Two dogs in the house sit on the couch but one of them is too afraid to jump off. The other picks it up by the collar and drops it off the couch.
A young girl makes cookies with an electric mixer when the whisk attachment gets caught in her long hair.
A woman gives a bubble wand to a young boy. She says, "Show daddy how to blow bubbles." The boy sticks the wand in the liquid solution, then puts it in his mouth. The woman laughs hysterically while the boy winces an puckers his lips.
A woman tells a young man to blow out his birthday candles while he is on a FaceTime call. Then she blows on the candles at the same time to blow them out.
A cat knocks over a long row of dominos, upsetting the young boy who set them up.
"Laughably Long Lash Lady" A mother holds up a mirror in her adult daughter's salon and gasps when she sees that she's wearing large fake eyelashes. Then her daughter removes the top layer to reveal regular eyelashes.
Teen girl accidentally catches her long hair on fire when blowing out the candles on her birthday cake.
Three teenagers at a campground run at a tree with a long branch and try to snap it but it doesn't break and the teen boy falls down.
A woman kicks her legs up while she's stuck inside the washing machine, and the woman with the camera laughs and asks how long she's been like that in the house.
A young girl on the front porch rings a doorbell several times then licks the doorbell camera. Security footage.
A dog walks into a sliding glass door. It then takes a long time before it enters the now open doorway. Security camera footage.
A woman slips on the ice and slides down a long staircase on the side of a house. Security camera.
Teen girl makes cupcakes while dad films her. She rips open the cake mix bag & powder explodes everywhere, making a huge mess. Long for edit, bad audio. Cooking, baking, brownie mix.
A dog tries to get through a doggy door holding a very long stick in his mouth. He can't get in with the stick so he drops the stick and goes inside. Then, another dog inside the house sticks his head out of the doggy door, grabs the stick, and pulls it inside. Security Camera Footage.
A man snores beside his phone as his son on the other line tells him a long story. At 1:09, his son asks "are you still there?" and the man wakes up and says "yep" in a bedroom.
A man films a closeup of a tot girl in the hallway and asks her if she had used any of his hair products. The tot girl responds and the man pulls the camera back to reveal that the tot girl has a long strand of hair that sticks straight up in the center of her head.
A young girl reaches her arm around behind her and scratches her head and there is a toilet paper tube taped to her wrist that makes it look like a dismembered hand in the dining-room.
A young girl and two boys run up a snowy front lawn and all slip simultaneously on an icy walkway. Security footage.
Man carves a turkey, pulls a cornish game hen out . Woman screams, she thinks the turkey was pregnant. Practical joke. Thanksgiving.
A tot boy finds a live cockroach on the floor of the bedroom. He picks it up and brings it over to his young brother who screams when he sees it. The second boy runs out of the room and slams the door behind him. Security footage.
"Little Donut Denier" A tot boy has chocolate on his face and stands next to an opened box of donuts. He says "the monster attacked me and gave me a donut."
A young boy in a kitchen opens a kitchen drawer with his voice and a man tries it and it doesn't work. A woman tries and it doesn't work for her either. It only opens for the young boy. The woman opens the cabinet under the drawer and another young boy crawls out and they all laugh.
A dog takes a long time to pull a toy out of a crate. After it successfully extracts the toy, it proceeds to walk back into the crate through the open door.
A tot girl cries while she holds spaghetti at a dining room table, and says "these pastas are too long, I don't like these pastas because they're too big" before she runs away from the table.
"Little Doggy That Could" A chihuahua dog attempts to climb up a ramp, but there is ice on the ramp. The dog runs, but does not go anywhere. Eventually the dog makes it up to the porch.
A teen girl in a bedroom asks a man and woman for help because she can't find how long to cook microwavable pizza on the box. The pizza is called "3 Minute Pizza".
A baby girl smiles with food in her mouth, and then she sneezes and a long noodle comes out of her nose.
A woman takes a package of Oreo cookies back from a cat, who growls and holds on to it as long as he can.
A woman tells a man she's pregnant as they play Speak Out at the kitchen table. She reads cards that say "There's a baby in my belly" and "You're going to be a dad" as the man continues to play the game unaffected. She asks "How far long do you think I am" and the man then asks "are you pregnant" repeatedly, then hugs her and says "I'm gonna be a dad".
A pre-teen girl's long hair stands up while she rides in a convertible car with the top down. Funny visual
A small dog with long hair runs through deep snow in slow motion.
A senior man with a long beard and mustache swaps faces with a young girl.
A dog licks the inside of a long, hollow bone and his tongue pokes out the other end.
A dog runs with a long stick in his mouth and runs under a trampoline but the stick hits two of the poles and breaks in half
Action from 20 seconds to 32 seconds. A marten plays on the back deck of a house and then climbs up onto the fence and leaps down into the winter snow below.
A long line of goose bird cross a road in front of a man while he films from his car.
Man hands a woman a Christmas present wrapped in bubble wrap & pulls out an engagement ring & proposes to her. She screams, hugs him, and tackles him to the floor.
Teen girl imitates Risky Business dance in the kitchen. She stands on a table, jumps off holding a cane. She trips & falls down in the doorway. Long for edit.
Two men and two women fall in the garage when a couch (long seat from a truck) tips backwards as they sit on it together after they all lean back at the same time while a man sits in a chair in front of them and makes car engine noises while he uses a bicycle tire as a steering wheel.
A tot girl walks back up the driveway with her scooter caught in the tail of her dress.
A tot boy jumps on a trampoline and the static makes his hair stands up.
A young girl rolls around on a living room couch and sits up and due to the static her hair sticks up and out a really long way.
A cat sits on the kitchen island and jumps to get to the counter against the wall, but hits the edge and falls on the floor.
A hamster eats a long string of spaghetti as a woman lifts it in the air.
A man rides a bike down a long road and crashes into a deer when it runs across the road.
Two boys sit on large whoopee cushions in the living room and make loud and long fart noises.
Two boys sit on large whoopee cushions in the living room and make loud and long fart noises.
A woman slips off the side of a boat while fishing with a man on a lake. He helps her out and says "I wondered how long that would be before that happened."
A boy with long hair does the floss dance on the porch and then his mom walks out in an inflatable dinosaur costume and does it too.
A series of clips where a dog's head hangs off the edge of a couch in the living room while it sleeps and a long string of drool drips from its mouth onto another dog that sleeps on the floor underneath it. The woman who records the video talks about how gross the drool is as it stretches down to the second dog's face.
"Stuck Over the Muck" - A man rides a zip line over a pond full of mossy algae, but gets stuck over the water before he gets to the end. He holds on as long as he can and then slips and falls in the water.
Quail bird chases tot kids who are running and screaming. Long for edit.
Little boys in Halloween costumes (Buzz Lightyear and Scream mask) dance in the living room. Long for edit.
Woman laughs so hard at AFV on TV that she cries and her mascara runs down her face. Husband laughs at her. Long for edit.
Teen girl tries to do a handspring in the backyard and falls on her butt a few times. Then she falls on her face. Long for edit. Gymnastics.
Additional footage for W126587. Shot of snow pouring through open car window. Clip is only :07 long.
Cat stares at a candle for a while then finally hits the flame with its paw and puts it out. Long for edit.
"Woozy Woman" Husband drives wife home after having her wisdom teeth pulled. She's still groggy from the anesthetic, says funny things. Dentist. Woozy. Says "shy is ice so cold?" Long for edit. Drugged. Tooth. dental. surgery.