A young girl bounces on the living room couch. She bounces onto her butt and slowly falls off the edge of the couch onto the floor.
A woman asks a tot boy to say all the bad words her knows, and he says "poop, pee, butt, barf" and then laughs and says those are all the bad words her knows. His mom asks if he is sure, and he thinks for a moment and then says "fart."
A father starts a tractor with his young son's sled attached to it, but the boy falls on his butt in the snow as soon as it moves.
A man attempts to do his "famous butt dive," but as he attempts to bounce off of the diving board, it snaps and topples over him in a swimming pool.
A mother asks her young son what he can see from the car, and the boy says "mama butt." The woman turns the camera to show the back side of a King Kong-sized giant gorilla statue on the side of the road.
A man does pushups on the floor and then a dog barks from off camera and then drags their butt along the floor across the view of the camera.
An orange and white cat bites down fast and sticks tongue out while it gets its butt rubbed.
A man dances with a tot boy in the living room and accidentally bumps into a young boy with his butt and knocks him down. Music rights not cleared.
A mule bites a woman's butt while she stands in front of an outdoor stable. Featured talent cleared only (the woman who gets bit by the mule).
A young boy runs after a turkey, a chicken jumps at the boys butt.
A man wearing Heelys shoes slips on the carpet while trying to skate over to a woman and teenage boy at a church. In pain he yells "help me Jesus" while they laugh.
College-aged women wiggle their butts and dance to music in a dorm room. One rips her double zero jeans and is embarrassed. Music rights not cleared.
A man falls on his butt on the grass in the backyard after he doesn't jump high enough to clear a hurdle and it breaks apart. Featured talent cleared (man making the failed hurdle)
A woman falls on her butt on a slip-n-slide in the front yard.
A man swings on a swing set in the backyard and does a flip off of the swing, landing on his butt.
A propane heater shoots flames up at a man on his back porch and he backs up and falls on his butt.
A young boy climbs a fence and falls down and lands on his butt as he tries to demonstrate how to break into a hotel room.
A young girl pets a baby cow on a farm and it suddenly runs at her. It hits her and knocks her down and she cries.
A bear walks up to a pole outside, then itches his back and butt while a man, woman, and kids laugh.
A man climbs onto a pony's back, and then another man hits the horse's backside and it bucks the man off.
A man slips off of a diving board and lands on his butt before he bounces into the water.
A young girl rolls down a carpeted staircase on her butt when she unexpectedly propels forward and falls at the bottom.
A woman climbs through a window head first, and then gets stuck. Her butt and legs stick out of the house, and she tries to climb inside. She farts, and a teen girl laughs and films.
A young boy walks under a man who does squats with a heavy weight on his shoulders at the gym, and he falls down when the man's butt bumps him, but the man does not react.
A man runs away from a sheep that butts him while a woman laughs in the road.
A woman shakes her butt and dances in the living room. A tot girl runs into the woman's butt and falls down.
A teen girl slips and falls on icy porch stairs, and she slides on her butt all the way down into a yard. Security footage.
A man slips and falls on ice on a driveway, then farts. Security footage.
A man skis down a snow slope in a jock strap with his butt showing and leaps off a ramps and falls down in the snow and screams.
A chicken bird pecks a dog's butt on the driveway, and the dog runs away from her. Action at 20 seconds.
4 baby pigs wiggle their butts incessantly (11-113, 1324M)
Horse scratches an itch on its butt by rubbing against a fence. Farm.
A tot boy runs across the grass to jump in to a kiddie swimming pool in the backyard. He slips on a tarp, hits the side of the pool, and falls on his butt.
A woman helps a young girl do math on a chalkboard at home while a tot boy plays with the chalkboard. The tot boy then draws a butt, yells "butt cheek," and makes a fart sound.
A tot girl tells a woman that a tree trunk is shaped like a "butt crack...mama's butt crack." kids say.
A young boy cries because he wants to keep the kitten cat he holds. A woman wants to put the cat in the basement. The woman asks the boy what he named her. The boy says, "It's not a boy or a girl. We don't know yet. We never even looked at the butt crack."
A teen boy jumps on a trampoline in a yard and tries to land on his butt, but the trampoline splits down the middle when he lands on it.
A man places a pair of sunglasses on a Boxer dog's butt and the dog wags its tail in the backyard.
A sandpiper bird shakes his butt outside. No audio.
A tot boy wants to see a woman's butt so he can check her temperature with a thermometer in his hand. He says, "Open it, please."
A man stands in front of the dining room table. Behind him, a dog pushes his chair out of the way. The man goes to sit down and falls on his butt. Security footage.
"Butt-er Wash Your Eggs" A young boy delivers eggs to the front door of a house, and a woman tells him through a security camera that she is not home yet. The young boy says "just so you know, these eggs came out of a chicken butt, so just wash them before you eat them." Security footage.
"All the Planets and One Big Moon" A young boy shows a woman his chalk art of the solar system on a sidewalk. Then she asks another tot boy what he drew, and he says "I drew my butt." Brothers. Yard.
A dog drags his butt across a young girl's yoga mat in the house.
A woman asks a husky dog "who farted" in a living room, and he turns around and sniffs his own butt. Instagram video.
"To The Butt Cave!" A tot girl holds a dogs tail up and looks at its butt with a flashlight and says "I see a cave" in the living-room. A woman says "Leave her alone."
A man and a young boy swing on a swing set at a playground. The mans swing breaks on his way back down and he falls on his butt.
A woman asks a young girl in a kitchen if she likes her dinner, and she says that she does not like the "butt peas." She holds up a chickpea and explains that it looks like a butt.
A tot boy pets a cat on a couch. He tells the cat that there is nothing to be afraid of. Then the tot looks at the cat's rear and says, "That's a butt hole. You don't want to touch that."
A woman says that her tot boy figured out how to open diaper cream, then she shows that he put it on a dog's butt in a living room.
A tot girl feeds a cow at a petting zoo, but the cows head butts her and the girl falls over.
A cat plays with a drawstring that hangs from a man's shorts in a living room, then she jumps up high and grabs his butt, and he screams.
A tot boy tries to sit in a chair but he can't figure out how, so he sticks his butt in the air and pulls the chair underneath it and leans back.
A Golden Retriever dog chases a small deer around and through a stream outdoors before cornering it in the water but is unwilling to get too close to it. The dog finally walks up and sniffs the deer's butt.
A young man slips on ice and slides down a flight of porch stairs on his butt, losing a shoe. Security footage.
A kitten cat has a post it note stuck on her butt and she spins around to try and get it off.
A horse smells another horse's butt then raises its upper lip outdoors.
A tot girl wearing adult tennis shoes stumbles and falls on her butt in the kitchen and says "I'm okay!"
A dog wags her tail with googly eyes stuck to her butt in a living room.