is the point of this?" Once she realizes it, she begins to cry. The young boy puts his hand on her shoulder and says "it's okay, they aren't actually going to have a baby," but when he realizes that actually is the case, he too begins to cry.
A Pitbull dog with human hands plays cards with a family in the living room.
A man scares a woman in the garage and she throws Pokemon cards at him.
A young girl sings Pop Goes the Weasel, and then pops out of a cardboard box but falls over.
A woman tells a man she's pregnant as they play Speak Out at the kitchen table. She reads cards that say "There's a baby in my belly" and "You're going to be a dad" as the man continues to play the game unaffected. She asks "How far long do you think I am" and the man then asks "are you pregnant" repeatedly, then hugs her and says "I'm gonna be a dad".
A senior man does a card trick for a baby boy at the kitchen table. When the man flips the card behind his fingers, the boy drops his jaw.
A young girl plays a game with her mother in the house, and tries to guess a phrase while she wears noise-canceling earphones. She repeatedly says "I only see private parts" instead of "I only eat breakfast bars".
A tot boy in a diaper box costume runs after his dad on a deck but he trips and falls.
A mom, teen boy, and young girl play a card game in a living room. The teen says they must name three vegetables. The girl says gravy, and they all laugh.
A young boy screams when he opens a greeting card and a fake spider falls out.
A tot girl screams "Hey, what, there's no money?!" after she opens a birthday card in the living room and there's no money inside.
A woman shows a boy tot animal cards in the living room and the boy says the penguin card is his father.
A senior woman flinches and hits her head against a wall when she opens a birthday card and it plays a song.
A tot girl opens a birthday card and her mom tells her to turn it over to look at the front but she just rotates the direction it's in.
A tot girl opens a birthday card and gets upset and asks why there is no money inside.
A tot boy laughs over and over when his mom shows him a flash card with a donkey on it. He does not laugh when she gives him other cards, just the donkey.
A man pushes a toy skateboard with a cockatiel bird on it down a cardboard ramp on the kitchen counter, and the bird rides on the skateboard.
A mom reads her birthday card out loud in a dining room and opens the card to find a stack of money and gets excited but falls out of her chair.
A young boy gives a young girl a Valentine's Day card and flowers. They hug each other and then fall over a single step that leads to the sunken dining room. They fall hard on the dining room floor and cry.
A young girl puts a dollar bill on an ipad tablet to buy an app then her mom tells her you need to put it on a card so the girl picks up a credit card and places the dollar on top of the card.
A woman in a restaurant pretends to pull money and a credit card from behind a young girl's ear and the girl looks surprised and says she doesn't know where it came from.
A young girl tells her dog to get in a cardboard box and the dog jumps in.
A tot girl puts her dad's cash and credit cards into the toilet in a bathroom and he catches her and says she is in trouble.
A man does the credit card challenge with a boy in the living room. When he drops the card that he holds against the door, the boy goes to stop it with his head and headbutts the door and falls down.
A man in a hallway tricks a young boy with the credit card against the wall trick. He does it twice and the second time he catches the card.
A young boy hits his head against a kitchen cabinet as he tries to stop a credit card with it when his father tells him he can buy whatever he wants if he does.
A woman tricks a young boy with the credit card against the wall trick and he smashes his face against the door.
A dog looks like it hula dances when it paws against a glass door while it wears a hula skirt and a lei around its neck. Music and title cards added.
A dog with human hands plays cards with a teen girl in the kitchen. AA: dogs with human hands
"Ice Bucket Breakdown" - A girl stands in a shower indoors for the Ice bucket challenge and nominates friends to take it before her sister tells her to dump her bowl of ice over herself and the girl suddenly pouts and cries that she changed her mind. Her sister urges her until the girl dumps the water on herself and cries louder.
In this screen grab footage, a tot boy attempts to shuffle cards for the first time but instead makes a noise with his mouth.
A man deals cards across a counter with a dog in his sweater.
A young boy reads a letter that says that he is going to Disneyland. He acts excited, then admits that he does not know what Disneyland is.
Baby girl sitting in a walker laughs at operatic musical greeting card. Cute.
X-mas; AA: Christmas Rat. Rat steals X-mas card and then present. Terrific visual.
Grandma / senior woman reads birthday card to baby girl & mispronounces the name "Annie" as "anus." Everyone at party laughs.
A girl puts UNO playing cards into a pug dog's mouth as the pug sits on a couch and holds them in his teeth.
A little girl is opening a greeting card. At 0:23, she says "no money?" Asks mom to put money in her card. birthday
"Great News for Great Grandma" A woman and an older woman learn that for the first time they will be a grandmother and a great grandmother when they open a thanksgiving card at the dinner table with a photo of a pregnancy test. The older woman bangs on the table with excitement.
A dachshund dog sits at a dining table as human hands write on a card and put it in an envelope.
READING AT NINE MONTHS! Super Baby. Baby (is 9.mos old) reads flash cards.
"Ace In The Hole" Tot boy gets a playing card stuck between his butt cheeks, he stands awkwardly and walks around the living room.
Woman reads Christmas card aloud. The card says she is going to be a grandmother for the first time. The woman is amazed and happy.
Mom's birthday. Daughter throws card at mom, from out of frame. Mom catches the card in her mouth. Amazing.
Teen boy holds a frog on a card in the yard, frog jumps at boy, boy tries to get out of the way. Scared.
Two young boys, a teen girl and a man play a card game indoors and one of the young boys gets mad when he loses and flops on the table, breaking it.
A teen boy uses a pool cue to hit a billiard ball indoors and knock over a stack of playing cards but the ball goes through the cards and hits a boy on the other side in the groin.