A man plays peekaboo with his tot girl with a towel over his face and makes her laugh, but then he pulls the towel down to reveal his beard is gone and she gets sad.
Two twin tot boys and their dad carve pumpkins on the floor of a kitchen. The tots throw pumpkin guts and seeds at their dad and laugh hysterically. He screams "no more" and laughs hysterically.
Two twin tot boys and their dad carve pumpkins on the floor of a kitchen. The tots throw pumpkin guts and seeds at their dad and laugh hysterically. He screams "no more" and laughs hysterically.
A teen girl stands on a cliff and holds onto a tree rope swing but a bug flies onto her and she screams. She swings but lets go and falls onto the ground and rolls into a lake.
A woman and a young boy scream in the backyard when they fall out of an inflatable pool as she leans back too far.
A young girl cries in the living room when a slime toy pops in her face as she squeezes it.
A young boy hits his young brother in the groin with a plastic toy baseball bat when he stands too close to him as he tries to hit a baseball that a machine shoots in front of him in the backyard.
Three young boys drive an ATV four wheeler in to a snowman in the backyard to destroy it in slow motion in the winter snow.
A young boy tries to hit a golf ball at a golf course and accidentally hits the whole bucket behind him.
A young boy shoots a basketball into a hoop at the park, then the ball bounces off the heads of two young girls and a tot boy in slow motion.
A young boy screams with excitement when he got his first receipt for Christmas.
A man and woman pose on a mountain to take a selfie and their son walks over and kicks his dad in the groin.
A young boy struggles to control a remote control car outside and the car knocks him over and then runs him over on the ground.
A tot boy grabs at a plastic ball until he catches it while a wind tunnel blows it in the air in front of him.
A young girl in a kitchen cries because she thinks she stepped on a slug. Her mom laughs and shows her that it is a marshmallow.
A woman blows a bubbles onto snow on a mailbox and slips and falls and hits her head on the mailbox.
A dad cracks open an egg and finds another egg inside and a young boy gets excited and confused. They crack open the second egg and fry it on a pan. Snapchat.
A young boy screams and throws a shampoo bottle at his mother's face after she growls at him with a mask on while he takes a bath.
A teen girl bounces on a yoga ball in the living room and her younger brother sneaks up and kicks it away, and the girl falls on the floor.
A young boy sits on a ledge next to a pool and when he tries to climb off he loses his balance and falls back into the pool head first
A young boy gets trapped in a patio chair when a gust of wind blows a patio table onto him. Screen recording.
A shovel flies out of a young boy's hands and over his shoulder as he uses it to clear snow off the patio.
A teen girl throws a soft ball against the chimney and one slips away from her and she breaks a window.
A teen girl drives a four-wheeler quad ATV and crashes it into a gate on a farm.
A young girl tells her grandmother a Halloween witch decoration on a patio is wrinkly like her while they trick or treat at night.
Three teen girls dance in a bathroom to "Beautiful Soul" but the shower curtain falls on them.
A teen boy rides a hand dolly down a ramp. The dolly crashes into a rail and the garbage cans on the dolly are thrown off.
Two teen girls open iPhones on Christmas morning, scream, and ask "is this real?"
A teenage girl hits herself in the face with makeup trying to do a tutorial.
A man screams in a gymnasium when a teen girl kicks a soccer ball over her head and it goes in to a basketball hoop.
Four teen girls with crown filters lip sync and dance along with a song in the bedroom and then one of the girls who stands on the bed steps back and hits her head on the ceiling fan.
A young boy gives a young girl a Valentine's Day card and flowers. They hug each other and then fall over a single step that leads to the sunken dining room. They fall hard on the dining room floor and cry.
A young girl cries in the back seat of the car and screams McDonalds as mom sits in the front seat and lip syncs
A young boy finds out he gets to go to Disney World on Christmas, but he cares more about his new package of Goldfish crackers.
A young girl puts a dollar bill on an ipad tablet to buy an app then her mom tells her you need to put it on a card so the girl picks up a credit card and places the dollar on top of the card.
Teen girl standing on the side of the bathtub with toys slips & falls backwards, bringing the shower curtain down with her.
A family goes around the table on Thanksgiving Eve and everyone answers what they're thankful for. One young boy says "dinosaurs."
A teen girl stands on the edge of a bathtub with her hair under the shower head as she holds onto the shower curtain when the shower curtain falls down and she falls in the tub.
A teen girl hits another teen girl in the knee with a wooden pole while she tries to hit a pinata with a blindfold on.
A young girl jumps and runs away from skeleton halloween decorations at her father's office when he claps to make them move and talk as she and her tot sister stand in front of them.
A young boy trick-or-treats on Halloween. He walks up to a house, but asks his mom to go first, and gets scared. She says if he wants the candy, he has to get it, and he says "no, i don't need it" and runs away.
A young girl jumps and runs away from skeleton halloween decorations at her father's office when he claps to make them move and talk as she and her tot sister stand in front of them.
A teen girl tries to dance down a flight of stairs to the song Rockin Around the Christmas Tree and she slips and falls down the steps.
A young boy enters the house, everyone yells "surprise!" and balloons fall from the ceiling. Unimpressed, he says nothing then turns right around and leaves.
A tot girl stands in a field and a giant kickball hits her and knocks her over.
A young boy shoots a nerf gun in slow motion on the porch at the screen on the ceiling and the dart hits all the winter snow on the roof and it all falls off the side of the roof to the yard below.
A young girl unwraps a large gift on Christmas and gets surprised by her military big brother, who jumps out of the box.
A man mimics his son's tantrum about having a beanie stuck on his head as the family drives in their car.
A young girl hits her younger brother in the face with an inflatable boxing glove and he falls backwards and they both laugh. He gets up and they do it again.
A tot boy does the What the Fluff magic trick, but runs into the wall when he drops the blanket.
A woman screams when she walks out of the bathroom and her teen daughter says hello.
A boy does pull-ups on a pull-up bar in the doorway for his closet in the bedroom while he stretches an elastic band with his foot. The band slips off his foot and hits him in the groin and he cries. His older sister walks in and laughs when she sees him.
A teen boy chases after an ATV four wheeler in the yard after he falls of it when he does a wheelie.
A woman gets whipped cream on her eye when she hits it off the back of her hand and into the air in the kitchen.
A tot boy jumps on a trampoline and the static makes his hair stands up.
A young girl gets her tongue stuck to a frozen metal pole in a winter snowy yard. A teen girl films and laughs hysterically.
A teen girl runs and jumps to do an aerial flip at a park, but slips on wet grass and falls instead.