A best man dances through a wedding reception, tossing flower petals. Then he squats down and his pants rip.
A man finishes a Best Man speech at a wedding, and as he hugs the bride and groom the backdrop falls on them and onto the cake. Reception.
A groom dips the bride when they kiss at their wedding and he loses balance and drops her.
A woman drives a car and shows that her tot boy son has got his arm stuck in a vase. It makes him look like Iron Man. She drives him to the Fire Department for them to get it off. The fireman uses liquid soap to get it off and when he finally gets it off they give him a fireman's hat.
A bird bites a man's lip when he leans in for a kiss after he sings the phrase "You are my best friend" as the bird sits in his hands.
A series of clips where a man lip syncs while a tot boy yells and talks nonsense in the living room.
"Bested by a Bug" A man tries to kick a bug off of a patio porch and he slips and falls. Home security footage.
A man pets a puggle dog as they sit in a chair together. When the man stops petting the dog, the dog paws at the man's hand and pulls it to him so he can keep petting. Best action in first 30 seconds.
A senior man opens a present from his son and words on the present ask him to be the best man in his son's wedding. The man cries and hugs his son, then jokingly says "No."
Man puts on a monkey costume and asks his girlfriend to marry him. he says he isn't the smartest or best looking guy in the world but he would be the luckiest if she married him. Wedding Proposal
Teen boy and teen girl ride an ATV through a large puddle on a farm. It flips backwards and upside down. The camera man puts the camera down right at the best part, but brings it back to show the reaction. (2103)
Two men sit on garden tractors/lawn mowers on a front yard sidewalk with the tractor fronts head to head. The two tractors push into each other, and push up onto their hind wheels. Both men fall off. One man's tractor smokes as the camera woman says "You blew it up."
Teen boy faints at outdoor wedding. His knees lock he leans forward, stumbles falls down. Best man.
"Amen's Best Friend" 3 chocolate lab dogs listen as man says "Grace" before they're allowed to eat outside. When he says "Amen" they eat their food from bowls.
A small green anole lizard his bit a woman's nose and won't let go. A man tries to pull the lizard off her. She smiles and laughs as the lizard just hangs from her nose. She shakes her head back and forth, but the lizard still won't let go. Several other adults laugh. A teen girl jars the lizards lips off with tooth picks. Very long clip. Best action 1 minute to 2 minutes and 3:30 to end.
Wedding Fainter. Best man takes a big dive in front of bride & groom. Wide shot
2 white geese attack groomsmen by pond at wedding reception. Chase, bite at feet, knock them over. Goose, duck. Man's fall partially hidden by tree. Best man.
Best man at wedding makes toast and he has toilet paper on the bottom of his shoe.
Best man falls down drunk at wedding reception while holding a tray of shot glasses.
A man flies off a big tube raft into water. He's being pulled by a boat. Not the best shot of him flying off because it's too quick, but still looks kind of cool.
AA: Wishes. Best man hopes bride doesn't grow a big butt. (buttock)
During a wedding reception, best man stands to give his toast / speech and says, " I had a speech all prepared but I'll save it for your next wedding"
Young man does back flips from one hotel bed to another. He says "this will be the best one yet" & falls in between the 2 beds. Bonehead.