Two teen boys capture a squirrel in a small animal trap and gloat at their accomplishment and they pull it away from the wall and the squirrel jumps out and runs away and they realize they did not close the trap after the squirrel went in.
A man attempts to sit back into a folding chair in a living room and topples backwards to the floor. He says "who put this together" and his daughter says she did. He says "I don't think you set it up right." Security footage.
A Golden Retriever puppy barks at a woman in the living room while she asks the dog what he did. We then see the floor is covered in potted plant soil.
A man tries to drive a dirt-bike up a ramp into the back of a truck and he falls off but the bike stays in the bed. He says "why did I do that?" Security footage.
A man cuts a string at the bottom of a fresh Christmas tree in the living room and the branches fall to the floor. The man insists he did "nothing."
A young girl says she did not make the mess of broken eggs in the kitchen. She blames it on the kitty cat.
Shreds of junk are littered across a floor. A Golden Doodle hides in a shower. A woman pulls the curtain back and says to the dog, "Ogden, what did you do? Did you get in the trash?"
A man and woman prepare to do a trust fall in front of a lake while music plays, then the woman falls forward into the lake instead of back in the man's arms, and she yells at him because he did not catch her. Music rights not cleared.
A woman finds her pet Boxer with a ripped up bag of flour in the house. She says "what did you do?" as the dog looks at her and turns its head with a snout full of flour.
A man cooks hamburgers on a backyard grill with a large fire on it, and a young kid laughs off-camera and asks him what he did.
A young girl has makeup all over her face. A woman asks what she did. She says she has a pirate ship on her head. Then she does a cute "arrrr" like a pirate.
A young boy in his house wraps his younger brother with tape. A woman asks the older boy why he did it and he responds that his brother wanted to look like a mummy.
A man lays in a hammock in the basement and a pole rips away from the wall and he falls and a woman on the steps stomps her foot and says "what did I just say!". Security footage.
A young woman cracks an egg into a pan and talks about how she did not even get shell fragments into it in a kitchen, then she cracks a second egg onto the counter and gasps.
A couch is covered in flour. Two dogs are asked who did it. Only one dog has flour all over its nose.
"Beautiful Baby Brows" A tot boy draws on a baby boy's eyebrows and head with an orange marker in a living room. A woman asks the tot boy why he did it, and the boy answers "because he didn't have no hair."
When a chipmunk runs from a flower pot and into a house, a woman screams from the porch while a man screams back "what did you do?" Security footage.
A young boy holds a box for a gingerbread house and a woman says she can't wait to see what he did. He says "this is pretty good for a child" and he slowly lifts the box to reveal the pieces of the house lying on a plate unassembled in the dining-room. Then says "Nailed it!"
A woman asks a young boy if he did something in a living room, and he says "I said no. O-N."
A woman tells a tot boy that he did a good job while he cleans a toilet in a bathroom. Another young kid yells that he used their back scrubber on the toilet.
A tot boy has opened a shipping box and finds a present before Christmas. His mother asks "So did you did you rip that box open through the tape and everything?" The boy confirms he did.
A young girl records herself saying she just did her Grandma's makeup and her grandma is "kinda ugly and sometimes she just has to have make-up on."
"Didn't Dent Dad's Dream Car" A tot boy remembers that there is a security camera above the garage after he throws a baseball and it hits a vehicle. A woman and the boy, both, examine to see the damage when the boy looks up at the camera and says, "Hey dad, did you get that on camera? It didn't hit there, I'm sorry!" Security footage.
A tot boy walks into the living room. He holds a razor and his head has a shaved spot in the middle. He laughs. A man and a woman laugh at him and say, "What did you do?!"
A man pours water down his own back, and then he splashes his wife with a glass of water while her back is turned and acts like their young son did it. The boy says "I love your jokes," but the man says "that's not funny" and then the woman gets mad at the boy. The boy says it was his dad, and then finds the hidden camera.
A woman finds her dog with shredded pillow fuzz on the floor and asks if he did it, and the dog grins and acts guilty.
A man and a woman each hold one of a young boy's hands on a patio, then pretend that they can pass a sip of water through him, and the young boy screams and says "how did you do that?"
