Great ...
A dog pulls toilet paper off the roll. When he sees his owner he freezes and walks away leaving a mess of wet paper on the floor.
A man playing video game sitting on a plastic chair. A teen boy goes to give him a hug. Then three large dogs go in to give a hug as well and it cause the legs of the chair to break spilling the man onto the floor. Security footage.
A man opens the back seat of a station wagon car and nine full grown Great Dane dogs come out, clown car style.
Five generations of women, from toddler to elderly, walk through a doorway in succession and pose together.
A man attempts to throw a water bottle a great distance into a trash can. Instead the bottle hits a window above the trash can, shattering it..
A Great Dane stands on his hind legs in the living room behind a woman while they conga line with the whole family.
A Great Dane walks across the bathroom counter to avoid a vacuum cleaner.
A young girl blows bubbles for a Great Dane puppy in the front yard, and he jumps up to knock her over.
A man sits at a dining table and a Great Dane dog jumps onto the table and knocks wine glasses over and they break on the floor. Security camera.
A Great Dane presses the ice dispenser button on the refrigerator in the kitchen. Ice comes out and the dog chews it up.
A dog sits on the couch in a strange, human-like position. The owner remarks, "Why are you like this?"
A woman off camera tells a dog that they need to sing "Happy Birthday" to someone. The woman sings and the dog howls along with her.
Two dogs bark at the image of two dogs on a wall at home.
A yellow Labrador retriever puppy dog lies on his back and chews a dog bone at home. Then a black Labrador retriever dog walks over to him, takes the bone and leaves.
A man pets a cookie jar that looks like a dog and a Great Dane dog barks at the cookie jar.
A man does the Borrowed Hands challenge with a young boy's arms. He tries to make a bowl of cereal but spills the milk all over the table, and then he eats a fried egg with his hands.
A man takes his dogs out for a walk when his Great Dane takes off on his leash, which is wrapped around a front porch post. He pulls the entire pole down as he runs. Security footage.
A great dane dog growls and barks at a cat in the kitchen, then runs when the cat starts to chase him.
A Great Dane dog jumps into the air and catches an entire slice of pizza in his mouth in a kitchen. Slow motion.
A woman lies on a hammock in the backyard, and a Great Dane dog crawls onto the hammock with her. The dog steps over her, then jumps off and the hammock falls to the ground.
A dog bites a man's toe when his son comes come from the military because everyone starts screaming. The man says "I'm sorry son that's a great surprise, the dog tried to eat my toe" in the living room.
A man points a leaf blower at a Great Dane dog's face and the air blows through his jowls in a driveway. Slow motion.
Four generations of women say "Hi, Mom" until their Great Grandma says "Hi I'm Betty, and I started it all" in the house.
A man does the bottle-bounce challenge in the backyard., and the beer bounces into the hot tub. He jumps in after it and drinks it, then says "tastes great".
A dog eats toast as it holds a book with human hands at the kitchen table.
A young girl jumps up and down on a trampoline in slow motion. A Great Dane puppy dog jumps on to the trampoline and knocks her down. slo-mo
A woman does a workout in the bedroom with an elastic band. Her Great Dane dog gets hit by her foot and pulls at the band till it snaps back at her.
A Great Pyrenees dog and a swan bite at each other and play outdoors.
A young girl holds onto a Great Dane dog's leash while he drags her down a hallway at school.
A Great Dane Dog acts wary of a new raised food and water bowl stand.
A Great Dane dog refuses to walk through a dog door and opens the door to a house.
A man plays Watch Ya Mouth with his family and as he acts out his words his chair breaks and he falls backwards then everyone laughs at him.
A woman holds a blanket over herself do the What The Fluff Challenge to her Great Dane dog and he jumps on her.
A great dane dog walks in circles indoors to try to fit in the bed of a Pomeranian dog and finally succeeds.
A Great Dane dog pulls a blanket around the living room after a young boy uses it for the what the fluff challenge
A puppy dog slides down a flight of stairs on his stomach.
A man jacks a car up in the driveway and a Great Dane dog repeatedly jumps in sync with him.
Teen boy tries to launch a water bottle rocket. It explodes and soaks him in water, he has a great reaction.
Tot boy in a helmet rides his bike without training wheels and crashes into a palm tree. Grandma just told him what a great job he was doing.
Watch Dog. Dog peaks through hole in fence. great visual. (backwards ?)
AA: Funny Signs. Joe's Radiator a great place to take a leak.
A woman holds an empty bag of dog food up to several different dogs and puppies when it is showed to the pittbull/ weimeraner dog he gives a great guilty face.
TOT BOY HEAD SPIN Toy Department. Tot / Baby intently watches car toy in toy store. Great face. 1993 SUMMER CONTEST TWO WINNER
A woman shows us how to separate eggs using a plastic cup and a water bottle but spills. Great reaction at 1:18.
"Slowly Toasted" Toast, But How? Older couple try a cross toast. Great Stand alone.
"Doggy versus Goliath" A Great Dane dog barks at a puppy dog eating out of a bowl and the puppy dog barks at the Great Dane dog and won't get him near the food bowl. The puppy dog jumps at the Great Dane and hits the refrigerator.
A cat messes with the controllers on a treadmill, speading it up, while a boxer dog walks on it. A woman laughs and has to lower the speed for the dog.
Toddler boy in mom's arms examines great grandma / senior woman's mouth and pulls out her dentures in the kitchen
A woman gives a baby boy bites of rhubarb and he makes a sour face. Great face at 1:36
"The Great Escape" 2 Chihuahua dogs sit behind a doggy gate. 1 squeezes through the fence and pulls the gate down. He is stuck in between the bars and flails around.
"Great News for Great Grandma" A woman and an older woman learn that for the first time they will be a grandmother and a great grandmother when they open a thanksgiving card at the dinner table with a photo of a pregnancy test. The older woman bangs on the table with excitement.
"The Quad Squad" Mother with baby quadruplets laughing in unison. Stand alone. Great. Quad Squad.
A Cockatoo bird pulls milk bone cookies out of a box and tosses them down to two Great Dane Dogs at home.
"Big Bubble Trouble" Young boy takes a bubble bath & Great Dane puppy dog jumps into the tub with him. Boy starts screaming & laughing. Bathroom.
"Two Point Toddler" Tot boy stands on the couch next to Dad in the den & throws a ball into a basketball hoop repeatedly from across the room. Great shots.
"Homecoming Hero" Teen boy surprises family on trip home from college for apple picking event. Great reactions. Long for edit. Practical joke. Same man also sent in clip #641975.
A Great Dane dog slobbers, drools, and makes saliva bubbles indoors.
Dad and Grandpa / senior man scare young girl with huge black spider (joke), then on another girl. Great screams of terror / horror