A man in a bar runs and punches a speed bag. Then he falls and knocks over a claw machine. Music rights not cleared.
A woman hangs upside down by her legs on a pull up bar at the beach, she tries to swing herself onto her feet when she lets go but she falls on her face instead.
A young girl swings from a bar and tries to jump onto a large yoga ball but bounces off of it and falls to the floor.
A teen girl closes a window at a tiki bar and it falls down and lands on her head. Security footage. Music rights not cleared.
A man climbs on a playground zipline and it breaks. He falls on a tire on the ground and then bounces off and falls on the ground.
A young boy runs and flips on a jungle gym bar. A dog runs under the young boy and the boy lands on him and is dragged by the dog. Slow motion.
A series of clips in a Snapchat story where a woman rides Heely shoes while she plays pool in a bar. On the third cilp, she slips and falls. Social media video. Featured talent cleared (woman playing pool). Music not cleared.
A compilation from the same household of men and women falling out of the same barstools in a kitchen at different times. Security footage.
A teen girl practices on the uneven bars and falls and lands on the ground and says "I just landed like Spiderman" in a gym.
A young boy attempts to hop up and hang from his chin-up bar when the bar breaks and he face-plants into the camera.
A woman attempts to walk on a rolling playground log and falls on the ground landing on her backside.
A teen boy tries and fails to skateboard and jump over a security entry guard bar in a parking lot and knocks the bar off it's post outdoors.
A woman hangs upside down on the monkey bars at a playground by her toes and falls down and hits her back on the ground.
A girl hangs upside down from a gymnastics bar in her bedroom and swings back and forth and then slips off and falls.
A man climbs across a ladder that hangs over a swimming pool. He gets across the pool and stands on a chair. The chair tips over and he falls in slow motion on the chair and into the pool.
A mechanical bull moves as soon as a woman jumps onto it and the bull throws her off. Featured talent cleared only (woman jumping on the bull).
A man holds onto a bar and stretches in a hallway at work, then the bar breaks off of the wall, and he looks around. Security footage. Secondary source.
A dog eat food crumbs off the floor near the kitchen. The dog gets its head stuck in the bar-stool and pounces around with it on its head. Screen recording. Security footage.
A woman at a bar rides on a mechanical bull. The whole bull falls off and she with it. Featured talent cleared only (woman riding the mechanical bull).
A young girl shares an ice cream bar with a pony and a dog in a barn.
A man pushes another man in wheelchair towards the punching game at a bar. Featured talent cleared only (people sitting at the bar in the background not talent released)
A cat has wedged himself under a low bar between table legs at home, and he lies on his back and wiggles his legs but cannot free himself.
A teen girl climbs on a gymnastics bar in the bedroom. She slips and falls backwards onto the floor.
A tot boy rides down a toddler roller coaster on a tricycle and flips over the handle bars and face plants.
A girl wraps a large rubber band around a gymnastics bar in a gym and pulls on one end while she pulls on the other end with her foot. The band slips off her foot and hits her in the face and she falls back.
A tot boy and a tot girl are in a shopping cart in the check out line. The boy grabs a bar of candy and hands it to the girl who puts it on the conveyer belt. Then he grabs another and hands it to the girl. This repeats several times. Several candy bars are seen on the belt.
A woman in a bar makes a drink with a large bubble on it. She then she passes it to a young woman who takes the drink and slowly and carefully walks backwards until she trips onto a couch and spills the drink.
A dog runs up to an ice cream truck, puts its paws on the window and retrieves an ice cream bar from a woman in the truck.
A woman rabbi and a teen boy stand on either side of a table during his Bar Mitzvah. As the woman reads to the teen boy, the teen boy faints.
A woman in a restaurant kitchen holds food in her hands as she slips on the floor and falls down. Security camera footage. No audio.
A squirrel crawls up a man's body and takes a granola bar from his hand in a golf course and then runs away.
A cat tries to jump between the bars of a staircase bannister and gets stopped by its stomach in a living room.
A young girl jumps onto a gymnastics bar in the house, and kicks in the ceiling tiles. The light in the room goes out and she says "sorry."
A young boy rides a bike across the backyard onto a ramp that goes into a lake, but he doesn't get enough speed and face plants into the water. The footage then reverses and replays in slow motion.
A woman falls off a stool at a bar when she loses her balance while she spins around in circles on it with her legs in the air.
A tot boy in a Spider-Man costume tries to eat a granola bar through his mask but he cannot get it into his mouth.
A group of young boys read a scavenger hunt clue in a kitchen that says "Where do the grown ups like to hang out? and they all yell "The bar!" and run away but the answer was supposed to be the television.
A young girl plays a game with her mother in the house, and tries to guess a phrase while she wears noise-canceling earphones. She repeatedly says "I only see private parts" instead of "I only eat breakfast bars".
Dog jumps over pile of chairs & bar stools & escapes from baby gate. Man tells dog she needs to stay in the kitchen & he'll see her later.
A teen girl stands on her sister's back to reach a pullup bar but when she grabs onto it, it falls and she falls down indoors.
A teen girl flips a water bottle in a classroom and it lands on a beam attached to the ceiling.
A man stands on playground equipment and tries to swing over the bar above his head. When he steps off the equipment one bar continues to swing and hits him in the head.
A girl spins herself around a high bar at a playground and falls off.
Two dogs leap over a hurdle for a jumping trick in slow motion, crash into each other, and the black dog falls on the bar and onto the other side.
A man stands on a cart in a warehouse and holds the sides of it like gymnastics bars to flip himself over and the cart tips over to the side and he falls with it.
A boy flexes after he does pull-ups on a pull-up bar in the bedroom. He jumps up and grabs the bar again, but it breaks off the wall and he falls on the floor. Home security camera
A man swings on a gymnastics bar in a gym and slips and falls off of it.
A teen girl tries to hang from an exercise bar in a doorway. The bar breaks off the door, and she falls to the ground. Then a fishing pole rod falls on top of her.
A man attempts to do a pull up on a pull up bar. The pole falls off the wooden slats that hold it and the man falls on ground and lands on his back. salmon ladder
A woman tries to jump over a pole on a horse obstacle but she trips over the bar.
A boy does a pull-up on a shower curtain rod and it breaks and he falls in the tub.
A person rides a snowmobile through the winter snow down a hill and goes off a jump and when they land, they flip over the handle bars and fall on the ground.
A boy jumps from a playground structure to monkey bars but doesn't grab the bars and falls outdoors.
A boy does pull-ups on a pull-up bar in the doorway for his closet in the bedroom while he stretches an elastic band with his foot. The band slips off his foot and hits him in the groin and he cries. His older sister walks in and laughs when she sees him.
A man in a bar plays a game of Jenga and stands on a chair to reach the top. A man holds the chair still for him and let goes and the man on the chair falls down and the tower and a light come crashing down.
A teen boy puts a baby gate at the bottom of a staircase in a house but a puppy dog slips through the bars on the side of the gate. The boy looks surprised and laughs.
A man works at a bar and a bottle falls down by itself behind him and startles him and he looks confused. He reaches up toward the shelf and multiple bottles fall down and shatter and spill onto the floor and he walks away.
A man tries to swing across a set of metal bars on the ceiling of a room under construction. He falls off onto a step of a ladder and hits his groin and falls onto the ground.