A man works out with an elastic rope held by a young boy and he runs away and the boy falls and is dragged across the soccer-field. Featured talent cleared only (the man and the boy).
A young girl describes how she will make a doll disappear into a bag in a living room, and another young girl repeatedly says "she has two bags, there's another one behind her back." Mind Blowing Magic
A man does push ups on an exercise ball held up by a resistance band with a weight around his neck in the garage. The resistance band snaps and he falls then says "I'm good."
A tot girl in a living room denies that she held a candle to her mouth but there is a smoky black ring around her mouth.
A Chihuahua Dachshund puppy dog doggy paddles in the air held over water.
A baby being held for a family photo throws a ball and it hits the camera.
Two girls take candy from a bowl being held by an animatronic Halloween man at a store. When the fake person starts talking and singing, one of the girls smacks it, knocking it over.
Dog gets stuck on a swing at the park. Dog's lower body is being held up by the swing seat. Playground.
A teen girl carries a cat into a bathroom to give it a shower. The cat grabs at the bathroom door with tis paws to keep from going into the bathroom. It loudly meows, sounding like it's saying 'Hello' as it's held in the shower.
Gray cat's head moves as he follows a toy held in front of his face. Cat follows the toy's movement.
A man uses his head to repeatedly break through a karate board held between two chairs. A boy puts a pillow over the board and breaks it with his hand. He leaves the pillow on it and the man lets himself fall between the chairs to break it but hits his mouth on one of the chairs and runs away with his hand over his face.
Pug dog makes crazy noises when he is held on his back and woman holding him tickles him.
Fat Chihuahua dog held by woman. She puts him down and asks him to go for a walk, dog growls and barks.
A dog's lips are held out by the wind while the dog sticks its head out a car window.
A baby boy sleeps as moving paper eyes are held in front of his face. AA: Make some paper peepers.
A dog bends over with his head between his hind legs and held up by a couch, as he barks indoors. Barks and tries to catch tail.
Dachshund dog "loves" its mama, licks her face. When the dog is held out to "Aunt Pam" it gets angry, barks & bares teeth, looks ready to attack, switches back to licking as soon as it's back to mama.
A Chihuahua dog is held by an adult man indoors while making demonic faces and snarling at the sound of a Pit Bull dog barking out of frame.
Baby boy plays with Grandpa's face while he's held in the kitchen & laughs. Senior man says "don't throw up on me" then baby spits up on him. Gross, puke, vomit. Short tails.
Nervous groom vomits on priest during wedding held in house. Groom's back is to us, don't see much vomit. Makes a gross sound though. Wedding. Throw up, puke.
Nervous groom vomits on priest during wedding held in house. Groom's back is to us, don't see much vomit. Makes a gross sound though. Wedding. Throw up, puke.
When held over a tub of water, small white and brown dog paddles in the air as if swimming.
Poodle dog barks the same number of times as man's fingers that are held up.
A poodle dog jumps up and down trying to get to the kitten cat held by the person holding the camera.
A hamster held in a woman's hand eats a celery stick.
Cat sticks up front paws like he is being held up by a robber when prompted by owner. *short clip