An off-camera mother tells her three young children "Oreo says no one can eat a whole cookie in less than ten seconds" and challenges them to and they each grab and bite a cookie and spit it out and wipe their tongues and she says she filled them with toothpaste in the kitchen.
A woman pretends to cut her finger at the kitchen sink, and a man says he "can't look at it". He then sees her finger's covered in ketchup and walks away.
A man walks up to a duck bird to film it in a yard, then it flies at him and he screams as he runs away and falls. The man gets back up and the bird chases him down the street. Home security footage.
A woman leans over to examine her husband's broken foot. Nearby her teenage granddaughter blows an airhorn. The noise startles her grandmother who accidentally punches the grandfather in the crotch.
A camp counselor man falls through a bunk bed as he steps on it.
A man jumps and throws his phone in fear when he sees a snake skin that hangs on light on porch.
A teen girl opens a locker at school and screams and falls over backwards when someone inside jumps out at her. Scare. Practical joke.
A man in a living room tries to do the What the Fluff prank and as he throws the blanket up he accidentally hits picture frames off the wall and they break on the floor.
A man stands with his back to the door awaiting his bride and his adult son enters the room in a wedding-dress instead. The groom is amused and they laugh and pose for pictures.
A man turns on the sink in the kitchen and it sprays at him. He turns the sink towards his family and they all scream.
While her family awaits her at the airport, a woman arrives back from a trip to see her tot son as he holds up a sign that says, "Welcome Home From Prison Mom," as she says "that's not funny," and her husband grins. Featured talent cleared only (the family holding the sign).
A man uses the sink in the kitchen and screams when it gets on his leather jacket. He says it's the third time this prank happened to him.
A teen boy asks a woman to turn on a kitchen faucet, then she gets sprayed in the face with water. She yells at him about the wet floor.
A woman lets two terrier dogs out onto a driveway, then a deer runs after the dogs, and the woman picks up one dog and gets them both back in the house. Security footage, no audio.
A woman tries to secure a patio umbrella in the wind ahead of an upcoming storm. But then a gust of wind knocks over the table and when the woman pulls out the umbrella, the pole breaks the glass tabletop. A young boy yells for her to come inside and a dog barks in the house. Security footage.
A woman steps out of a front door, farts, goes to re-enter the house, but thinks again, goes back outside, farts again, then re-enters the house. Security camera footage.
A woman runs and slides down a slip-n-slide in a backyard, then she hits her head on a deck.
A man rides a bicycle off a large rock in the woods and crashes into the ground and quickly pops back up.
A woman knocks over a large set of shelves with plates and dishes on it in a restaurant kitchen, and they all crash and break. She picks up the shelf and swears, then another plate falls. Security footage.
While a man attempts to blacken fish on a hot pan on a patio, he forgets which hand his oven mitt is on as he burns himself.
A man parks a pickup truck on a driveway and gets out of it, but the truck moves in reverse back into the driveway without him. He runs after it and yells "God damn it." Security footage. Night.
A man tries to slam a pickup truck's tailgate shut on a driveway, but it reopens and hits him in the groin. Security footage. Person across the street not talent released.
A security camera captures a man walk backwards with a wheelbarrow and fall into a pool in a backyard.
A senior man jumps down from a ladder while he works on a home project and takes a nasty spill. He then gets up and goes back to work. Security footage.
Two men ring a doorbell and talk into the doorbell camera when they realize they're at the wrong house. Security footage.
A dog gets caught in a dishwasher rack and he slams the rack and the dishes back and forth to break free. A cat in the kitchen is startled. A woman laughs. Security footage.
A man jumps on a hoverboard in the living room, and it breaks.
A man throws a ball at a lamp in his bedroom and shatters it.
A teen girl kicks a soccer ball at a goal on a field, but it bounces off the goal and hits her in the face. Slow motion.
A teen girl works on a computer then the desk collapses and she catches the computer and laughs at school. Security footage.
Two young boys ride on separate tubes pulled by a boat on a lake. One boy skims over the wake, jumps and lands on top of the other boy.
A man grunts while he carries a suitcase up a frozen street and onto a steep driveway. Then he falls and slides back down the driveway.
A man reverses a truck near a barbecue grill in a yard, and a woman tells the young boy to let the man know when to stop. The man hits the barbecue, then the young boy yells "okay."
A woman spins in circles on a hoverboard and falls, and the hoverboard kicks out from behind her and knocks a young boy over too.
A girl jumps out of a closet and scares her grandpa as he walks past her and he screams as he jumps back and knocks a picture off the wall.
A man with a mouse filter holds a woman on his shoulders while he sits on a chair in the living room and then they lean too far back and both fall out of the chair. Snapchat.
A young woman runs and jumps onto a young man's back in a yard. He is accidentally kicked by her jump and then he bends over and falls down. While he is writhing on the ground, a tot boy jumps on the man and hits him.
A boy practice swings a bat in a backyard. When a man standing behind him turns in his direction, the bat hits the man in the groin. Security footage.
A teen boy skis in the winter snow down a slope for a race and after he crosses the finish line, he trips and falls.
Two German Shepherd dogs watch a drone toy fly and one dog jumps and bites it and a woman screams in a living room.
A group of young adults form a pyramid in a yard, and one young woman climbs to the top but immediately falls down, and a small dog jumps out of the way.
A woman goes down a slide into a pool and the slide collapses after she gets into the pool.
A girl repeatedly tries to throws a skeeball on a ramp in an arcade but cannot throw it hard enough. Her mother tries to help her and they launch the ball at the camera.
A young boy throws a volleyball down, it bounces off of a platform, hits him the face and he falls into a pool.
A baby boy sits in front of a birthday sign. The sign falls and hits him. He keeps pushing the sign back up, but it keeps hitting him and he laughs.
A man uses a dolly in a yard to lift and move a heavy rock and it tips forward and lifts him up into the air and he flips forward and falls over.
A woman waxes the back of her husband's neck and then rips the paper off and he smacks the table and shouts, "oh God!"
A man and a young boy hit a gender reveal baseball in slow motion and the young boy is hit in the face by the backswing.
A young girl throws a baton over head and it hits a man in the groin in the front-yard.
A man pops a cork off of a champagne bottle on a dock on a lake outdoors and it hits him in the face. His wife laughs and he pours her a glass.
An English bulldog puppy dog barks and growls at a cat who claws at the dog before the dog falls over, then gives up and walks away.
A Yorkshire Terrier dog barks and jumps repeatedly onto a couch but can't make it up indoors. Another Terrier sits calmly on the couch and just looks at the jumping dog.
A small dog struggles to walk in snow boots indoors.
A dog and a cat play and the dog sits on the cat in the living-room.
A puppy dog barks at a cat hiding in a box indoors and each time the cat pops up, it scares the dog. The cat jumps out and the dog growls.
A dog runs and jumps over a fallen branch outdoors, followed by another dog, who jumps in slow motion and crashes into the branch. Music plays over the slow-motion segment. AA: Dogs in super slo-mo.
A calico cat laps her tongue back and forth at nothing indoors.
An English Bulldog dog licks at a noodle in slow motion indoors.
A monkey swings right up to the window of his cage at the zoo and a woman jumps away scared.