A teen boy slips and falls on ice on a driveway. He laughs and tells the camera "you saw that, dude," then he slips and falls and laughs a second time. Security footage.
A teen boy practices his baseball throw but while it's meant to go into a net, one ball flies into a neighbor's window which shatters (heard not seen). The teen boy crouches down in disbelief.
A man explains how to use a stick shift in a car. He then hands over the keys to a young boy and asks, "Are you ready?" The toddler looks at him with big bewildered eyes.
A man attempts to sit back into a folding chair in a living room and topples backwards to the floor. He says "who put this together" and his daughter says she did. He says "I don't think you set it up right." Security footage.
A young boy in a garage uses a wrench on a tire. The boy says to the man behind the camera, "How about you do this and I take a picture?"
Two Dalmatians lay on top of one another on a couch. A woman says "good to know you have a big brother to lean on," then one of the dogs moves out of the way and causes the other one to fall on the floor.
A young girl sits in a height chair and sips from a bottle and an off-camera woman says "I think you're getting too old for you baba," and the girl says "Aw, cmon."
A senior woman sits at a dining room table and an off-camera man says "Who is the actor you found the most sexy and handsome ever," and the woman says "It was John Wayne.... whoa," and a group of off-camera people laugh and the man says "Why," and the woman says "He was a cowboy."
A woman blows a bubble gum bubble for her young son and the boy says "Momma I love you" before he slaps her in face with both hands to pop it.
A mom shows a portrait drawing that her young daughter told her she had drawn of her. Then the mom says how the daughter corrected her and said, "no that one is not you....this one is," as she reveals a drawing of a haggard old woman beneath it.
"Little Lawsuit Lady" Young girl misidentifies what a lawsuit means with a dictionary on her lap in a car. She says it's a suit you wear to court if you've done something bad.
A young girl opens a small gift bag and a senior woman tells her that the gift bag is her own present. The girl says that nothing is inside and tells the senior woman "you guys must have been on the naughty list."
A man tells another, "you should be out here doing this," as he cleans a swimming pool but falls in at the same time. Security footage.
A teen girl climbs a tree outdoors and hangs from one of the branches. Her older sister walks behind her as the climbing girl says "It's gonna break" and asks her sister "You gonna catch me?" before the branch breaks and she screams as she falls to the ground.
A senior woman opens a door and freaks out, exclaiming "you made me pee all over myself" when she sees her grandson home from the military.
A woman shovels snow in a driveway. Snow falls off the roof and on to her head and she yells "are you kidding me?" Security footage.
A woman scares her husband, as he walks out of a room then says, "god dang-it, you 'bout made me drop my dang pickles!" Music rights not cleared.
A woman adjusts a rug on the front porch, then she stops and frowns when a male voice says "what are you doing lady?" through the doorbell camera. Security footage.
A woman wears virtual reality goggles while the person holding the camera sprays her crotch from across the room with a water bottle. Eventually the woman touches her pants and, feeling the wet fabric, believes that she accidentally urinated on herself.
A woman tells a young girl, "They said you remind them of an owl." The daughter says, "Who?" but doesn't get the joke.
"Bird Wants a Word" An exotic Cockatoo bird shouts and screams on a man's shoulder while it tries to get a man's attention as he works.
A young girl warns her mom about a spiderweb on a front porch, but the mom doesn't pay attention and runs into it as she shrieks and flails in a front yard. The girl then says, "I told you so!" Security footage.
A young boy in the house explains to a man that he put all of his mom's makeup in the toilet. The dad asks his son "What do you say?" The boy says, "Cheese!"
A young girl makes a video message for her grandpa and says "I really love you, and I hope you're not dead."
A man on a tractor tries to unload his tractor off a trailer. He flips backwards onto the front yard and says, "That's something you watch on TV." before he continues to back up the tractor. Security Footage.
Two women dance in a living room to "Happy Birthday To You". One woman slips and falls backward on the floor. The other woman laughs hysterically and lays on the floor.
A young boy tells his mother he is going to have a good first day at school. His younger sister says "And you need to be listening to the teachers. If you don't then the teachers will call us. And then we gonna come pick you up and then Momma's gonna whoop you". He looks upset.
A Bulldog dog rolls down the window of a truck and a woman says "are you kidding?".
A man and a woman announce to their two young sons that they're pregnant. Their incredulous oldest says "Wait, so you guys had sex?"
Shreds of junk are littered across a floor. A Golden Doodle hides in a shower. A woman pulls the curtain back and says to the dog, "Ogden, what did you do? Did you get in the trash?"
A woman finds her pet Boxer with a ripped up bag of flour in the house. She says "what did you do?" as the dog looks at her and turns its head with a snout full of flour.