A teen girl pretends to be a scientist for the camera and touches a praying mantis and it scares her and she screams inside a house.
A teen girl on anesthesia thinks she will lose forty pounds after she has her wisdom teeth out, and says "I feel like that had a little weight to them" and "Maybe that's what Jenny Craig did."
A tot boy stands in a mess of cracked eggs in the kitchen, and says he did nothing.
A tot girl paints herself with makeup and draws on a bathroom wall and mirror and tells her dad she did it for her mom.
A man asks a dog if it wants treats and it stands up against a pen. The man says "how about, why did you pee on my floor?" and it walks inside of a crate in a living room.
Two young girls unwrap a large box of dolls in the living room on Christmas, then one of them asks, "How much money did you waste on this?"
A Boston terrier puppy dog pushes a woman's hand away while she holds a garden gnome in her face and asks her what she did in a living room.
A woman confronts her bulldog dog and says "who did that" and the dog raises her paw and then sits in front of a tear in the couch.
A man and woman finds their baby girl tangled up in a roll of toilet paper, and they ask who did it and she points at a dog.
A young girl tells her mother she didn't put a marker colored letter on her face in the bedroom, then looks in a mirror and says "sorry I did".
The woman behind the camera says "what did you do" to her tot son while he holds out a large block of cheese with some bites taken out of it in the kitchen. The boy says "I'm sorry, mom, I'm your best friend."
A woman finds her young son with part of his head shaved and he blames his sister. The woman says she will look at her "Spy" cameras and the boy admits he did it to himself.
A tot girl brags after she wins Connect Four, and her mom asks what she did to win and she says "cheated" and smiles.
A man plays a trick on his granddaughter and pulls money out of her ear. She is completely confused and questions how did this get in my ear.
A tot boy flies a drone in to a tree which makes it fall on to his father's car before it flies back in to the tree and gets stuck there when his father teaches he and his tot brother how to fly the drone at the park. The boy cries about the incident when his brother says he did it on purpose until their father tells him he shouldn't be sad because he knows it was an accident.
A dog sits in a bathroom, surrounded by torn up toilet paper. When asked if he did it, he hides behind the toilet.
A dog sits in the kitchen and smiles when a woman asks him "did you do something bad?".
A man films a destroyed feather pillow in a bedroom and asks two black Labrador dogs if they did it and one of the dogs has feathers all over its face in a house.
A tot boy with frosting on his face blames his tot brother and says that some of the frosting fell on his face. His dad asks the brother of he did in fact eat the cupcake and the boy says yes.
A young boy on a living room couch wants to watch SpongeBob SquarePants and in order to find it he has typed "SBUNJBOBSQWRPANS" into his smart TV but it did not work.
A woman jumps onto a rubber ball in slow motion, it pops and she falls on the floor, then her young child off screen says, "Mommy, why did you pop it?".
A young girl sits on a bedroom floor and cries and says that she was waiting for her dad and her dog stepped on lipstick and it shot up on to her face. She tells the woman that she did not put the lipstick on.
A woman finds a mess of tissues in a living room and a Labrador dog sits on a couch with her paws in the air. The woman asks the dog if she did the mess.
A woman repeatedly asks her cat, "Which way did he go?" and she points her paws in different directions.
A woman sits on a dirt bike in a field and another woman explains how to ride it. She sets off and loses control and flies off the bike. a man says "throw your hands in the air like you did something cool!"
A teen boy, recovering from dental surgery, rides in a car and says that he feels like a girl because he is crying. His dad tells him that women cry because of men and he asks what men did.
A tot girl drew all over her dog with a red marker. Her dad films and asks her what she did.
Funny sign: The marquee under a Midas sign reads, "Boss told me to change the sign so I did."
A tot girl with marker all over her face cries and tells her grandmother that a stuffed animal bear drew on her face.
A woman and a man walk outside along a pathway and there is a dead snake or fake snake on the ground. When the man sees the snake he jumps back and says "Son of a fucking bitch!" Who did that?" in a funny voice.
A man asks to see his tot son's magic trick then the boy moves his hand over his toy then shoves it up his shirt and asks where did it go
A senior woman flips a water bottle and it lands perfectly upright on a table then she looks into the camera and screams, "I did it."