HVL Publishing Date: 2024-10-22 Upload Date: 2017-01-27

A dog stands up and bites at pieces of food on a kitchen counter top.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-10-22 Upload Date: 2024-02-07

A dog eats a woman's Subway sandwich and leaves the evidence on a kitchen floor then burps when asked if he ate it.

HVL Publishing Date: 2024-07-25 Upload Date: 2018-08-18

A woman gasps in the car when she spills bread pudding all over her dress after the lid of the plastic container it's in comes off while filming a vlog.

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-18 Upload Date: 2022-07-14

A dog sits on a chair at a dining room table. There is a pancake on the table in front of him. A hand attempts to get the pancake. The dog growls and then falls off the chair.

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-17 Upload Date: 2023-01-15

"Go Away and Cabernet" A woman and a tot boy are at a dining table. The tot boy holds up a cookie. The woman asks for a cookie. The tot boy pushes a wine glass towards the woman.

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-17 Upload Date: 2022-04-06

A young boy holds a box for a gingerbread house and a woman says she can't wait to see what he did. He says "this is pretty good for a child" and he slowly lifts the box to reveal the pieces of the house lying on a plate unassembled in the dining-room. Then says "Nailed it!"

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-17 Upload Date: 2022-07-18

A woman holds a chip out on the outside of a sliding glass door. A dog inside tries to bite it.

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-17 Upload Date: 2022-11-25

A young girl does a vlog tutorial on how to make banana bread in the kitchen. She starts to smash the bananas in a pot and stops to say she was supposed to take the peels off the bananas. The girl calls her dad down to help her.

HVL Publishing Date: 2023-10-17 Upload Date: 2022-05-24

Two Golden Retriever dogs jump to catch a slice of bread in a yard. One bites onto the bread slice, the other bites onto the dog's nose. Slow motion.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-10-28 Upload Date: 2021-06-14

A young boy throws a piece of toast behind him and into a toaster in a kitchen.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-10-28 Upload Date: 2021-06-24

A cat watches a toaster on a kitchen counter, then jumps and falls off of the counter when the toast pops up.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-10-28 Upload Date: 2021-10-10

A bird gets stuck in a loaf of bread and a man releases it in a yard. Secondary source.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-10-28 Upload Date: 2021-09-22

A baby boy gives the dogs his food at the kitchen table then he starts to cry after the dog eats his bread.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-10-28 Upload Date: 2021-09-07

A senior woman says that she lost her piece of toast in a living room, but the piece of toast is on the front of her shirt while she looks for it.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-09-12 Upload Date: 2020-11-12

A tot boy mixes banana bread batter and sneezes into it.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-09-12 Upload Date: 2020-05-09

A Boxer dog jumps up on the kitchen counter, and eats a piece of bread off of it.

HVL Publishing Date: 2022-09-12 Upload Date: 2020-03-02

A man cuts open a loaf of his first homemade sourdough bread in the kitchen. When he cuts it open, the inside of the bread is hollow and everyone screams.

HVL Publishing Date: 2021-12-08 Upload Date: 2017-06-12

A monkey sits beside a woman. The woman hands bread to the monkey and the monkey throws the bread. The woman runs away when the monkey suddenly comes towards her.

HVL Publishing Date: 2021-12-08 Upload Date: 2017-11-12

A dog with human hands makes a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in the living room.

HVL Publishing Date: 2021-09-28 Upload Date: 2019-10-07

A man feeds hot dogs to a snapping turtle, it grabs onto a loaf of bread next to him and they play tug of war over it. The man throws a hot dog, the turtle grabs it, then falls down a small hill into a pond.

HVL Publishing Date: 2021-05-06 Upload Date: 2014-12-20

An orange tabby cat sniffs at a toaster on a kitchen counter indoors when the toast pops up and the cat jumps and falls off the counter and onto the floor.

HVL Publishing Date: 2019-08-19 Upload Date: 2017-08-04

A tot girl gives her mother a look when the woman takes a piece of bread off the girl's plate and claps when the woman puts the bread back.

HVL Publishing Date: 2019-08-19 Upload Date: 2017-08-15

A grizzly bear catches a piece of bread in the air and waves its paw to people in a car when they wave to it.

