A woman holds a tube of lipstick and walks into the bathroom and a young boy stands on the toilet with lipstick all over his hands and face and she asks him how it tasted and he says "icky" and makes a sad face.
A young woman starts a vlog about makeup at home, then a bug flies into her mouth. She coughs, and the bug flies back out.
"Laughably Long Lash Lady" A mother holds up a mirror in her adult daughter's salon and gasps when she sees that she's wearing large fake eyelashes. Then her daughter removes the top layer to reveal regular eyelashes.
A woman looks in the camera and has her hair in a roller in the bathroom and she says "and just go straight down the hair and the pulls the roller and it pulls a lock of her hair clean off and the woman grabs the hair and says "That wasn't supposed to happen.
A woman carries a giant birthday cake over to a one year old in a high chair in the living room as guests sing "Happy Birthday." When she gets to the baby, she drops the cake on the floor.
A woman follows a trail of hair to her twin girls who gave themselves haircuts. The woman laughs when she sees her daughter and says "she has a mullet".
A teen girl records a selfie to show her facial mask and then falls off the bed.
A young woman sprays herself with a fake freckle makeup product in a car, and it comes out as a thick gray spray paint over her eyes. She opens her eyes and gasps.
A teen girl attempts to show off the heels she wants to wear with her formal dress but she loses her balance as she tries to kick them up for the camera. She then says, "OK, maybe I'm not going to wear these."
A woman at the beach tries to do a cartwheel but she stumbles and falls into the water.
A tot boy has shaved the middle of his hair in a bathroom, and he tells a woman that he made himself "beautiful."
"Beautiful Baby Brows" A tot boy draws on a baby boy's eyebrows and head with an orange marker in a living room. A woman asks the tot boy why he did it, and the boy answers "because he didn't have no hair."
A woman makes a sales video about a makeup spray in a closet, then she falls backwards out of her chair, and she holds up the chair to show that it broke.
Two women talk about the beautiful view of a canyon and show it in the camera, and then step away and reveal the view was only an image on a placard and the real canyon is covered in fog.
Two young girls make a makeup tutorial in a bathroom, then one of them blows into a container of loose powder, and they both cough and leave the room when a cloud of powder covers them.
A teen girl gets scared of thunder as she says it is a beautiful day outside in a backyard.
A young girl opens a bag in the bathroom as she starts a beauty tutorial, and the powdered cosmetic gets all over her.
A girl holds a dog with fake eyelashes on his face while she and her mom laugh hysterically.
A man tells his tot daughter that she is beautiful and she yells at him and says that she is not, even though she doesn't know what beautiful means. He tells her that he will give her a snack if she says that she is beautiful and she says it.
A dog misses a ball in the air in slow motion and falls onto its back. Slo-mo
A football flies through a Frisbee with a hole in the center.
Three teen girls dance in a bathroom to "Beautiful Soul" but the shower curtain falls on them.
A woman films her bathroom sink after she spills charcoal toothpaste and it explodes onto the walls, floors, and sink. She shows her face in the mirror and has clumps of black toothpaste in her eyes and hair and she laughs hysterically.
A tot boy tells his mother that she is beautiful in the bedroom. He then tells her that she's not beautiful without makeup on.
A young girl cries because her Mom woke her up from her "beauty sleep".
Tot girl sings "America the Beautiful" with weird and cute words. 2 times.
Kid awarded crown that is too big covers his face during beauty pageant.
Tot girl does her own rendition of "America the Beautiful" with cool background effects and lyrics.