A man works on a construction project on a porch when he topples off of a bench. Security footage.
A Labrador retriever climbs a ladder into a pool.
A young boy in his house wraps his younger brother with tape. A woman asks the older boy why he did it and he responds that his brother wanted to look like a mummy.
A young girl tries to push herself down a hill on a sled but she falls over. She gets up, throws it, and says, "Stupid sled!" She then trips and falls down the hill.
A tot girl points to a door and tells the woman with the camera not to go in that room and she asks why and she says "you will die" and tells her "dada pooped yuck" and waves her hand in front of her face. Graphic text added.
A tot girl says "When I grow up I'm going to be a slide" and a woman off-camera tells her to show how she would be a slide. The girl leans against a couch and she bends backwards into a slide shape. Snapchat video, Graphic text added. Living room
A woman makes a sales video about a makeup spray in a closet, then she falls backwards out of her chair, and she holds up the chair to show that it broke.
Two teen boys repeatedly try to throw recyclables into a dumpster but the wind blows everything onto the floor. Security camera footage.
A horse in a Christmas costume eats hay and carrots with human hands at a stable.
A goat with human hands and eyeglasses builds a gingerbread house but eats it and it collapses at a dinner table. Music added over video.
A tot girl makes dog and cat sounds when her aunt asks what they say, and then her aunt asks what Michael Jackson says and the girl says "hee hee."
A man sits on an inflatable bull inner tube float and jumps out of a plane and skydives. Video with music and text added.
A man walks down winter icy front yard steps but slips and falls and slides down the yard.
A rhinoceros shuffles from side to side behind a gate.
A teen girl does a cartwheel. Her shoe comes off and goes over the fence behind her.
Two teen and a young girl dance along with a song. One of the teen girls falls backwards and hits her head on a grill.
A teen boy kicks a soccer ball with a water bottle balanced on it. The water bottle flips and lands.
A dog looks like it hula dances when it paws against a glass door while it wears a hula skirt and a lei around its neck. Music and title cards added.
Goldfish swim in an aquarium while one of the fish wears a Santa Claus hat.
A woman does a dog with human hands challenge with her poodle dog and pretends to prepare for a date.
A woman does a dog with human hands challenge with her poodle dog and pretends to prepare for a date.
A puppy dog's hind legs raise in the air and it flips over while it eats off a plate on the floor. Emoji added to video.
A man throws bricks to a boy on a roof, one goes too far and sets off a car alarm. Action at :32. SET UP - THE CAR ALARM IS AN ADDED EFFECT
Baby boy ad Dad make "mmmm" sounds while they sit on the couch and then baby spits up white liquid (mild). Dad laughs, baby looks confused.
Dogs have huge balls of snow on their ears & body. (added outdoor shots)
A woman tells her daughter that her dad is getting her a scary doll off of Craigs List and the girl and brother and sister think the doll is haunted based on what the ad says.
Proposal. Woman sees ad in newspaper. (with cutaway)
A ball is placed in one of three cups and the cup positions are moved. The cat correctly picks the ball with the cup in it three times. At one point a fourth cup is added and the game continues.
A young girl can't stop spinning on an electric skateboard and then slams in to a wall. A photo of the broken wall is added to the end of the video. hoverboard
A woman makes a professional commercial for a real estate company. She goes to sit back down in her computer chair and she falls down. Audio is low.
A man rides a sled over a ramp in slow motion. When he lands, he bounces off his inflatable sled and his face slides on the ground. Music added. Vine/Instagram