A young girl dances in a bedroom and looks shocked as she throws a water bottle over her head and it crashes and breaks a light fixture. Music rights not cleared.
A young boy attempts to toss a pickle jar into a garbage bin in the driveway, as he says, "this is the pickle juice shot." The jar bounces off of the bin and shatters on the ground.
A teen girl raises her pillow over her head as she puts a pillowcase on then smashes a ceiling light fixture as it breaks and shatters onto the bedroom floor. Security footage.
A woman does a science experiment in the kitchen, and when she tries to knock a potato into a vase it shatters. Slow motion.
A man punches a ceiling light as he dances to music and pretends to be a DJ in a kitchen.
A teen girl crashes through a window in the backyard. Security footage.
A man does a practice swing with a golf club in a garage. The head of the club hits the ground, and it breaks off and flies into a car window across the street.
A woman films her broken glass front door while her tot son tells her he tried to hit a bee with a rock.
A teen girl practices a dance in the living room and accidentally hits the overhead lamp and breaks it.
A teen boy does a trick shot on a door hoop in his bedroom, and then he acts like he is cool and shoots the ball over his shoulder, but the ball hits a mirror on his dresser and breaks it.
A teen boy tries to throw a lacrosse ball into a net but he misses and breaks a window in the background.
A family of men and women wear oven mitts and try to unwrap plastic wrap from a ball on a dinner table. One man hits and breaks a chandelier. The glass falls from the ceiling and the family stands shocked.
Two men push a couch off the roof of a building and hang it from a rope, and it swings against a window and breaks it, and a woman inside says she is fine.
A tot boy rides a motorized toy ATV car in a house and his tot boy brother chases him and their family laughs. He drives into a glass kitchen stove and it shatters and breaks.
A teen girl throws a soft ball against the chimney and one slips away from her and she breaks a window.
Two cats claw and hiss at each other when the grey cat falls down and pulls a lamp down with him, causing the lamp to break.
Boy hits baseball off a tee & the ball flies at mom who's filming. You hear glass breaking O/C & it cuts to broken cup & water on the front porch.
A man practices his golf swing indoors and on the first swing, his golf club hits and breaks the light over his head.
A teen boy does a series of Yo-yo tricks indoors in slow-motion before the yo-yo hits him in the face and knocks off his glasses.
A man does a handstand against a wall indoors but when his feet hit the wall, several picture frames fall down and knock down a vase full of water and flowers on a nearby table. He stands back up and his wife behind the camera whines. Vine/instagram.
Race car POV as it crashes head on into another car on the track. POV car keeps driving with broken window glass. Racing.
2 boys jump off the bed into a pile of pillows. Older brother throws a stuffed animal & breaks the bedroom light. Boy gets quiet, dad filming says "Don't move."
A man skateboards on a half pipe outdoors when the skateboard flies out from under his feet and shatters a glass table.
A man rides an electric skateboard/hoverboard outdoors and it crashes through and breaks a glass door. hoverboard