A man gets pulled on his wakeboard by a boat in a lake when he glides up to the camera, on the beach, for a smooth landing.
A man spins a bowling ball down the lane then takes another ball and rolls the second ball around the first one. He hits all pins except for one then the barricade lifts up just in time for the spinning ball to pick up the spare. Music rights not cleared.
A teen boy and teen girl are on a slingshot ride and the girl gives the peace sign and says "deuces," and then the ride tils back and the girl says "hold my hand," and the boy says "no," and the ride slings up and the girl passes out for a moment and the boy says "that's awesome," and the girl passes out again and her arms go everywhere and then the girl wakes up and screams for a moment and then passes out again and then the girl wakes up and says "I'm not doing that again!"
A young boy shoots a basketball and the wind picks up and blows two trash can lids open and the ball blows into one of them in the driveway. Security footage.
A tot girl gets a banana for a gift, and her mom asks her if she loves it and the girl says "no, it's not awesome, it's a banana."
A young girl rides a bicycle down a trail in a forest and tells her mom it is awesome but turns a corner and crashes into a pole off the trail.
A teen girl on anesthesia speaks with a southern accent, and her mom asks her why she talks like that and the girl cries and says she wasn't and asks why she would talk in a southern accent, then she says she doesn't care what anyone thinks of her because she is amazing.
A young girl rolls around on a living room couch and sits up and due to the static her hair sticks up and out a really long way.
A teen boy pushes another teen boy down a driveway on a tricycle and tosses him a ball before the boy on the tricycle throws it behind himself and scores a basketball shot.
A Basketball mascot from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga throws a basketball backwards and scores a basketball shot on a court indoors.
A teen boy throws a basketball up onto a hill at another teen boy standing on a large trampoline and holding a small trampoline. The teen boy hits the ball with the small trampoline. It bounces back across the yard and lands in a basketball hoop. Awesome trick shot.
Unborn baby's ultrasound shows him giving a thumbs up to parents & doctors in the hospital.
A young boy runs down a hill in the yard and grabs onto a swing and it flips him over and he falls. Then his brother tells him that was an "awesome trick."
A man flips off a diving board and throws a ball in the air that makes it into a basketball hoop on the other side of the pool.
Dog, rotweiller, fetches a horseshoe from the bottom of a pool.