A dad drives his sports car and does a "donut" and his young daughter in the backseat cries and tells him to never do it again.
A camel leans into a car at a drive-thru safari park, then a woman crawls backwards into the backseat as the group of women laugh.
A woman sits in the front seat of a car tells the man driving, "don't roll the window down." A dog in the backseat takes issue with this and howls loudly.
A young boy attempts to feed a camel food during drive-thru safari. The camel takes the bowl away then a different camel sticks its head into the car and dumps food all-over the backseat of the car.
Two young girls argue in the backseat of a car and then one of them tells the other that she'll "beat her ass." The other girl says that's a bad word and then they argue over that.
A man trips on his baby's stroller while getting out of the car and falls over. Security footage.
A man feeds a camel at a drive thru safari park, and he jumps into the backseat when the camel sticks its head into the car. Video displayed sideways.
At a drive-thru zoo, a hungry cow sticks her head inside a car and helps herself to a cup of food as a tot boy and tot girl in the backseat cry.
A young boy and a young girl sit in the backseat of a car and make funny faces as the car is about to go through a carwash. The girl says "why are you taking a video?" just before water sprays into the car.
A turkey attacks a car in the road while children in the backseat scream. The driver drives away and laughs while the turkey chases the car.
A man tries to show a tot boy how to blow a whistle. The boy puts the whistle in his mouth and voices a high pitched tone in the backseat of the car.
A tot girl in the backseat of a car is asked by a woman why she wants to visit her uncle. The tot girl says she loves her uncle. The woman asks, "is it because he has donuts?" The tot girl pauses and says, "I love donuts."
A family is in a car at a drive-through safari. A tot boy in the backseat holds up animal flash cards and says the names of each animal. Meanwhile, a man and woman tell him to look at a giraffe standing right outside the window. The boy ignores them and only cares about his flash cards.
Two teen girls sit in the backseat of the car with a mountain of drink trays with water cups in them and the driver turns sharply and they all spill and one of the girls screams and the others laugh.
A young girl starts a vlog in the car with a young boy. A man wearing a horror clown Halloween mask pops out of the backseat and screams to scare them.
A woman screams about a stink bug in the car. She tells a man to let her out of the car or she'll divorce him, then she climbs into the backseat. She gets hysterical.
A teen girl is in the backseat of a car holds in her arms several cups of water in takeout containers. The car goes over a speed bump and the girl falls forward and every cup loses its lid and spills water on her.
A tot boy sleeps with a grilled cheese sandwich in his mouth while in the backseat of a car.
A woman asks a man if they can snuggle and a tot girl in the backseat of the car screams and says "you people no snuggle".
A man records a video from a car of two ostriches while they mate at a drive through safari and a young boy in the backseat asks innocent questions about what's happening.
A cat in a cage sounds like it says "I wanna go home" to a woman in a car.
A tot boy feeds an ostrich bird at a drive thru safari park, and when the bird pecks at the pellets they fly all over the backseat as the boy constantly blinks.
A tot boy drops a banana out of his hand in the backseat of the car as he watches his tablet. The boy then later realizes he dropped the banana, and stares at his empty hand.
A cow approaches a woman's window in a drive-thru safari and she screams and jumps into the backseat of the car. She spills dry food all over her boyfriend's car.
A young girl refuses to feed a buffalo at a drive-thru safari park, and her young brother climbs into the front seat to feed it. The boy jumps to the backseat when a second and third buffalo walk up to the window.
A tot boy in the backseat of a car screams as he sees himself with a goth filter on.
A man sings a Christmas carol in the car and a young girl sits in the backseat and screams for him to stop while she bangs on the window to get out.
A man sits in the backseat of a car and feeds an ostrich bird at a drive through safari and the ostrich repeatedly bites at the man's shirt sleeves. Scared
A young boy repeatedly says "leave me alone," in the backseat of a car each time his tot brother yells, but the younger brother doesn't listen and continues to annoy him. Sibling rivalry
A senior woman screams in the backseat when an ostrich takes food from her bowl.
A teen boy sits in the backseat of a car after dental surgery and gets upset and says his eyes are stuck open. His mom tells him to close them and he does and tells his eyes "good boys".
A bag of popcorn flies around in the backseat of a car and spills everywhere as two young boys have their windows rolled down for the air dry portion of a car wash.
A girl sits in the backseat of a jeep car with no roof and struggles to eat ice cream while it rains and wind blows hard. She spills ice cream all over herself and gets wet from the rain.
A young girl in the backseat of a car sings while a baby boy covers his ears
A woman uses plastic bag to catch water that drips into a car during a car wash while kids cry in the backseat.
A man in a clown costume hides in the backseat of a car and scares three teen girls as a prank while they pose for a picture.
A man in a car lip syncs along to a young girl while she yells about her window in the backseat.
Two tot boys sit in the backseat of a car with chocolate frosting on their face and bodies. Their mom asks why they ate it all, but the tots just continue to lick the frosting.
A tot boy cries in the backseat of a car while he tells his mother his sandwich is broken because it's cut in half.
"Backseat Sleeper" A little boy in backseat of car is tired. Dad is asking him about. Dad eventually tells boy he can go to sleep and boy immediately drops his head to sleep.
A tot boy hangs off the backseat of a car when he tries to reach his pacifier that is just out of his reach.
A boy and girl in backseat of car realize they are going to the beach. "The beach!"
Tot girl and young boy sit in backseat of car. Girl is having a tantrum, screaming "I want my mommy!" Young boy sitting next to her in the middle of the seat says "This is the worst Birthday ever!" & rolls his eyes. Sibling rivalry.
2 young girls sit in the backseat of a car & get surprised with a trip to Disney World by their parents. Girl repeats "Oh my gosh" & begins to cry.
Young boy sleeps in the backseat of a car. Man off camera yells "Dogs dogs dogs!" Boy wakes up with a great scared face. Family laughs, boy says "You're mean." Sideways camera. Practical joke.
Young boy sleeps in the backseat of a car with a big lollipop in his mouth.
"Backseat Soak" Tot girl sits in a car seat waiting for car to go through car wash. Mom left the back window open & girl gets hit with water. Boneheads.
Man hides in backseat of woman's car and scares her when she gets in. Woman screams.