HVL Publishing Date: 2019-08-16 Upload Date: 2017-04-24

Man flips toast behind his back and into toaster twice.

HVL Publishing Date: 2019-08-16 Upload Date: 2017-04-24

Man flips toast behind his back and into toaster twice.

HVL Publishing Date: 2019-08-16 Upload Date: 2018-03-31

A woman in a car gets scared and screams when a buffalo sticks its head in through her window to get a slice of bread from her. drive-through animal park.

HVL Publishing Date: 2019-08-16 Upload Date: 2017-06-07

A raccoon sits in a hole in a tree and catches a piece of bread when a woman throws the bread near it.

HVL Publishing Date: 2019-08-16 Upload Date: 2019-01-19

A man and woman put a bag of hamburger buns in an oven then the woman's mom sees them and they asks her, "where are the buns" and the woman says, "in the oven" and after a little while she puts together bun in the oven and suddenly screams loudly and gives her daughter a hug.

HVL Publishing Date: 2019-03-26 Upload Date: 2015-07-17

A cat sits on a kitchen counter indoors when bread pops up in a toaster and the cat leaps in the air and falls on the floor.

HVL Publishing Date: 2019-03-26 Upload Date: 2010-08-03

Dad puts piece of bread in little girl's snorkel goggles at the lake, girl goes underwater & fish eat the bread. Girl catches a fish in her hands. Fishing.

HVL Publishing Date: 2019-03-26 Upload Date: 2009-05-10

Dog walks into the kitchen with two paws on the counter. Gets into the bread box and takes food.

HVL Publishing Date: 2019-03-26 Upload Date: 2004-08-13

Emu bird pecks the top of a young boys' head while eating bread.

HVL Publishing Date: 2019-03-26 Upload Date: 2012-02-12

A golden retriever dog steals bread off of a kitchen counter over and over again as the boy behind the camera encourages her. Action starts at 3:12.

HVL Publishing Date: 2019-03-26 Upload Date: 2013-12-26

A man tries to karate chop a ginger bread house at home before the family eats it. He smacks it and nothing happens.

HVL Publishing Date: 2019-03-26 Upload Date: 2016-06-07

A family feeds bread to birds at a park outdoors and a tot boy picks up the pieces and eats them himself.

HVL Publishing Date: 2019-03-26 Upload Date: 2003-10-30

Woman bakes bread, it comes out hard as a rock. She drops it on floor to demonstrate. Date on screen 2003.

HVL Publishing Date: 2019-03-26 Upload Date: 2004-05-26

Young boy feeding the ducks across a creek, loses his balance and falls into the creek.

HVL Publishing Date: 2019-03-26 Upload Date: 2014-03-11

A man holds a piece of bread out his car window as seagull birds fly around but a dove takes the bread and the man screams "He bit my finger!"

HVL Publishing Date: 2019-03-26 Upload Date: 2017-02-20

Driving through a safari park, a man throws pieces of bread like a frisbee and a bear catches all three while it lays on the ground. zoo

HVL Publishing Date: 2019-03-26 Upload Date: 2016-01-28

A man sleds through the snow in a swimsuit and sneakers and holds up milk and bread as he screams "I got the bread and milk!" repeatedly outdoors. Vine/Instagram.

HVL Publishing Date: 2019-03-26 Upload Date: 2001-10-29

Bird takes bread from pier, throws it into the water, uses it as bait to catch fish. Small fish comes up & the bird jumps in. Smart.

HVL Publishing Date: 2019-03-26 Upload Date: 2017-02-26

A man throws a piece of bread to a deer and it lands on and gets stuck on the antlers.

HVL Publishing Date: 2019-03-26 Upload Date: 2012-10-09

A toaster pops out burnt toast and it lands on plate untouched.

HVL Publishing Date: 2019-03-26 Upload Date: 2011-09-06

A young boy smashes a can of biscuits on a kitchen counter top, trying to make the can pop open. It doesn't and he gets frustrated. Suddenly, the can explodes, spraying biscuit mix on the floor and counter. Short tails.

HVL Publishing Date: 2019-03-26 Upload Date: 2006-06-12

Boy asleep at dinner. Dad stacks items from the table on boy's head in a leaning tower & boy never wakes up. Deep sleeper. Piles bread, plate, drink, paper towel.