A woman knocks over a large set of shelves with plates and dishes on it in a restaurant kitchen, and they all crash and break. She picks up the shelf and swears, then another plate falls. Security footage.
A tot boy holds up a blanket that a tot girl hides behind, then he whispers and tells when to run away and come back in the house.
A man works in a large sewer tank, and a man, his boss, works in front of him in the tank. The man does the floss dance as he stands behind his boss.
A man asks his tot daughter why she wants to be a mommy when she grows up and the girl says, "so I can boss everyone around all the time."
A tot boy argues with his grandparents and says "I'm the boss" repeatedly.
Funny sign: The marquee under a Midas sign reads, "Boss told me to change the sign so I did."
A yorkie dog barks at a second dog when the yorkie wants to switch bowls of food. The second dog moves immediately both times the yorkie dog barks.
"Babbling Boy Boss" A tot boy babbles to his uncle and the man argues with the boy about the measurements the man is making. The have a fake argument although the little boy's babbling is not understandable. Cute
Two men fight over the last chair in a game of musical chairs.