A young boy runs with a boogie-board and tries to jump and slide into a flooded backyard but the nose of the board digs into the ground and he flips over and falls in the water.
A man tries to jump onto a boogie board in a swimming pool, but it breaks and he falls in.
A woman runs toward a boogie board on a beach, then she tries to stand on it, but she slips and falls into the water.
A young boy attempts to boogie board down a sandhill, but the board does not go anywhere, and the young boy falls off of it. The wind then takes the board away.
A young girl faceplants in the water when she tries to dive onto a boogie board.
A teen boy and teen girl jump on boogie boards and crash into each other at the beach.
A man at a beach gets down on one knee to propose to a woman and pushes a boogie board out of the way but a young boy is standing on the board and he falls down.
A man kneels on a boogie board at the edge of a pool and holds a rope to get pulled by an ATV into the water and then he rides a ramp out of the pool and crashes into a bush.
A young boy dives on a boogie board in a large mud puddle. The boy misses the board and his chest slams on the ground.
Young boy tries to ride boogie board down a flight of stairs and falls on his face. Bonehead.
A dog jumps on a boogie board in a pool, rides it to the other side, and jumps out of the pool.
A young boy runs on the beach with a boogie board. He tries to slide on the surf waves, but the tip of his board sticks in the sand. The board sticks into his stomach and he flips over it into the sand. No heads. No tails.
Dog, Yorkie, walks across 2 boogie boards in a pool. Grabs a floating ball and swims to the other side of the pool.
A young man rides a boogie board down the stairs, falls off, and rolls down the stairs.
Bald man tries run and jump and boogie board on stomach on beach, face plants into the sand. Fall downs.
Dad slips and falls, gets tossed around by water on wave pool at indoor water park as son rides boogie board
A man breaks an above-ground pool with a shovel, the water pours out, and several kids and a dog ride boogie boards across the yard.
Boy goes down a slip and slide on a boogie board and tries to jump off. He falls when he hits a ramp and slides onto the sidewalk.