A young girl runs downstairs and trips and falls and lands on top of her head then falls flat her back. Her mother asks if she is ok and the young girl says yes and laughs.
A teen boy walks of the front porch and slips on a patch of ice while he walks toward a school bus parked on the street and an adult male asks "are you alright," and walk toward the teen boy and then slips on the same patch of unseen ice to his back. Security footage.
A woman outside warms her hands next to a fire. Someone throws sparklers into the fire which causes it to grow. The woman runs away and says, "What's wrong with you?"
A woman in the living room demonstrates how to skip. A man says, "That's not how you skip, you need more room!" The husband tries to skip but he hits his head against a lightbulb and breaks it.
A young boy in the bedroom looks at a swimsuit catalogue. He quickly puts it away when a man asks "what are you doing?"
A dog rolls around on a rug around a baby boy in the living room. A woman comments, "He's telling you good morning." And then the dog rolls over and kicks the baby over.
A woman asks two dogs that lie on the floor, "Which one of you farted?" One dog puts his paw on the other dog's back.
A tot boy looks up close at a turkey before the turkey flaps its wings and scares him. The boy screams as the turkey continues to follow him while his dad pulls him away. The mom admonishes the turkey and says "I will eat you!"
A man snores beside his phone as his son on the other line tells him a long story. At 1:09, his son asks "are you still there?" and the man wakes up and says "yep" in a bedroom.
A man in a car tells a tot girl, "I'm not talking to you." A tot girl says, "I'm not talking to you." This goes back and forth. The tot says, "I'm not talking to mom either." It finally ends with the tot when she says, "Let's stop talking."
A man with a fresh shave waits in the living room. A tot boy walks in and says, "who are you?" The man says that he is his dad, and he looks different because he shaved his beard. The tot boy asks follow-up questions and finally says, "you look like the mail man now."
A tot boy in a car says, "Happy Anniversary, we don't love you." Another boy looks at him and asks, "We don't?"
A tot boy opens a box. There is cash inside and the boy says "Money!" as he lifts up the bills to show the camera. When prompted he says "thank you."
A tot girl points to a door and tells the woman with the camera not to go in that room and she asks why and she says "you will die" and tells her "dada pooped yuck" and waves her hand in front of her face. Graphic text added.
A young girl holds a top hat with a rabbit in it and says "you see it" and sticks a black cloth in the hat and says "you don't see it!" and her family laughs in the backyard.
A young boy and a young girl sit in the backseat of a car and make funny faces as the car is about to go through a carwash. The girl says "why are you taking a video?" just before water sprays into the car.
A woman asks a young boy for help with the dishes and he tells her "You're 40 and I'm 4, so I think you're old enough to do it by yourself... I believe in you" in the dining-room. Kids say.
When a chipmunk runs from a flower pot and into a house, a woman screams from the porch while a man screams back "what did you do?" Security footage.
A dog sits on the couch in a strange, human-like position. The owner remarks, "Why are you like this?"
A senior woman scratches off a lottery ticket. It says, "We're having a baby." Another woman asks her, "Whose having a baby?" The senior woman looks up in shock and says, "You're having a baby?!" Then she holds up the ticket and asks, "How do you get them to say that?"
A man washes dishes in a kitchen while behind him a Dalmatian dog eats from a pot on the counter. The man behind the camera points and says "you have one job, look behind you," and the man turns to take the dog out of the food.
Two senior men move a large desk through a house door and onto the front porch. As they try to turn the furniture, it completely breaks apart into pieces. Both men fall but they laugh. A woman says "Are you ok? Watch where you step. There's a nail right there."
On a porch, a young boy says "this is how you open the door" then he pulls hard on the doorknob and falls when it breaks off of the door. He says "oh no" repeatedly. Security footage.
"Butt-er Wash Your Eggs" A young boy delivers eggs to the front door of a house, and a woman tells him through a security camera that she is not home yet. The young boy says "just so you know, these eggs came out of a chicken butt, so just wash them before you eat them." Security footage.
A woman films a baby boy at home, then it sounds like the baby boy says "can you back up?"
A parrot bird sits on a man's bicycle handlebars as they ride through a street. The bird says the phrases "oh boy, hello, how are you?"
A baby boy sneezes while a woman holds him in a living room, and she says "bless you." The baby boy sounds like he says "thank you."
Two young boys play with an indoor game of basketball and the boy with the ball bumps the other boy and that boy falls into a wall and puts a hole in the wall and says "Jacob, you slammed me into it," and there is a pause and the boy with the ball dunks the ball through the net and then starts to laugh.