A young girl takes her toy fairy doll and flies it outside. It goes up in the sky very high and never comes down.
A dog pulls a doll behind it on a sled. It approaches a man who backs away, and then falls through a chair.
Hamster sits at a plastic doll table in a doll kitchen and eats a tiny burrito.
A young girl tries cheese cake for the first time. She shakes and crosses her eyes in a living room.
Two young girls open presents on Christmas morning. The man behind the camera then finds his third daughter inside a pantry, eating marshmallows from a bag and from the floor.
A Chihuahua dog walks into the living room wearing a Chucky Doll costume. Halloween.
A young girl describes how she will make a doll disappear into a bag in a living room, and another young girl repeatedly says "she has two bags, there's another one behind her back." Mind Blowing Magic
A tot girl holds a broken baby doll in pieces, and says it broke when she tried to put it down. Her mom asks "you tried to set it down and every single one of its limbs broke off," and she says yes.
A teen girl comes out of her room and sees a creepy doll, then she kicks it down and walks into a kitchen.
A small Yorkie dog sniffs a blanket in a box and a woman pulls the blanket back to reveal a ventriloquist dummy and the dog jumps and falls out of the box in the living-room.
A tot girl smells her doll's foot, then she flips backwards off of a couch in a living room.
A woman films a row of Cabbage Patch dolls in the bedroom, and her baby girl sits in the center with a wig on.
A young girl breaks off her doll's head when she brushes its hair in the bedroom.
Two young girls unwrap a large box of dolls in the living room on Christmas, then one of them asks, "How much money did you waste on this?"
A man asks his tot girl where Elsa is and she says "she's in the swimming pool" and then shows a Barbie doll in a cup of coffee.
A tot girl stands when she is strapped to a doll stroller, and walks with it on her back across the living room.
A tot boy cries because his older sister said dinosaurs are not the coolest things in the world.
A woman talks to her tot boy as he feeds his Elmo toy oatmeal in the living room.
A tot girl on a patio puts a baby doll on a tricycle on a patio and sits on the tricycle and the baby doll falls off and she gets upset and picks up the baby doll and tosses it into a barbecue and a woman laughs.
A young boy face swaps with a baby doll and says that it is ugly.
A hamster eats miniature food at a doll sized table.
A dog wears a bull riding costume with a cowboy doll strapped to its back while it runs around the yard in slow motion.
A tot girl uses toy power tools to give her doll a hair cut.
Two hamsters sit in chairs of a doll house and eat vegetables out of a bowl on a doll sized table.
A baby girl screams and cries when her mother brings a toy Barbie doll near her.
A young girl plays with her doll. She says that the doll is flexible, then bends the doll's legs and breaks one of them off.
A woman opens a Russian nesting doll and a baby girl watches and is shocked and excited.
A tot girl tries to catch a remote control car in a backyard but it drives away repeatedly and she gets frustrated. She puts her baby doll toy on top of the car and it drives away and her family laughs.
A dog lies on her back on the couch while a young girl puts clothes from a baby doll on her.
A man does a face swap with a doll in the living room.
A young girl does a face swap with a baby doll in the living room and says that she's a doll and she's come to life to haunt people. Snapchat.
A woman questions her tot daughter in the bedroom after she made a mess with Vaseline jelly and rubbed it on herself and her doll. The camera turns to show that she also rubbed it on her sleeping dad's face and the girl continues to rub it on his face. Spanish audio.
A young boy plays with a doll on a table indoors, sees the camera, and sets it down quickly. The woman recording laughs and he looks embarrassed.
A young girl swaps faces with a porcelain doll. Face Swaps
Two women struggle to get a young boy's head out from between a mannequin doll's leg in a store.
Tot boy throws a Barbie doll off his high chair but keeps a truck or car toy that his parents give him. Doesn't like girl toys.
A dog puts his toy next to a life-size Elsa doll sitting on the couch and barks as he waits for the doll to play with him.
A tot boy opens a Christmas present indoors and finds a Barbie doll. He looks at it and throws it. His grandpa tries to get him to take a picture with it and he throws it again.
A cat gets inside a dollhouse indoors and knocks dolls and other items down.
Parents trick teen girl into think her hair's falling out while bleaching it in bathroom by using doll hair, girl screams. Practical joke.
A man face swaps with a Barbie doll. Face Swaps
Iguana attacks plastic toy dinosaur, bites and charges at it. Lizard nods its head as if to show off. Tyrannosaurus Rex doll. Reptile.
A woman face swaps with an American girl doll. Face Swaps.
Dad holds newborn baby boy in hospital & shows Grandma. Man pretends to drop baby, senior woman slaps him.
"Puppy Puppet Impostor" A bulldog dog stands on its hind legs in a row of puppets at home imitating them.
A man screams and falls over backwards at home when he opens his closet to find a Freddy Kruger doll hanging there. Scare. Halloween. Practical joke.
A pit bull dog is wearing a saddle with a cowboy doll on top and acts like a real bull trying to dislodge it outdoors.
"Stroller Roller" Young girl pushes a stroller down the sidewalk with a baby doll in it. She lets stroller go wind carries it backwards. Carriage falls over in the grass.
A young girl face swaps with her American Girl doll. Face Swaps
Young girl dances with a Rapunzel doll from Disney's "Tangled" in a living room, spinning in circles. She loses her balance and falls into a small Christmas tree.
A scary doll stands in a hallway indoors as a man and woman call their sons to come see something. Two boys see the doll and scream. One runs away while the other kicks the doll.
A boy and girl play with a Barbie doll and a horse when the boy notices the camera and casually throws the Barbie outdoors.
Girl opens up a present - it's a Ken doll. She says "I need a man." Adults all laugh. Kids say.
Teen girl squeezes through the small door of a Barbie play house. Funny visual.
Kitten terrorizes a girl's play doll house. Kitten bats at doll through front door, then attacks from the bathroom window. Cat
Couple takes child-sized doll trick or treating. Fools many people into giving doll candy.
A Yoda doll attacks a baby boy sitting on the living room floor.