A teen girl pets a dog and holds her collar as it tries to jump over a baby gate. Tthe teen girl falls down. Security footage.
A young girl introduces herself and her younger sister steps into the frame. The older sibling pushes her and says "go away" angrily and she falls off camera, crying, with the first girl glaring at her with disdain.
A man says "dada" through a baby monitor in a bedroom, and scares his young daughter who screams in her crib. Security footage.
A teen girl feeds a baby. The baby spits on her and the teen falls backwards in her chair. Security footage.
A young girl on a living room yells at Alexa to play Baby Shark. Her mother holding the camera tells her they don't have Alexa and the girl looks confused.
A teen girl holds a baby goat up and the goat screams twice.
A baby girl is wide-eyed with shock when she gets startled by a Jack in the Box toy on a living room floor.
Large dog catches carrots in mid air thrown by person off-camera. Baby girl in walker laughs hysterically. Living room.
A woman knocks a baby girl's birthday cake off of her high chair and it smashes on the ground.
A baby girl in the living room hiccups into a microphone and the hiccup echoes. A man laughs at the daughter.
A dog is bothered by a baby girl after she farts. The dog stands up on the bed and moves further away from the infant.
A mother films cookie dough pieces on a baking sheet in the kitchen and says "there's supposed to be twelve," then she turns the camera to show that her baby girl daughter holds a piece of cookie dough and sucks on it.
A mother encourages her toddler to kiss her older daughter. The older girl screams when her baby sister sneezes on her face repeatedly.
A man records a selfie in the living room and says he noticed his twin daughters turn to look at the TV whenever the theme song for "The Office" plays. The man turns the camera to show the baby girls on the floor and then they turn to look at the TV at the same time when the theme song plays. Music rights not cleared.
A puppy dog helps a baby girl climb the stairs for the first time.
A young girl is introduced to her baby sister in a hospital room. The older sister says the baby is "cute" but then turns her attention to a balloon nearby and walks over to touch it.
"Baby Likes Baby Backs" A tot girl eats meat off a rib at a restaurant while her mother sits next to her and says to the camera, "Okay, so I don't think she's going to be a vegetarian like mom". Featured talent cleared only (two women in the b.g. of the restaurant are *not* cleared).
A female toddler pushes a toy cart with a cat in the basket. The baby pushes the cat until the cart falls forward.
Grandma holds a baby girl in the den when mom says "That's a big smile" and the baby spits up.
A one-year-old baby girl uses the family dog as a step stool to climb onto the couch.
In a kitchen, a young girl suggests to a man and woman that they throw the "Elf on the Shelf" in the fire and "let it burn" after they blame her and her elf for drawing on a baby girl's face.
A young girl pets a baby cow on a farm and it suddenly runs at her. It hits her and knocks her down and she cries.
A young boy drags a baby girl in a high chair into his room, but the high chair tips over when it hits the rug, and his dad helps him pick it back up. Security footage.
A woman reads a card that says she's pregnant with a baby girl at a gender reveal party, then she lies on the ground and another woman trips over her.
A baby girl tastes lemonade and grimaces then shakes in the restaurant. Featured talent cleared only (the baby).
A woman throws a balloon, and a man holds out a baby girl to bounce it off of her head and into a basketball hoop in a bedroom. Slow motion video.
A baby girl in a bedroom looks in the mirror and plants a kiss on her reflection in the mirror.
A kitten cat sneezes and a baby girl screams in a living room.
A group of people sing "Happy Birthday" to a baby girl, then she extinguishes the flame with her hands and cries in the dining room.
A baby girl puts out a candle on a birthday cake with her hand.
A dog drags a baby boy across a kitchen floor while a tot girl cheers the dog on.
A woman gives a baby girl a taste of an ice cream sandwich and she smiles and laughs and makes an excited face in a stroller.
A young girl twirls on a front porch when a door swings open and hits her as she flips backwards off of the porch. Security footage. Featured talent cleared only (the woman, the young girl and the baby).
A young girl feeds hay to a baby goat in a petting zoo. A second baby goat stands up and hits her.
A baby girl laughs as her adult father spits a small white ball into the air while in a backyard.
A baby girl sits atop a Roomba and drives backwards while in a kitchen.
A baby girl watches AFV on television and says "dada" when she sees Alfonso.
A baby girl leans forward on her chest and raises her back legs and hips off the living room floor.
A young boy, tot boy, and young girl sit on a bench and hold baby goats. The tot boy holds a baby goat that screams. The tot screams back, and they repeat this.
A woman attempts to film a baby girl as a dog gets in front of her car seat to try and get all the attention.
A young boy and a young girl unwrap a blue teddy bear for a gender reveal in a living room, then a man and woman ask them what it is, and they yell "a bear." Then they ask the young boy and young girl what that means their baby sibling will be, and they say "blue." When they tell the young boy and young girl that their new sibling is a boy, the young boy says that he won.
A baby girl in a high chair is completely covered in purple colored food. Her mother asks if it was tasty and the baby girl smiles.
A baby girl balances a broom on its end in the kitchen. Her mom laughs and says "My baby's a witch."
A woman wishes a baby girl a merry Christmas and the baby farts loudly in a living room.
A woman tells a baby girl to make a dolphin noise and the baby makes a strange dolphin sound in the living-room.
A baby girl eats in a high chair at home, and a man asks her if she is excited about her new baby sister. The baby girl clearly says "no."
A baby girl cries into a microphone in the living room and her noises are auto-tuned and off-camera adults laugh.
A woman in a living room tells a tot girl that her grandmother was once a baby, and the tot girl says "she's a big one." Then she tells the woman that her grandmother was always a "fully big grown up," and there is no evidence that her grandmother used to be a baby. The woman says that they do have pictures of her grandmother as a baby.
A baby girl rides on the handle of a suitcase through an airport.
A dad falls asleep on "baby duty" so the baby girl gets Oreos and applesauce all over herself and the man.
A boy and a teen girl, his baby sitter, do the Borrowed Hands Challenge, sitting at a counter eating macaroni, grapes, pineapple, cookies and drinking milk from the carton.
A woman asks a baby girl when she got so big, and the baby says, "Today."
A baby girl cries as a young girl covers her ears while mom laughs in a vehicle.
A tot boy and girl make a birthday message, as the girl quickly realizes that the boy's diaper is dirty as she plugs her nose and asks a woman to please change his diaper.
A tot girl says "I have/want a boyfriend" to her adult father as they sit in a living room, before he says, "Nope, no way," playfully back to her.
A woman asks a young girl in a kitchen if she likes her dinner, and she says that she does not like the "butt peas." She holds up a chickpea and explains that it looks like a butt.
A tot girl in a car seat asks the man driving if he is really sure that a belly gets bigger when babies grow in them. The man says he is sure.