Softball dad chasing fly ball runs into kid on swing
Boy & girl hold same slice of pizza in their mouths & spin around, giggling. At birthday party.
Dog digging for ball behind chest of drawers does handstand Stuck.
Two boys sit on the other side of a fence while balls are hit at it outdoors and try not to flinch when one goes through the fence and hits the smaller boy in the crotch. Action at :36.
Dog in snow, jumps over young girl on sled, knocking her into the snow.
Girl Learns Mom is Pregnant. Sweet vid of parents telling girl she's going to have a BROTHER (not sister) Excited, but wants girl.
X-mas; Christmas tree falls on kids and one boy says. "who turned out the lights?"
A man is dangling a fish over a dock as fish swim around him. At 0:17, a huge fish suddenly jumps out of the water for his bait, startling the guy.
A man tricks his sister in law by putting a fake baby in a car seat on top of his car and driving away as she is pulling into a parking lot. The woman gets out of her car and starts running after him screaming. Practical Joke
Man tries to drive Bobcat tractor truck; it goes crazy on him and bounces around. He can't control it.
Tot boy takes bath while kitten watches. Boy grabs kitty by paws, drags it into the water. Cat freaks out, jumps back out of tub.
A woman walks over a fallen tree to get to the opposite side of a stream and falls in. Action at :25.
A man climbs a small tree. His friend tackles the tree and they both fall.
Guy dancing falls over backwards but keeps a hold of his pizza and soda
Man in front yard in snow hits soccer ball with golf club, it hits camera
Cat tries to get bird off heart wall decoration, falls
Dad runs & pulls kid on sled, he jumps over snow mound. Man falls out of view, kid crashes face first into snow pile. Winter, bonehead. . Outdoors.
A teen boy repeatedly puts a piece of food on an electric tape measure, extends it, and a young girl eats it.
Man lays on garage floor and works under his Jeep. A raccoon also lays on the floor and mimics man. Strange visual. Odd.
A man somersaults onto a cot, another man pushes it upward, it folds over, and hits him on the head.
Kids get scared by monster (uncle) and slam door in his face. Halloween.
Baby sits on bed plays with money. Good for Famous Figures as Kids. DONALD TRUMP as a boy.
A woman in a hot air balloon records as they crash into pine tree while landing at :29.
Teen girl tries to jump over a swamp. She jumps and holds onto small tree. The tree falls and she lands on her back in the swamp
Shirtless teen boy rides bike in front yard, goes up ramp, comes down hard with bar of bike right between legs; groin / crotch hit. Stunt. Little brother is excited and screams into camera in close up. Tracking a bit off
Time lapse footage of a family building a snowman and letting it melt.
Woman with cordless phone has crow (bird) on her head.
Man puts fake mouse on a string inside cupboard, woman opens cabinet door, mouse falls out. Woman screams, curses at man in Spanish. Practical joke. Hidden camera. Scare.
A man plays harmonica and gives it to a baby girl to try. She hums instead of blowing into the instrument.
Cat has tape stuck to its paws, tries to shake it off.
Dog entertains himself by jumping on plywood boards.
Military - Marine can't jump over wall, falls on his face
Man is going fast on inner tube being pulled behind speed boat. Tube lifts off into the air. Man hangs on. Major wipe out. Falls into lake
A dog tries to catch a marshmallow stuck on his rear end outdoors.
X-mas tot gets very excited over gift, but when asked if it was what he wanted, he says "not really" Christmas (1206).
Dog destroys pillow, looks very guilt. Stuffing is all over. Mess. Black and white Border Collie.
Tot girl tastes sauce that tot boy & Grandma / senior woman used to make pizza & spits it back out onto pizza pan. Gross.
Young boy hits a golf ball & it bounces back and hits him in the face.