"Dealing With the Ceiling Prank" A teen girl tells a young boy that she can make a bowl of water stick to the ceiling in a kitchen if he helps her hold a broom, then she puts the broom under the bowl on the ceiling and walks away while he yells for her to come back. She comes back to push him and say that he will be there a while, then he moves the broom and water from the bowl spills on him.
A man reacts with screams and fear when he attempts to kill a spider in home then breaks broom at the end and runs away.
A young boy puts on an act while he knocks down a large icicle and breaks the whole drain off.
A woman in the kitchen claims she saw something move in the kitchen and her husband jumps onto a chair. After some time, the man cleans the kitchen and screams and runs away when he sees the mouse.
A family plays curling in front of house in the snow. A man pushes a young girl in an inflatable tube and two other adults push her with brooms towards a spray painted target.
A man hits a piƱata with a broom in the yard, and a young girl tells him to "put some back into it". A young boy then says "more back", and the man snaps the broom.
An elderly woman moving an old toilet to the curb rides it down a snowy hill before falling off near the bottom.
A man cuts a tree down with a chainsaw. It tips over, then a woman underneath it tries to stop it with a broom and it falls on her in a yard. Security camera footage. Featured talent cleared only (man with chainsaw and woman crushed by tree)
A man walks around the perimeter of his pool as he cleans it. He falls in and says his phone is in his pocket. His flip flop floats away. Security Footage.
A baby girl balances a broom on its end in the kitchen. Her mom laughs and says "My baby's a witch."
"Pranked Papa Payback" A teen girl holds a cup of water up to the ceiling with a broom handle then asks her dad to hold it. Then she leaves and he says he knows this trick and successfully catches the cup of water without it spilling. He throws the water at his daughter.
A young boy runs down a hallway with a helmet on and holding a broom. He says, "I am a ninja" over and over. Then he runs into the wall, falls, and says he is OK.
A man cleans the side of a garage with a broom. A squirrel stands behind him. The squirrel runs up the man's back. The man shakes the squirrel off. No Audio
A man is sweeping a driveway when the broom part literally flies off the handle and hits a car parked on the street. Security footage.
A man uses a broom to get a live chipmunk out of the house. He screams throughout.
A man is cleaning a swimming pool when his broom is caught in a string of lights, pulling a planter down on him, causing him to plunge into the water. Security footage.
A man does the computer mouse in the house prank on his wife and she hits him with a broom in a living room.
A possum is on the back of the couch in the living room. The whole family screams as a man tries to swat it out with a broom. A teen girl stand on the kitchen counter and screams and a women watches from outside. The possum hisses at the man. And he swats the possum towards the camera.
A man and his family scream in their yard while a muskrat rat repeatedly runs back into their garage as he uses a broom to push it out.
A man slides his tot boy across the living room while another man pretends to use a Swiffer duster as a Curling broom.
A teen girl and her mom find a snake in their kitchen and the girl touches it with a broom. Her mom holds out a bucket and gets scared and screams repeatedly. He picks it up and screams and throws it into a backyard.
A teen girl dances with a broom in the kitchen as she uses it like a microphone stand. She puts the broom between her legs, then trips and falls.
A bride and groom jumps over a broom at their wedding reception and the man's pants fall down.
A teen girl hits her head on the ceiling when she jumps off a staircase with a toy broom between her legs.
A teen boy balances a broom on his hand. He then tosses the broom to the camera person. The broom hits the camera.
A man pokes at a breaking ceiling with a broom handle. He pokes at it one too many times and the ceiling collapses, causing insulation to go everywhere. Video is sped up and then slowed to normal speed.
A teen boy dances to music as he sweeps a floor. He shoves the broom into the air and breaks the light above him in a house.
(RS) - Blindfolded teen girl tries to hit piļæ½ata with broom, keeps missing, hits wall
A teen boy swings/ spins a broom around outdoors, hits his leg, and falls down. Short tail.
A man bangs on a broken piece of siding outside his house with a broom and a bat flies out and scares him. He continues to bang on the siding and as more bats fly out, he gets more and more startled and begins shaking his broom around at them.
A man sleeps on his motorcycle in a garage when a young woman quietly turns the bike on and the man wakes up, jumps off, and grabs a broom.
Teen girl holds up broom & spins in a circle in living room. She gets dizzy & falls over, hits a baby swings and the wall. NO AUDIO. NEEDS COLOR CORRECTION.
Mouse runs up broom handle when woman tries to catch it
Man holds broom & spins in circles for dizzy bat race, he falls over.
A girl sweeps up pink flowers outdoors with a broom and a boy spills them trying to help but making it worse.
A man is upset by a large moth calling it a bird and trying to kill it with a broom. He gets mad at the man behind camera for not helping saying, "I'm not playing this game" and hitting the camera.
A horse holds a broom in his mouth and sweeps the floor of his stable with it.
Man in boxer shorts, cowboy boots, work gloves, holding a broom and salad tongs tries to capture prairie dog that got into his bedroom.
Fireman mopping station house floor, breaks broom and falls while dancing
"Double Shoulder Broom Bash" A man attempts to hit a mans head on a helmet with a broom but hits his shoulders.
Several women find a snake in a living room. They scream as they try to brush the snake out the front door with brooms. Girls scream off camera.
Tot boy sweeps the kitchen floor and tries to walk through a doorway with the broom. The broom is too wide and he falls down.
Older man tapes tennis racquet bug zapper to broom handle, tries to zap wasp nest on outside of house, wasps get angry.