A boy falls down in the yard and the wind blows his homework through the yard and then down the street while he chases after it.
A man holds a baby girl in the air and flies her around flowers and hedges while she wears a bee costume. The man trips and falls down while he holds her. No recovery.
A young girl drives her father around a yard on a go cart until they crash into a sawhorse. Short tail. Table.
A bird slams into a cat repeatedly while the cat lays on a fence and lets its legs hang down.
A woman walks out onto the front porch of her house and yells at a group of sheep to get out of her yard and all the sheep run away.
A dog catches water in his mouth in the backyard while a bulldog dog pushes a foot switch that shoots the water in to the air.
A woman follows a path of rose petals to a bedroom. Her husband is on the bed in an inflatable T-Rex dinosaur inflatable costume.
A young boy rides in a toy wagon down a hill and hits a tree. He laughs and says that his "wiener" didn't hit it.
Two Boxer dogs jump and bite at water from a garden hose.
A family drops flowers into a river as part of a memorial for a family member when the dock collapses and three women and a man fall in the water.
A tot girl sits on top of a large inflatable globe that fills with water in the yard. Her older sister leans against it and it pops and she falls into the water.
A man holds a tree frog on his finger and tells the camera that it's a big deal right before the frog jumps onto his face and the man screams as it crawls around on his face.
A tot girl tries to blow a dandelion flower in a backyard but spits on it repeatedly and fails and her mom laughs.
A dog plays around inside a flower pot and gets the dirt all over the deck floor. His owner berates him but he ignores her and then finds his bone in the dirt and hops out.
A dog stands on a table in a yard and uses its back legs to run on the spot as it spins around a Lazy Susan.
A woman falls in slow motion while she walks across a fallen tree in a yard as she carries a barbell.
A man drives an argo vehicle with a woman, and gets it stuck on a hill at a ninety degree angle. (0:00-0:30) They hang out of their seats until he drives it back down the hill outdoors.
A young boy and two young girls blow out dandelions in the road. The boy sticks his dandelion into his sister's mouth as she tries to blow her own dandelion. Slow motion.
A teen girl does a backflip on a mat and lands hard on her knees and face in a yard.
A man struggles to push a wheel barrel of dirt up a hill in the yard, and falls. The dirt spills onto his head.
A tot girl tries to catch a remote control car in a backyard but it drives away repeatedly and she gets frustrated. She puts her baby doll toy on top of the car and it drives away and her family laughs.
A young boy gives a young girl a Valentine's Day card and flowers. They hug each other and then fall over a single step that leads to the sunken dining room. They fall hard on the dining room floor and cry.
A Labrador dog jumps in the air repeatedly in a backyard and tries to catch piles of dirt in her mouth but gets hit with the dirt repeatedly. A woman says the dog helps to garden.
A man tries to start a motorized weed-whacker tool in a front yard but fails repeatedly and gets frustrated. He curses and yells and smashes the weed-whacker against the ground repeatedly.
A man drives a lawnmower tractor up a hill and then loses control when he gets to the top and drives it into a pond.
A senior man approaches a man on a tractor in a field and the tractor suddenly starts and the man gets startled and falls backwards.
A man holds up a plate of flour in front of his brother then another man blows the flour with a leaf blower all over the brother's face then the brother jumps into the lake to clean off.
A woman blows leaves on her lawn then she pushes a large recycling bin but she trips and falls face first into the bin.
A young boy rides a swivel office chair in a front yard but tips over and falls into a bush. His young girl sister tries to kick a soccer ball into a basketball hoop but it bounces off and hits her in the face and she laughs and her brother laughs.
A tot boy buries two toy motorcycles in his grandmother's garden while he tells her it's so they'll grow big enough for him to ride.
A man climbs down a ladder in a front yard but steps onto a potted plant that has a fairy garden and falls backwards and breaks open the pot.
A senior woman's pants fall down while she uses a rototiller in her backyard.
A senior woman's pants fall down while she uses a rototiller in her backyard.
A young boy tells his dad in a front yard to hide a dandelion stem on his body and he will find it with magic. He holds a dandelion flower in front of his dad's mouth and tells him to blow but the boy shoves the flower into his dad's mouth and he coughs. A mom laughs and films.
A tot boy with a pacifier in his mouth sprays himself with a garden hose in the face.
A young boy with a garden hose waters a car, the grass and then turns around and wets the camera man.
A woman with a VR headset on outside bumps back into her husband and they both tumble backwards into some plants and a fence.
A woman records a selfie with a baby chick chicken bird on her shoulder in the living room and it pecks at her eye. Snapchat filter: flower ears and glasses.
A robotic dinosaur sprays water at a man recording it outdoors.
A tot boy cries after getting stuck in a bucket outdoors.
A woman climbs up a step ladder and struggles to climb into a hammock in the yard. She gets in and it flips backwards and she falls out.
Two dogs on leashes pull a woman across the front lawn. ring.com doorbell camera
A tot boy accidentally hits his grandfather in the face with a pool noodle when he's trying to hit a ball outdoors.
Security camera footage of a man who stands on a trailer in the yard and leans off the edge to trim a bush, but he loses balance and falls into the bush. No audio
A teen girl runs while she pushes a wheelbarrow in the yard and flips over it and falls when she hits a bump on the ground.
Two young boys pull at a bush while their grandpa digs at its roots with a shovel. They all start to push on it and it suddenly comes out of the ground and they all fall and he falls on top of one.
Home security footage of a woman who trips on the patio and falls in to a planter in the backyard while she waters the plants. No sound.
A woman trains her dog in a front yard. She tells him to "sit" and then "stay", and takes off his leash. The dog runs away from her.
A group of people shoot smoke cannons in the yard for a gender reveal and pink smoke shoots out, but one of the men can't get his to work. A senior woman walks towards them to hug them and he finally gets his to work and shoots smoke at her.
A woman in a backyard is working on a beehive in a bee suit and a bee gets inside her pant leg and stings her in the butt so she starts jumping up and down and shaking her legs to get the bee out of her pants and asks a man to help.
A Labrador dog and a woman stand in a yard and find a snake near a tree. The dog bites at the snake and it flies in the air and lands on the woman's leg. She screams and shakes it off.
A man stands on a porch railing outdoors and cuts a branch from a tree. The branch falls and swings back, knocking the man over onto the porch.
Woman carries a baby girl in the backyard along with a hose. She drops the hose and it sprays her and the baby in the face with water. (2103)
Man sits in a chair in the backyard dangling a peanut on a fishing line. Squirrel comes over and tries to pull the nut off the string.
A little girl cries after seeing a worm in her salad and tells her mom it's not funny. The woman behind camera asks if she already ate one and the girl says "not sure."
Man rides a post digger. Spins on it and hits his crotch.
Young boy does the robot dance at a wedding reception. Young girl stands behind him and watches him like he is crazy, then shakes her head.
Tot girl waters the plants with a garden hose in the backyard, she points the hose at Dad who's filming. Dad gets upset & hides behind a tree.
A boy tries to eat sunflower seeds off a treadmill.