A teen girl sneaks out of her house and tries to duck to avoid the security camera but fails. Security Footage.
A woman sprays a wasp on a deck, but she avoids it and bumps into objects before she throws the can and runs away. Security footage.
A woman puts a piece of cheese on her head at a zoo. The camel almost eats her whole head.
A Great Dane walks across the bathroom counter to avoid a vacuum cleaner.
A woman and a young girl play the Pie Face! game at the dining room table. The woman takes her turn, spins the mechanism and avoids the pie slap. The young girl takes her turn, spins the mechanism and the pie is propelled into her face. She immediately starts to cry. Suddenly her younger brother. off-camera, starts to cry as a reaction. Both cry uncontrollably as the woman laughs.
In an attempt to avoid the rain, a man with his dog on a leash tries to run from the carport in a parking lot. The leash is caught by a pillar and the force pulls the man to the ground.
A cat sleeps on the couch and another cat peeks over the edge. The sleeping cat wakes up, and the other cat slowly dips back down and out of sight.
Two men stand under a carport roof. One pulls at a loose tile with a shovel. The ceiling gives a bit, then collapses entirely. Both men narrowly avoid the debris. Security camera video.
A dog walks away from a woman holding a kitten cat because he is afraid of it in a living room and hides under the dining room table.
A man sees a fake snake by his feet and jumps into a swimming pool.
A man sees a fake snake by his feet and jumps into a swimming pool.
A mama dog sits in a corner and hides from her puppies in a living room behind a side table and plant.
A man slips and falls on the ice in the winter snow when he moves his leg to avoid two tot girls as they ride past him on a sled.
A young boy goes to slam a door with his tooth attached in the house. Instead, he walks with the door as he closes it, and keeps the attached tooth in his mouth.
Two cats walk through a pile of obstacles and avoid everything on the ground, then a Labrador dog runs through it and makes several objects fall in a hallway.
A man cuts at a tree in a forest with a chainsaw. He walks away from it and around 0:35 the tree falls towards him. He hears it and turns around and moves out of the way just before it lands on him.
A dog in a home is scared of a cat and turns around and walks away backwards so it doesn't have to make eye contact with the cat.
A man tells a dog that it's time to go potty. The dog covers his eyes with his paw and ignores the man in a living room.
A man asks his German Shepherd about a hole in the grass and the dog walks away from him and goes into a shed.
A tot girl says No while she looks at her shadow and she stands in the shade or walks backwards to avoid it.
A dog tries to run away from a man to avoid a bath but he picks him up and carries him down the hall way to the bathroom, and then the dog grabs onto the doorway with his paws and holds on as tight as he can to not go inside.
A woman tries to get her Pug dog out of her car but he sits in the seat on the opposite side from her, so she goes to the other side to grab him but he switches to the far side again.
A woman falls at a golf course when she ducks to avoid a ball that bounces off a tree towards her.
A cat jumps over a baby in the bedroom when the baby reaches to touch it.
Small dog is afraid of the kitchen floor and does a funny walk through the kitchen. Woman calls to her over and over.
A man asks his boxer dog if she made a mess of the trash in the kitchen and the boxer looks guilty and avoids looking at him.
Tot boy has both legs in 1 pant leg and gets pulled around the house by a dog.
A dog avoids eye contact with a man indoors each time he holds objects in front of her and asks if she ate them or pulled them off the wall.
A woman bends over her baby boy to give him a kiss but he turns his head in either direction.
"Remote Control Chew Toy" A woman holds a chewed up remote in front of her boxer lab dog and the dog avoids looking at her. There is a bite taken out of the remote. Guilt
A little boy ducks to avoid getting hit by a baseball but ends up hitting a home run.
Men cut tree down, and run to avoid being flattened. Shot off TV - please . ASAP
A dog avoids eye contact when her owner holds up a chewed up remote control indoors.
A woman films the mess in her living room then turns the camera to a chihuahua dog on the couch who avoids looking at the woman.
Man holding seaweed sneaks up behind boy standing near the ocean. Man runs backwards to avoid a wave & trips over his own feet, falls into the water.
"Tree falls, men run" Men cut tree down, and run to avoid being flattened.
Dog runs from woman who wants to clean its ears. It jumps over the kitchen gate.
Dog chasing a squirrel around a car tire, then switches sides.
A man walks through his kitchen to find that his trash has been tossed all over the floor. He turns to a white pit bull dog and asks if she did it, then turns to a chocolate lab dog while she's stuck in a trash can lid and has her sit down, but she avoids looking at him and tries to get away.
AA: First Foods. Food splats into baby's eye when he tries to avoid getting food.
Short haired puppy holds on to avoid going into a plastic tub/bucket for a bath. Dogs.
Young girl does a back flip/hand spring over a boy walking near her. They almost hit, close call.
Girl sumo wrestling on a trampoline moves out of the way of the other girl who falls off the trampoline.
Little boy tot runs away from his mom in an attempt to avoid bed time and slides effortlessly down the carpeted stairs indoors.
A Chihuahua dog puppy jumps on a yellow lab dog's back in the pool to avoid getting wet.