"Why Dad Werewolf?" A man in a werewolf mask greets a teen boy when he gets into the car after school, and the adolescent groans and asks if his teachers saw him.
A young girl in a hallway wears a scary Halloween clown mask. She opens her teen brother's door to scare him but he's sitting there waiting for her and she's disappointed that her scare failed.
A woman in a Halloween mask runs up to a shopping cart and growls, and the tot boy and girl inside of it scream.
A young girl starts a vlog in the car with a young boy. A man wearing a horror clown Halloween mask pops out of the backseat and screams to scare them.
A man in a gorilla Halloween costume mask runs onto a driveway to scare two young girls. One young girl hits him in the groin with her trick-or-treat bag. She laughs. Halloween
A mom holds a halloween mask over her face to scare a baby boy and he laughed in a store.
A woman in a senior man mask sings and dances in the living room and a dog jumps and bites the hair on the mask and pulls it off.
A man wears a halloween mask and hides in a garage and when his mother walks through it he growls and she screams.
A mom wears a scary vampire costume mask. She tries to scare her tot girl daughter, but the tot laughs. Then she hits her mom in the face, and her mom laughs.
A young girl gives her Golden Retriever dog a piece of bacon as he wears a dinosaur mask in the house, and when the dog chews the mouth of the mask moves.
A teen girl wears a large baby face mask in a Halloween store and floss dances.
An adult man is scared by a Halloween mask indoors.
A man in a scary mask hides in an office and scares a woman when she walks past him.
A man walks into a room where a Grim Reaper figure sits in the corner until the Grim reaper jumps out and scares him, revealing that she's his co-worker in a costume.
A young boy screams when he walks in to a bedroom and sees a woman in a clown mask behind the door.
A teen girl screams when she opens her locker and another teen in a scary Halloween mask pops out.
A teen boy wears a raccoon mask and scares a cat off of a couch.
A woman wears a scary clown Halloween costume mask, and sneaks into her neighbor's house. A woman stands in the kitchen with her two young girl daughters. The masked woman screams and scares the girls and their mother, who screams and then laughs.
A young girl wears a sailor Halloween costume with a scary skeleton mask. She walks up to her father as he walks a dog down the street, and pranks him. Her dad laughs, but the dog gets scared, and runs away down the street.
A girl records a tutorial video in the kitchen where she shows off her slime collection and her grandma sneaks up behind her in a mask and scares her.
A woman screams on the couch in the living room when she turns her head and sees a man in a vampire mask next to her.
A person welds a metal pipe. They lift their welder's mask to reveal a Chewbacca mask.
A man in a scary clown mask sneaks up on a woman in an office and stands behind her but she doesn't notice. When she turns around and sees him, she gets scared and screams.
A man in a scary costume stands next to a door outside a building and scares a teen girl when she steps outside.
Two women fall in the kitchen when they collide while one of them runs away from a man in a clown mask.
Little boys in Halloween costumes (Buzz Lightyear and Scream mask) dance in the living room. Long for edit.
Teen boy gets scared when he walks into the garage, sees little boy in a scary "Saw" mask. Halloween. Practical joke.
Tot boy in a diaper puts a wolf mask on and makes scary noises.
Man opens locker door, is surprised by man in monster mask & costume hiding inside. Practical joke, hidden camera, work, office, scare, Halloween,
Two teen boys and a teen girl walk into a house. A man jumps out from a dark room wearing a Halloween mask, scaring one of the boys. He loudly screams. Short tails.
A man screams at a grocery store when his coworker scares him with a Halloween mask. Upside down.
A boy wearing a ghost Halloween costume (Scream mask) sits on a toilet embarrassed to be caught on camera by his mom.
A bulldog dog struggles to take off a bulldog mask while sitting on a couch.
Man in mask hides in closet, scares man when he opens the door. Man who is scared falls backwards over bed. Practical joke, hidden camera, Halloween. Date on screen 2003.
An orange cat growls, arcs its back, and hisses at a dog in a zebra Halloween mask indoors. scare
An orange cat growls, arcs its back, and hisses at a dog in a zebra Halloween mask indoors. scare
"Cainsaw Massacre" Chainsaw masked man wakes up sleeping boys who watched "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and slept with lights on the night before. Scares them. Halloween. Practical joke.
At 00:40:00 a man walks out of a room indoors when another man in a Krusty the Clown mask scares him with an air-horn and the man falls down.
A hairless Sphinx cat stands with his ears back and his back arched indoors as a man wearing a Halloween wolf mask crawls toward him indoors. Each time he gets closer, the cat growls and hisses.
A tot boy with Halloween skeleton make-up painted on his face turns to see the make up in the bathroom mirror and frowns before he cries to the camera that he doesn't like it.
Boy dressed in Spiderman costume walks around costume store. Dad scares him while wearing a mask. Practical joke. Halloween.
Man scares boy by running into the living room wearing a monster mask. Boy screams. Halloween. No recovery.
Huge monster scares three women in paint store. Practical joke, hidden camera, Halloween, mask, costume. (monster is Sand-Person / Tuskin Raider from Star Wars.)
Dad chases tot son around Halloween store with a fake chainsaw. Teen sister then comes running at boy in a scary clown mask and chainsaw and he tries to run away. Scares, practical joke.
A woman scares a tot boy by shaking a Halloween decoration at him in a store. He runs and jumps into his father's arms, only to scream at the mask his father wears. Scare.
A boy opens up a kitchen pantry door. His dad walks out of the pantry on his knees wearing a troll Halloween mask. Short heads. Short tails. Pranks.
Woman walks in door, man is hiding with a mask on. He scares woman, she screams. halloween. surprise, hidden camera. Practical joke.
Boy dressed in Spiderman costume walks around costume store. Dad scares him while wearing a mask. Practical joke. Halloween.
Boy dressed in Spiderman costume walks around costume store. Dad scares him while wearing a mask. Practical joke. Halloween.
A dad dressed in a scary costume scares his daughter by hiding in her closet. She screams and runs away at 0:14.
Boy screams like a girl when man in a mask scares him.
Woman opens closet door, man hiding in mask scares her. She jumps up & down, waves her arms & screams. Surprise. Good reaction
Man hangs a Halloween mask in the doorway of his coworker's office. When woman sees mask, she screams & runs away. Very hard to see mask inside dark office. Practical joke.
Kids get scared by monster (uncle) and slam door in his face. Halloween.
Teen boy is scared by man in wolf mask standing behind him. Man sneaks up on him. Halloween.
"Horror Behind The Door" Boy scares his teen sister when wearing a scary costume. He hides in the closet. She screams, runs out of the room. Practical joke, hidden camera, Halloween, mask.
Man hides in a shed with a hockey mask on & scares his friend when he comes in. Man yells. Halloween, practical joke.
A man is pulled behind a golf cart along a golf course sidewalk on a surfboard. He wears a Viking horn Halloween mask yelling "Rock and Roll." He slips, and falls off his skateboard into the grass. A dog runs along side him.