A young boy and girl walk into a dining room that has toilet paper strewn around it. An elf on the shelf sits in the corner on a tower of toilet paper. The young girl says "How are we going to wipe our butts?"
Two hamsters sit in chairs of a doll house and eat vegetables out of a bowl on a doll sized table.
A family sings "Jingle Bells" using the cheek re-tractors from the Speak Out Game.
A young boy falls and goes into the water as he runs to the lake yelling God bless America.
A small dog walks on a kitchen counter in a Chia pet Halloween costume.
A man shoots from behind a basket to make a basketball trick-shot in two different hoops.
A young girl cries in the kitchen while her fingers are stuck in a Chinese finger trap until her mother tells her how to get them off.
A young boy does the floss dance in a hotel room while the rest of his family wave their arms and shake their hips as they try to copy him.
A young boy pets a goat then the goat bites him and he yells, he got me in the pee pee.
A young boy spills his graham crackers on the floor while he waves his arms as he tries to copy his young brother when he does the floss dance.
A man jumps and rolls out of bed when two young boys honk an air horn and spray him with silly string while he sleeps.
A young boy does the floss dance underwater as he swims in a pool in the backyard.
A goat pulls on the velcro of another goat's winter coat.
A chocolate lab dog stands over a sprinkler and lets it spray her as she kicks her leg.
A group of young boys pass a basketball to each other as they jump off of a diving board in to a pool and the last boy makes the shot.
A young boy screams when he walks in to a bedroom and sees a woman in a clown mask behind the door.
A tot boy squats down while he shakes his arms and butt as he tries to copy his young brother when he does the floss dance in the front yard.
A woman falls on the living room floor when her socks slip on the hardwood floor as she runs from two dogs as she does the What the Fluff challenge.
Two young girls cover their young brother in a slime bubble in the living room after they stretch it out in the air above him.
Two young boys ride a sled into a snowman to destroy it in the winter snow.
A snowman bursts into flames as it explodes in slow motion in the backyard.
A tot girl repeatedly says, "Oh my gosh" while she looks at the Christmas tree her father decorated in the living room.
A tot boy repeatedly asks where his toys are after he pushes a Christmas tree over at a tree farm.
A tot boy says, "I just don't got time for this" while his mother talks about him as he wears his Halloween costume indoors.
A tot boy laughs when he drops a Christmas ornament and it bounces off the floor onto a Christmas tree.
A dog runs away from a blanket after a young boy uses it for the what the fluff challenge in a bedroom doorway.
A young woman in an alien costume at work pretends that the costume is real. She mimics and alien as it pulls her away.
A doberman pinscher dog runs to a man when he slips and falls in to a bedroom as he runs away while he does the what the fluff challenge.
A baby boy lays on a bed in a bedroom and says "hey google" for his first words.
A woman tells her tot son he needs to get away from a laptop computer and he cries while he says he needs to check his email.
A lamp breaks in the living room when a woman drops a blanket on it as she does the what the fluff challenge.
A man takes a pledge to be in the Air National Guard and a boy tot says "Daddy said duty" as he accepts his duties.
A tot girl hears the AFV theme song come on, and she pokes her head out around the corner and then runs into the living room to watch it.
A woman asks a tot boy where different parts of his body are and he points to them. When she asks where his belly is he lifts his shirt up and yells, "Boobies".
A woman gets blue powder on her face when she turns towards her husband while he fires a gender reveal cannon in the backyard.
A man attempts to do a pull up on a pull up bar. The pole falls off the wooden slats that hold it and the man falls on ground and lands on his back. salmon ladder
A man pushes a large toolbox on a dolley, it falls off and he kicks it repeatedly until he makes a hole and his foot gets stuck in it, then he falls over and pulls on the box until it comes off. Home security footage.
A young girl runs over bales of hay. She trips, lands on her stomach and gets stuck between two bales.
A tot boy sits on a female mannequin at a store as his mother tells him it's not Santa. The boy starts to babble that the mannequin is Santa but it falls and so does he.
A young boy screams and throws a shampoo bottle at his mother's face after she growls at him with a mask on while he takes a bath.
Three young boys drive an ATV four wheeler in to a snowman in the backyard to destroy it in slow motion in the winter snow.
A young girl tells her grandmother a Halloween witch decoration on a patio is wrinkly like her while they trick or treat at night.
A young girl jumps and runs away from skeleton halloween decorations at her father's office when he claps to make them move and talk as she and her tot sister stand in front of them.
A young girl jumps and runs away from skeleton halloween decorations at her father's office when he claps to make them move and talk as she and her tot sister stand in front of them.
A woman asks a young girl in the living room what she wants to be when she grows up and she says a turn signal and makes the noise a blinker makes.
A young girl sits in her bedroom and records as she talks about patience. The girl screams at her siblings off camera and cries, then goes back and talks about patience.
A girl tot screams from inside a bedroom and opens the door and says "I'm not gonna live like this anymore".
A woman asks her young son why he cries and he says, "Because nobody is gonna say Happy Mother's Day to me".
A teen boy flips a water bottle onto his father's bald head right side up.
A boy holds a water balloon over his head in the yard outdoors and a girl stands behind him and pops it in slow motion and it explodes over his head and a girl that stands in front of him.
A young girl gets covered in blue powder from a gender reveal balloon when her father pops it over her head in the backyard.
A man hits a basketball in to a hoop with a wheelbarrow.
A young boy plays a violin in a bedroom with a dog's head in place of his head in his shirt.
A dog types at a laptop computer, then eats a treat and scratches its head with human hands.
A dog pops balloons with her paws in the living room until they pop one with blue confetti in it for a gender reveal.
A woman hits her head against a wall while she tries to run away from her dog after she does the what the fluff challenge in the kitchen.
A shepherd dog walks back and forth in the kitchen between two pet gates and whines because he can't fix a large candy cane decoration through either of them.