A young girl opens a present and it's a phone in the shape of an apple and she gets angry on Christmas morning.
Two young girls open presents on Christmas morning. The man behind the camera then finds his third daughter inside a pantry, eating marshmallows from a bag and from the floor.
A young girl, young boy, and a tot girl open themed T-shirts on Christmas morning to reveal that they will get a fourth sibling soon, and the tot girl cries.
A tot boy walks into the living room on Christmas as a senior woman tells him good morning. The boy walks over to a Noel train decoration on a coffee table and knocks it onto the floor, then someone off screen says, "Somebody got up in a bad mood".
A black cat gets his head stuck in a gift bag on Christmas and walks backwards until he's able to get it off.
A young boy opens his Christmas present then gets up and dances around in a circle to celebrate.
Two teen girls open iPhones on Christmas morning, scream, and ask "is this real?"
"Engagement Amazement" - A woman on Christmas morning opens a series of boxes in her present and the final gift is an engagement ring. She freaks out then her boyfriend proposes and she says yes and cries.
Two young girls are excited to get a golden retriever puppy for Christmas. They both begin to cry.
A young boy picks up a present from under the Christmas tree then his pants fall down.
A young boy and his tot brother jump on the box of a mini trampoline they got for Christmas in the living room instead of take the trampoline out to play with.
A young boy gets an iPhone for Christmas and drops it on the floor.
A young boy opens a Christmas gift and is excited when he sees it is a hanger.
A young girl opens her Christmas gift and says she always wanted it but doesn't know what it is.
A boy opens a Christmas present in the living room and gets a roll of dollar bills taped together. As he unravels the roll of money, a dog bites onto one end of it and pulls it away and the boy pulls at it to get it back.
A senior man opens a huge Christmas present and finds his grandchildren inside then screams with excitement.
A woman opens a christmas gift with her family and shows off a roomba then her stool breaks under her and she falls on her back.
A tot boy walks over to a Christmas tree, pulls his baby brother off a new toy tractor and drops the baby on the floor so the boy can sit on the tractor.
A tot girl gets very excited about a stuffed puppy dog in her Christmas present. She jumps up and down and hugs the puppy without opening the rest of her present.
A man and a woman accidentally get an inappropriate poster for their teen daughter for Christmas.
A young girl plays with a whoopee cushion that she got as a Christmas present in the living room and likes it so much that she refuses to open more presents
A young girl cries when she gets her Christmas present.
A teen boy rides with his parents to the location of his Christmas present. The boy sees his new truck and jumps up and down screaming. He hugs father and cries.
A tot boy opens a Christmas present in the living room and thinks the box under the wrapping paper is the present. He hugs it and says that he loves it.
A woman and a tot girl come down the stairs on Christmas morning but the mom falls at the bottom of the stairs.
A boy opens a Christmas present in the living room and gets confused because the bike that he got is the same as the bike he already has. His dad realizes that he brought up the wrong bike from the garage to give as a present.
A baby girl sits on the living room floor next to a Christmas present and pulls the wrapping paper off. She pulls one piece so hard that she falls back when it tears.
Tot girl in pink pajamas runs for toys on Christmas morning & flips over a big bouncy ball.
A man wakes up his son on Christmas morning with a bull horn but the boy doesn't want to wake up and says "You're not the one who had diarrhea last night."
A tot boy opens a Christmas present indoors and finds a Barbie doll. He looks at it and throws it. His grandpa tries to get him to take a picture with it and he throws it again.
A young boy and a young girl run down a flight of stairs on Christmas morning . The young girl flips face first on the stairs, knocking a stocking off the wall with her foot. Action in first 30 seconds.
Two young girls and a young boy sit by a Christmas tree on Christmas morning. A man in a Grinch costume runs in and takes a present. They all scream/ jump. Scare. Practical Jokes.
Guinea pig drinks a latte coffee on Christmas morning out of a holiday mug on the kitchen table.
"iPhone iFake" A young girl opens a fake iPhone on Christmas morning as a prank and scares her Mom. Mom has shocked face. practical joke
A man gets a speaker with a suction cup on it stuck to his forehead indoors and after he finally pulls it off, a large red mark is left on his forehead.
A tot boy in pajamas cries on Christmas morning because Santa ate his cookies.
The camera woman films her house on Christmas morning and crashes into a sliding glass door in her kitchen. She filmed a teen girl, a boy, a woman and a poodle dog.
A young boy examines an empty telescope box on Christmas morning when he can't find the telescope he got as a present, even though the telescope is set up directly in front of him. He wonders if Santa Claus brought him an empty box until he puts his hand on the telescope and breaks it.
"Cough Drop Kid, Part 2" A tot boy tells his parents that he didn't ask Santa Claus for toys for Christmas because he only wanted cough drops. He opens a Christmas present and is happy to find a bag of cough drops. He jumps up and down and says "Just what I wanted!" repeatedly.
A boy and little girl are coming down the stairs on Christmas morning. The girl trips and flips over. Knocks off one of the Christmas decorations. Ends up saying 'that was fun' Video is sideways.
A woman unwraps gifts from her stocking on Christmas morning while her kids watch her. She pulls out a small wrapped gift, wondering what it is and the boy exclaims with excitement that it's a new tampon.
A young boy picks his nose on Christmas morning. His mom yells at him, he puts his finger back in his nose and says he's trying to put the booger back inside.
Little boy farts on Christmas morning. (1312, 1417M, 1614, 1903M, XS-11)
"Cough Drop Kid, Part 1 "A woman asks her tot son what he wants for Christmas and he says "Just cough drops." She asks if he wants toys and he screams "No!" She asks what he's going to do if Santa Claus brings him toys and he says he'll throw them away and finds it strange that his mom would think he'd bring him toys.
"Frying Pandemonium" 2 men hit each other with wrapping paper on Christmas morning. 1 man hits the other in the head with a heavy box, he opens it and there's a frying pan inside.
"Crappy Car for Christmas" A man gives his teen daughter car keys on Christmas morning indoors and she cries. He walks her outdoors and shows her a beat up prank car with stickers all over it. She starts it up, powder shoots out of the vents, and sparks ignite. The teen whispers to the camera/ her mom that it smells bad, she can't drive it, and she feels so bad. Her dad then drives up in a new Volkswagon Beetle car and she laughs/ cries. Practical Jokes.
Tot girl in pink pajamas runs for toys on Christmas morning & flips over a big bouncy ball.
Sleepy Christmas kid suddenly bolts from bed when he is told "Santa Claus was here."
Two girls run into the living room indoors on Christmas morning and go to the mantle to get their stockings. One of them grabs her stocking and knocks something down that causes a chain reaction of every item on the mantel to fall down.
Man rides a toy stick horse, he slips & falls on a hardwood floor. Christmas morning. Bonehead.
Two girls come down the stairs on Christmas morning to find a present saying they are going to Disneyland. One screams and jumps up and down and the other says "dude" over and over again. Surprise.
Parents wake up young girl on Christmas morning. She has a very excited look on her face when dad tells her Santa came. Surprised.
X-mas. Baby falls head first into toy chest on Christmas morning
"All I Lost For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth" Young boy loses 2 bottom teeth on Christmas morning when he bites a present trying to open it. 1 tooth flies across the room & he spits the other out into his hand. With recovery.