A man attempts to sit back into a folding chair in a living room and topples backwards to the floor. He says "who put this together" and his daughter says she did. He says "I don't think you set it up right." Security footage.
A young girl and her brother sled down a flight of snow covered stairs on a plank of wood, but they crash into a railing and break it. Security footage.
A man takes a whole front porch down with him when he stumbles and falls after he steps out into a rainy yard. Security footage.
A man and a woman sit on a swinging bench on the front porch and then it breaks and falls to the ground. Security footage.
A woman yells "go" and starts to race her Labrador retriever and terrier down a flight of stairs but she trips and falls, breaking the railing off of the wall.
A young girl swings on a swing in the backyard, then falls down when the swing breaks in half. Slow motion.
A young boy puts on an act while he knocks down a large icicle and breaks the whole drain off.
A teen girl climbs a tree outdoors and hangs from one of the branches. Her older sister walks behind her as the climbing girl says "It's gonna break" and asks her sister "You gonna catch me?" before the branch breaks and she screams as she falls to the ground.
A man pulls down a sawed palm tree into a trailer attached to a truck and it slams into it and the hitch pops off and breaks the tail gate off in the front-yard.
A young girl sits in the driver's seat of a car. The window is rolled down, but ice has formed in its place. She crashes her head through the ice.
A woman swings on a swing in a yard and the swing breaks and she falls down.
A grandfather breaks a playground slide and falls down when he slides on it after a young girl tells him to.
A young boy kicks a ball off of a deck and then tries to step down, but the end of the deck breaks and he falls. Security footage.
A young man lists off some safety tips before he zip lines in a yard, then the rope breaks, and he falls down.
A dog gets tangled up in the lights on a Christmas tree in the living room and plays with another dog. The two dogs pull on the lights so hard that they knock ornaments off the tree and eventually knock the tree down as well.
A man tries to use a ladder to get off the roof of a house, but he falls down with the ladder, and part of the roof breaks off. Security footage.
A young girl and her dad ride on a zipline when it breaks.
A man rides a child's power wheel Jeep down a hill, then it breaks in half.
A woman hits a wall with a sledgehammer when a lamp falls off of the ceiling and breaks on the floor.
A woman at the top of a zip line structure asks a young boy "will it break?". He says no, then she rides down the zip line and crashes into a tree and falls.
Man falls down while trying to get off a trampoline. He jumps onto the springs and they break, flying off everywhere.
A teen girl lays on top of a wooden cart rolling down the driveway. When she gets to the end, it hits a bump and breaks and she falls to the ground.
Three teenagers at a campground run at a tree with a long branch and try to snap it but it doesn't break and the teen boy falls down.
A boy tries to slide down a home made zip line outdoors and it breaks and he falls into a bush.
A man cuts down a tree next to water, and it breaks a dock and a boat when it falls.
A young boy climbs a fence and falls down and lands on his butt as he tries to demonstrate how to break into a hotel room.
A man tries to sit on a round indoor swing and it breaks from the ceiling and falls down.
A woman climbs on a plastic lawn chair in a yard, then she falls down when it breaks.
Two men pull a tree down in a yard, and it lands on a shed and breaks it while another man says "oops."
A woman uses a knife to cut the wall of an above ground pool in the yard to drain water out of it. The wall breaks open and she gets knocked down as water floods out.
Two women clean an above ground pool when the deck breaks and they fall down. Security footage.
A boy skis in the winter snow down a hill and crashes into a small lamp post and breaks it.
A plastic slide breaks off a playground structure and a young girl on top of it falls straight down in a yard.
A teen boy tries to balance on the hand rails of a staircase and one of the rails breaks and he crashes and falls and knocks down picture frames off the wall.
Two men hold a wooden plank and run at a tree in an attempt to break the plank but it doesn't break and it hits one of the men in the face and he falls down. Featured talent cleared only (the two men holding the board).
A young boy hangs off of a storm door at home, then he falls down when the door breaks off of its hinges. Security footage.
A man ice skates in a rink and the ice skate breaks off. He falls. Featured talent cleared ONLY (man who falls down on the ice).
A teen girl spins around and around on a rope swing in a yard, then it breaks, and she falls down.
A man chases a go kart through the yard while it rolls down a hill, then it crashes into a fence and breaks it. Security footage.
A young boy is in a toy car on a ramp in a backyard. A man holds onto the car and then lets it go down the ramp. The car falls forward and breaks. A woman off camera laughs along with the man.
A teen girl sits on another teen girl's shoulders and tries to stand up on a chair to take down a Christmas tree in a living room. She slips and falls and lands on the chair and breaks it.
A woman tries to squeeze through her broken wooden gate. The gate is stuck so she forces it and when the gate breaks and falls down she falls with it and into the driveway. She raises her arms in triumph. Security footage. Inappropriate language.
A woman benchpress weights in the living room. The bench breaks and she slides headfirst toward the floor.
A man walks down the steps in the backyard but he falls through when the steps break. Security footage.
A teen boy and teen girl jump on a trampoline in a yard and the teen girl breaks through the trampoline and falls feet first down onto the grass.
A man and a young boy swing on a swing set at a playground. The mans swing breaks on his way back down and he falls on his butt.
In a park, a young girl tries to jump down from a tree into a swing. The rope breaks and the girl falls to the ground. People ask if she is ok.
A young boy calls another young boy a "one armed posterizer" in a bedroom. Then the other young boy jumps up to shoot a basketball with one arm and he breaks a door down.
Two men carry a toilet down a flight of stairs to a driveway, but one man trips and falls, and the toilet breaks. Security footage.
A woman tells a cockatoo bird that she is pretty, and the bird raises her head feathers and bobs up and down until her perch breaks.
A young man puts boxes into a recycle bin in a yard, then he stands on a chair and pushes the recycle down with one leg, but he falls down when the chair breaks. Security footage.
A man in front of a home tries to catch a desk from the second story as someone else lowers it down to him. It drops down and hits him on the head and falls and breaks on the ground. Security camera.
A young man sits down next to another man on top of a picnic table in the backyard, and it breaks. Security footage.
A young boy slides down a homemade staircase slide, then it breaks and he screams "my booty!"
A man does a snow angel challenge with shorts in the front yard. He slips down the porch steps, and breaks the railing off a brick wall when he falls.
Two men walk off a porch down wooden front steps and a board breaks and flips over and one of the men crashes and falls into the garden. Security camera.
A woman tries to climb onto a rail on a porch and falls down and brings the rail with her it as it breaks.
A woman stands on a kitchen counter to scare a young boy when he walks into the room, and she does, but her shorts get stuck on a cabinet door, and it breaks off when she gets down.
A young boy sits down to eat a bowl of cereal on a tray table in a living room, then the tray table breaks, and he yells "come on." Security footage.