"Romance at First Glance" A woman has a bunch of pink and red balloons above her head. She says her husband is the sweetest and got her all the balloons to ask her to be his Valentine. Then she lowers the camera and says she is just kidding and is at the dollar tree.
A man pulls on the strings for a gender reveal pinata. The strings rip off but the pinata does not open. Eventually the man picks up the pinata and tears it open to reveal pink confetti.
A woman throws a pink smoke bomb onto a teen girl who walks up the driveway. The teen gets mad and walks away.
A woman films a gender reveal party outside in a backyard. The gender reveal goes wrong, when the pumpkin spews out blue smoke, instead of pink. Then pink smoke appears and they are happy they are having a girl.
A cute snow tiger licks the glass while reaching for a pink backpack on the other side at a zoo. A man and his tot girl taunt it. No audio.
A tot boy and a young girl look at cupcakes which expose the gender of their new sibling and they eat them and the boy says, "Pink, it's a boy" in the kitchen.
A bird chases a woman and she screams in a campground.
A woman asks a tot girl to share her fruit snacks, so the girl puts two in the woman's hand but eats them out of the hand.
A family does a gender reveal with their two tot boys at the kitchen table. They bite into their cupcakes but don't find any pink or blue coloring on the inside, and the mother says "there's nothing in my cupcake."
A man with the camera talks to four dogs in a kitchen that are covered in pink food coloring.
A Boxer dog has hot pink lips because it ate a piece of chalk.
A man and woman dressed in all blue wait for a gender reveal. A group of dog puppies in pink tutus run out from a barn behind them. Pregnancy
A man and woman pop pink confetti out of canisters for a gender reveal, and in the background their tot son pouts and walks into a dark room.
A young girl opens a cardboard box of blue balloons at a gender reveal and she looks down into the box and says, "no brothers are in there." Then, her dad explains to her that the color balloons means that there is a brother in "mommy's tummy" and the girl says, "I think it's going to be a sister."
A young boy pops a gender reveal balloon in a living room with his mom and dad. The young boy looks at the pink confetti and asks "Where's the baby?"
Pink confetti flies everywhere when a gender reveal balloon pops on a fence as a man walks by it while it's windy.
A small Chihuahua dog in pink sweater climbs up a metal fence in a backyard and escapes. Mission Impossible music is laid over video.
A young girl and boy open an envelope in the living room for a gender reveal. They pull out a piece of paper that has a pink letter "G" on it and the boy yells "boy." His sister yells "girl," and the boy gets upset when he realizes it's not a boy.
A little girl in a pink princess Halloween costume spins and announces Tom Bergeron.
A young girl play fights with a young man then the tot girls falls backwards into a kiddie pool and cries.
A family opens a box of cupcakes to reveal the gender of a woman's baby. The cupcakes are pink. Grandma is call excited that it is a girl, but then the cupcakes are pink outside but inside they are blue. It is a boy. Then Grandma is disappointed.
A young girl and her mom sit with pink face paint around their mouths. Her mom says "don't put chapstick on at the movies", and explains she used the wrong tube. They laugh hysterically.
A man hits a ball full of pink powder for a gender reveal.
A young brother and sister pop a balloon to reveal the gender of their new sibling. Pink confetti falls and the girl jumps up and down while the boy goes inside.
A senior woman gets pink colored smoke powder all over the living room when she accidentally sets off a smoke cannon indoor for gender reveal.
A family shoots confetti cannons on the pool patio for a gender reveal and the boy has his backwards, so he gets shot in the groin and falls down.
A group of people shoot smoke cannons in the yard for a gender reveal and pink smoke shoots out, but one of the men can't get his to work. A senior woman walks towards them to hug them and he finally gets his to work and shoots smoke at her.
Young girl in pink gets tricked by penny on the forehead practical joke.
Tot girl in pink pajamas runs for toys on Christmas morning & flips over a big bouncy ball.
Girl in pink jumps on trampoline alone. She falls through a hole in the center when the trampoline rips.
Baby girl in pink scoots herself across the floor by throwing her legs from side to side.
A baby girl wearing a pink onesie indoors sits backwards on a toy truck and uses her butt to honk the car horn repeatedly.
A tot boy and a tot girl stand indoors while a man asks them what sex they hope the baby will be. The boy wants a boy, and the girl wants a girl. A woman off camera and a man explain that they'll find out when they pop the balloon. The boy stabs a balloon with a small knife, a pink glitter spills on the floor. The woman says "It's a girl!" The boy runs out of the room and cries under a desk because he wanted it to be a boy.
Tot boy plays with big pink ball in dining room, rolls it towards senior man. Grandpa trips over it & falls down, slides into corner. Short tail, no recovery.
Teen girl wearing long pink prom dress leapfrogs over cement barricades on campus, dress gets caught on one, girl falls down.
Tot boy swings pink toy microphone by the mic cord and hits himself in the head. He's a bit surprised for a minute and rubs his head but doesn't cry.
A girl in a pink skirt dances at home to "Pretty Girl Swag" when another girl walks past behind her with a Yorkshire terrier dog walking on an exercise ball.
"Bye-Bye Balloon" Little girl runs around house laughing with big pink balloon tied to her, runs out of frame, balloon pops, girl screams.
A ferret plays with the pink ball part of a cat toy by pushing it around in circles.
Small pink teddy bear is tied to back of pug dog. It tries to get it off. Looks like a bucking bronco
A young girl wearing a Disney helmet indoors cries because her dad didn't let her wash the dishes and walks away.
Two young kids in a garage accelerate in a car before the garage door goes up all the way. The two young kids hit their heads on the door.
A little girl in a bright pink poncho looks at a chimpanzee from behind a glass window at a zoo. The chimp approaches the glass, slamming into it, as if to attack the girl. Short tail.
A girl throws a large pink ball and hits another girl in the face in slow motion outdoors.
"Stroller Roller" Young girl pushes a stroller down the sidewalk with a baby doll in it. She lets stroller go wind carries it backwards. Carriage falls over in the grass.
Black French bulldog lies on its back with pink socks over all 4 paws in the doggy bed. Dog struggles to stand up. Woman finally helps her. Long for edit.
Dog in pink dress looks like it is driving the car as music plays
3 teen girls dance to "So What" by Pink in the living room. 1 girl climbs onto a desk chair and falls down. Long for edit. With recovery.
3 teen girls dance to "So What" by Pink in the living room. 1 girl climbs onto a desk chair and falls down. Long for edit. With recovery.
3 teen girls dance to "So What" by Pink in the living room. 1 girl climbs onto a desk chair and falls down. Long for edit. With recovery.
A cat struggles to walk in a pink shirt in a kitchen and falls face first into a bowl of food. Action starts at :50.
A girl wearing pink fairy wings bossily tells her father not to touch her toy microphone. She slips as she walks away and falls.
Teen girl jumps on big pink yoga / exercise ball and falls hard. Bonehead.
Teen girl jumps on big pink yoga / exercise ball and falls hard. Bonehead.
Teen boy bounces pink ball hard on ground in street, ball hits him in face.
Woman puts pink blush / makeup on white cat with small brush. Cat just lays there upside down.
Five young girls stand around a table waiting to compete in a pie eating contest. When it starts, the girl in the pink shirt slams her head into the table and falls to the floor.
A pink hairless cat holds a dark hairless cat in his paws and bites at him as the dark hairless cat tries to bite him. The two cats then wrestle at home indoors.
Boy rides over a skateboard ramp in a child's pink wagon. He flips over the front of the wagon & rolls down grassy hill. With recovery.