A woman does goat yoga and two goats jump onto her back but one jumps on her head and she laughs.
A dog stands on a table in a yard and uses its back legs to run on the spot as it spins around a Lazy Susan.
A woman has a frog in her hair and then screams when her friends says it has a cockroach in its mouth.
A man tries to feed a Dalmatian dog food from a fork, but twice a Dachshund dog jumps up and steals it.
A woman throws a ball outdoors for her dog to chase as it's tied to a young boy's sled. When the dog runs for the ball, the boy falls off of the sled.
A dog hits another dog in the face with his tail repeatedly in the living room.
A mom reads a book about animals to her tot boy in a living room and asks what a cow says. She makes a moo sound and a dog howls in the background, repeatedly.
A pug puppy dog struggles to carry a large toy up the stairs in the house. A man comments that it won't work, then the pug raises the treat and goes up the stairs.
A woman picks up a pomeranian puppy dog in the kitchen as it eats food. The dog growls at her and shows its teeth as she picks it up.
A tot girl reads a story inside a tent to a dog who glares at the camera.
A baby boy cries as he lays against a Golden Retriever dog and the dog side eyes the camera in the living room.
A puppy dog raises its paws in the air when a woman lifts it up.
A small dog uses her nose to bounce a balloon in the air, then she jumps into a young girl who falls off an ottoman and laughs in the living room.
A woman offers her golden retriever dog a treat and the dog tries to take it with a ball in her mouth, but she can't take it.
A man and woman have locked themselves out of the house. They coach a dog to remove the cardboard block that is blocking the glass sliding door and it bites it and moves it so they can get back in.
A dog growls in the bedroom when a teen boy pets him and it sounds like "oh my God".
A woman retraces the steps of someone who has fallen in the mud in her front yard, and then she turns the camera on herself covered in mud and says "I really hope that they're okay."
A young boy plays a violin in a bedroom with a dog's head in place of his head in his shirt.
A woman does a workout in the bedroom with an elastic band. Her Great Dane dog gets hit by her foot and pulls at the band till it snaps back at her.
A dog walks towards a man in the living room repeatedly, and he asks if she pooped. The dog turns away and walks back to her bed every time the man asks.
A young girl scratches a dog's belly and the dog shakes his back leg against a guitar and strums the strings in the backyard.
A woman in a living room tries to scold a Chihuahua dog and it repeatedly puts its paw over her mouth as she talks.
A man golfs on a putting green in a living room and the ball lands next to the hole. A woman tells a Labrador dog not to touch it but he pushes the ball into the hole and the man laughs.
A man plays Duck, Duck, Goose with three dogs in a living room and he says goose and one dog chases him.
A stuffed animal toy spins in circles and plays music in the living room while a dog spins around in front of it.
A Pomeranian dog growls as a man plays with his mouth and it sounds like Donald Duck.
A woman spreads peanut butter on her husband's bald head, and their husky licks it off while the man trims its nails in the living room.
A young girl does the whipped cream trick and calls it her secret talent, but it hits her nose and then her dog jumps up and bites the cream off.
A Labradoodle dog carries a Yorkshire Terrier dog across a living room by its shirt. A woman yells at it to drop him.
A man chases after a dog into its playpen in the kitchen. The man falls over and breaks the playpen and the dog runs out of the other side.
A dog types at a laptop computer, then eats a treat and scratches its head with human hands.
A pit bull dog jumps away from a toy spider in the living room.
A young girl pulls a French Bulldog dog on a leash, as it lays in bed, through the living room.
A large dog tries to sit on a man's shoulder in an armchair in a living room.
A woman throws a toy for her two dogs in the yard, they both chase it, and a teen girl falls while she holds onto one of their leashes.
A dog licks a tot boy's hand and the boy uses his wet hand to style his hair.
A dog sits on the couch in the living room and growls at a picture of a cat on the wall.
A baby girl sits and eats in a high chair in a kitchen and a dog sits below her and waves his paws and begs but the girl stares at him.
A tot girl in a living room plays with a dog and the dog kicks the tot girl in the face and she falls over.
A Pug dog walks around the house with a sandal stuck on his back left foot.
A labrador puppy dog licks a tennis ball to roll it back to a woman indoors.
A Labradoodle dog licks a baby in slow motion in the living room.
A dog sneaks up on a woman with cucumbers on her eyes on the living room couch and takes one.
A dog growls and bites a man as he tries to take his leash off in the living room, but then a teen girl steps in and takes it off immediately.
A dog climbs inside the refrigerator as a man pulls on him to get him back out.
A man in a living room does push ups and a dog copies him and does push ups as well.
A dog lies on her back on the couch while a young girl puts clothes from a baby doll on her.
An old dog in a car leans his head out towards a rolled down window and the wind runs through his jowls and neck rolls.
A dog stares at a young girl as she eats popcorn on the couch.
Two dogs in a yard try to catch a treat out of the air and they miss and bite each other's mouths.
A man walks out to the front yard and three golden retriever dogs open the front door and he takes them back inside. The dogs opens the front door again and he carries them back inside. This happens repeatedly.
A man offers his dog a bone, and once the dog takes it he offers him another one. The dog drops the first bone to take the new one, and they do this repeatedly until the man holds both bones in front of the dog and he can't choose which one he wants.
A dog runs in a yard and jumps on a trampoline and bounces and flips through the air and falls off the trampoline and lands on his back.
A dog hides her head between the pillows and cushions on the couch when a woman offers her a banana and holds it out in front of her.
A young boy throws a Styrofoam plane into the air and it hits him and he falls down and lands in dog poop.
A beagle dog howls along while a man sings happy birthday in the living room.
A man hits a gender reveal pinata and it breaks off of the string, but does not reveal the gender. The dog then takes the pinata and runs away with it and the pregnant woman has to chase the dog.
A woman lays in bed with a Husky dog and tells him he has to get up and he whines and yells.