A family in the dining room sings Happy Birthday to a young boy as he stands and moves around on the chair. He almost falls but catches himself, then actually falls.
A family sings happy birthday to a young boy as he gets scared by his candles while in his highchair.
Three young women stand in the dining room as they light birthday candles but the match drops into a gift bag and the gift wrap catches fire instead. She puts it out in the sink.
Adults offscreen sing "Happy Birthday" to a young boy who sits in a chair with a cake in front of him. He blows out the candle and falls out of his chair.
A grandmother sits at a dinner table and a teen boy and his mom sing her "happy birthday". The older woman blows out the candle on her cake but a dog jumps up next to her and starts to eat it but she laughs and pushes him away.
Two senior woman emerge from a cake and the lid hits them in the head.
A man tells a young boy to scream at his birthday candles in the dining room, then blows them out while the boy screams.
A woman tells a young man to blow out his birthday candles while he is on a FaceTime call. Then she blows on the candles at the same time to blow them out.
A family sings "Happy Birthday" to a young boy at home, then he says "I wish I had a better cake" before he blows out his candles.
A man blows out the candles on his birthday cake and then another man and a woman throw pies in his face.
A woman pours her drink onto a candle and it flares up dramatically, catching on fire. Security footage.
A man uses an air horn to blow out his birthday candles in the kitchen, and it turns into a flamethrower.
A woman shows the camera that an interactive birthday candle played all through the night and she was forced to put it in the trash can. She says "happy birthday from Satan."
A woman rubs pie in her teen daughter's face after she blows out her birthday candles.
Teen girl accidentally catches her long hair on fire when blowing out the candles on her birthday cake.
A senior woman blows out the candle on her birthday cake and it startles her cat which jumps off the table.
A man yells the word "magic" after he lights a brick fireplace in the backyard with a roman candle firework.
A family sings happy birthday to a teen girl and man, and the girl struggles to blow her candles out but then the man claps his out.
A woman puts a candle in her ear and it begins to smoke. A man then yells and asks her how she thought it was a good idea and she says that the Amish do it.
An adult man brings out a donut with a candle on it for a tot boy's birthday in his house. As the family sings "Happy Birthday," the boy attempts to eat the lit candle and in doing so puts it out.
A man blows out birthday candles with a leaf blower at home.
A family sings "Happy Birthday" to a young girl in the kitchen while she sits at the kitchen table. The girl leans too far to the side and falls out of her chair.
A baby girl puts out a candle on a birthday cake with her hand.
A woman yells No when her young daughter reaches for the lit candle on her birthday cookie as she sits in a high chair.
A man tries to show a young girl how to blow out her birthday candle, but she leans in and puts her mouth around the flame.
A young boy puts his birthday candle in his mouth and his mom screams and he takes it out in a kitchen.
A woman smashes a plate of whip cream into a young girl's face as she blows out her birthday candles.
A young girl screams and cries when her parents sing to her teen sister on her birthday. The younger girl's parents and teen sister relight the candles on the cake and sing to her so she feels better.
A dog jumps up on a kitchen counter and eats his birthday doughnut with lit candles in it.
A man proposes to a woman and her leg catches fire on the back porch.
An adult woman attempts to blow out the many candles on her birthday cake while in a kitchen, before they all burn together and make a huge flame that refuses to go out.
A man holds his lit birthday cake in one hand. He tosses it up and the cakes flips over and lands rightside up in his hand. He blows out the candles.
A senior woman sits in front of a birthday cake with candles in a dining room. She says "I got no wind left" before she blows out the candles, and she farts while she blows on them.
A tot boy makes a wish and says, "I want a new family" then blows out a candle in the dining room.
A group of young girls sing "Happy Birthday" at a birthday party while a woman struggles to light the birthday candles, and they hold a note at the end of the song while they wait for the woman to finish.
A tot girl sings "Happy Birthday to a senior man in a dining room. Then she holds his face away and blows out his birthday candles.
A man's beard catches on fire when he blows out his birthday candles at a restaurant.
A woman holds a plate of birthday cupcakes out to a young boy to blow out the candles when the family dog runs out the door and knocks it out of her hands.
A family sings "happy birthday" to a young boy and a senior woman in the dining-room and the boy covers her mouth so he can blow out all the candles.
A man throws a pie in another man's face when he leans in to blow out his birthday candles in the kitchen.
A family sings "Happy Birthday" to a young boy in the kitchen and his younger brother blows on his candles before he does. But the younger brother does not blow hard enough, so it takes a while to do it. The camera turns to reveal the younger brother.
A man and a woman sit at a table with two birthday cakes, and blow out their candles. The woman's hair catches on fire, and her family screams.
Someone off screen throws a balloon at a woman's birthday cake, it hits the lit candles and pops, then blows the candles out as the woman flinches.
A pug dog blows out the birthday candle on its cupcake at the kitchen table.
A young girl falls at her birthday party when she leans on a table to blow out the candles on her cake.
A young girl puts her arms up to cheer at a birthday party in the house, and knocks all of the cupcakes off of a plater that a woman holds above her head.
A family sings happy birthday to a baby boy and a dog steals his cupcake out of a woman's hands.
A Basset Hound dog barks and blows out its own birthday candle in the living room.
A woman holds a candle up to a baby girl in the house, and when she blows a raspberry the candle goes out.
A tot girl in a living room denies that she held a candle to her mouth but there is a smoky black ring around her mouth.
A boxer dog's family sings happy birthday to him, then he eats a hamburger out of a young boy's hand while there's a candle still on it.
A senior woman farts when she blows out her birthday candles. Grandsons laugh hysterically.
A group of people sing "Happy Birthday" to twin tot girls in the living room and the camera turns to show them both asleep in their highchairs.
A family sings happy birthday to their dog and before they finish he takes the treat and candle off the table with his mouth. Short tail.
A party of people sing happy birthday to a young girl. She blows out her candle and then drops her cake on the carpet just as confetti cannons shoot off.
A senior woman tries to blow out her birthday cake candles and her dentures fall on the cake.
An English Bulldog dog licks at his birthday cake indoors while a woman sings "Happy birthday" and when she finishes, the dog blows out the candles.
A senior man drops a birthday cake with lit candles on a young girl. Short tail.
A man and woman sing Happy Birthday to a Bernese Mountain dog outdoors and he blows out a candy on a carrot cake. Short tail.