A woman in a kitchen holds a birthday cake for a teen girl as a family sings "Happy Birthday." The woman drops the cake.
A young girl has makeup all over her face. A woman asks what she did. She says she has a pirate ship on her head. Then she does a cute "arrrr" like a pirate.
A man sits at a dining table and a Great Dane dog jumps onto the table and knocks wine glasses over and they break on the floor. Security camera.
A teen girl pours gasoline all over tree branches outside, then she lights it on fire, but the fire takes a second to spread, and she jumps back when she gets too close to it. Dangerous.
A boy in a car gets scared when a deer sticks its head through the window at a drive through safari and takes a bag of food from him. The deer chews a hole in the bag and spills food all over the inside of the car.
A woman smashes a plate of whip cream into a young girl's face as she blows out her birthday candles.
A young boy in the kitchen stands on a stool and pours flour into a bowl to help a woman bake. He falls off the stool and is covered in flour.
A man and a young boy put rubber bands on a watermelon until it explodes in slow motion.
An adult mother films a child's bedroom walls covered in marker, as well as a tot girl and her tot brother, and when asked what happened, the tot boy says, "it was a mystery!"
A man cuts open an above-ground pool, then the water floods out of it and knocks him down to the ground in a yard.
A woman walks into a room and her foot gets caught in the blinds and she trips and falls and spills her coffee. Security footage.
A woman gasps while foam covers her and knocks over a Jenga tower onto her at an outdoor event. Featured talent only (African American woman who knocks over the tower)
A woman makes popcorn on a stovetop in a kitchen and talks about how the popcorn was a gift from a friend, then she shows that her Shih Tzu dog watches her. Then she screams and says that it pops out of the pan, and she shows popcorn on fire on top of the stovetop.
A woman trips and falls on stairs in a yard while she carries a plate of cheeseburgers into the house. Security footage.
A dog sits in the corner with a guilty look as his owner finds a mess of trash all over the kitchen floor.
Water pours into a backyard, then a man yells at a Saint Bernard dog who holds down the side of an inflatable swimming pool.
A woman outside walks towards the door to a school, then trips and falls. Her coffee spills everywhere and she smiles as she stands back up. Security Footage.
A teen boy sings "Macho Macho Man" as he carries a large drink into a kitchen. He places it on the counter, then climbs up onto the counter and knocks it over.
A young woman cracks an egg into a pan and talks about how she did not even get shell fragments into it in a kitchen, then she cracks a second egg onto the counter and gasps.
After two young siblings get into the grease bucket from a barbecue grill, they smear it all over a themselves, as well as the patio and dogs.
A young boy tries to dump dog food into a bowl but spills most of it.
A tot boy has dumped a bag of chips onto the floor and he offers the bag to the woman with the camera and eats the chips in the dining-room.
Teen girl makes cupcakes while dad films her. She rips open the cake mix bag & powder explodes everywhere, making a huge mess. Long for edit, bad audio. Cooking, baking, brownie mix.
A tot boy and girl make a mess with flour and sugar in the kitchen. The woman with the camera asks what they are doing and the girl says "making a mess." The kids continue to play in the mess while the woman says their dad just bought all that.
A man gets in a parked truck on his lunch break. He reaches into a heater box and grabs a can of chili. The chili explodes in his face. Chili covers the car as he runs away.
A man cleans up a flooded bathroom in which twin tot boys blame one another for the mess as they point and speak in gibberish.
"The Running of the Bulldog" A dog chases a balloon around a little girl's bedroom and knocks over anything in it's path.
A woman walks into kitchen to see her tot son in a mess of powdered sugar, flower, and dry spaghetti. Their Labrador dog is completely covered in flour.
A man and a young boy do the Borrowed Hands Challenge and eat cereal with milk and rub cereal all over the man's face.
A tot girl puts makeup all over a young girl's face while she sleeps in a bed.
Cows mess with an iPhone and films the whole time as they sniff around.
A man walks into a living room after his two sons pour bean bag beans all over the room.
A woman does a Facebook live product sale video for Scenty, but when she shows off the product, the contents of the warmer fall out and onto the floor.
A tot girl paints in the backyard, and then she paints some on the dog, licks the brush, and brushes it across her eye.
A young woman tries to do the Whipped Cream Challenge, but it hits a light overhead and briefly sticks to it before it lands on her head.
A woman records a mess two dogs and a pig made from a spilled trashcan in the house.
"Oh-My-Gosh Car Wash" Two men ride through a car wash and the sunroof leaks and the man with the camera gets soaked and curses and laughs.
A tot boy presses his face into a bowl of cereal and eats from it in the living room. He pulls on it to pick it up, but it is suctioned to the table. He pulls harder and the bowl comes off the table and spills the milk and cereal on his face.
"Whole Lotta Lipstick" A tot girl does a makeup tutorial at home, and she puts on lots of eyeshadow and blush, then she puts on too much lipstick. She uses her own spit to wipe it off, but she puts too much on again and says "definitely need a wipe."
A woman tells a young boy to pour vinegar quickly into a volcano in a kitchen, then she screams when it explodes all over a young boy and a young girl who cries.
A woman and a young girl play the Egg Smash Challenge in the dining room. They go for a while and then the girl just grabs the egg and smashes it under the woman's hand.
A man on a ladder knocks over three large stacks of pizza boxes, and then falls over. He then walks away. Security camera footage.
A man and woman use Borrowed Hands from their children and pretend to prepare for a date and eat dinner. The woman's arms spill milk all over her, and then the man's arms spill on him.
A young girl pours a glass of water in a kitchen while a young boy pretends to be her hands, but the young boy sprays her in the face with the water.
"Oreo Oh No" A woman asks a tot boy if he enjoyed his first Oreo and then shows his tot twin brother next to him covered in Oreo dust from head to toe in the dining room. Secondary source.
A woman cuts open a dog bed and pig is inside and grunting in the living-room.
Two young girls make a makeup tutorial in a bathroom, then one of them blows into a container of loose powder, and they both cough and leave the room when a cloud of powder covers them.
A man whips a woman with a towel in a kitchen and she throws an egg at him and misses and hits the teen girl with the camera.
A young girl tells a man in a living room that she needs to test his strength, then she gives him two gallons of juice on a rope, books, and a plate of whipped cream. Then she cuts the rope, and the plate of whipped cream hits the man in the face.
A black Labrador retriever dog digs in a puddle of mud in a yard, then he sticks his head in the mud and looks at the camera.
A man puts something into a recycle bin while he calls a dog in a backyard, then he falls into the recycle bin and knocks it over. Security footage.
A man uses a forklift to lower a stack of boxes and pallets in a warehouse. The stack tips over and falls into other stacks like dominoes.
An adult does the Borrowed Hands challenge with a dog who eats a bowl of yogurt. Set to music.
A woman helps a young girl do the whipped cream challenge in a kitchen, but the whipped cream flies up and lands on a tot girl's head, then the tot girl cries.
A teen boy and girl do the Egg Smash Challenge on the dining table and the teen boy hits the egg and it splatters on the teen girl's jacket.
A man and a woman play the egg smash game in the dining room. The woman loses.
The man with the camera shows a mess in the living room and kitchen after the garbage cans got emptied. The man calls a dog into the house and the dog walks in through the doggy door. It sees the mess and walks right back out the door. The man calls the dog back and the same thing happens. Another clip plays and the dog lays on the floor and looks away from the man while he questions it about the mess.
A man leaves a living room, then a dog runs all over a jigsaw puzzle on a coffee table. Security footage.
A tot boy shows off the basement when he cleaned up and put all the stuff in bathroom.